Dear All: Following is the draft agenda for tomorrow's plenary meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to hear brief (10-15 min) reports from the grad. students involved with the science team. Each of them has been asked to report on a specific topic pertaining to the feasibility and/or design strategy for the experiment, AND to make a specific recommendation on the best way to proceed. There will be opportunity for brief discussion of each report before moving on to the next, but extended discussion will be deferred until the close of the plenary. The science team meeting yesterday identified more issues than can be dealt with in one meeting, so I will attempt tomorrow to find an acceptable time for consideration of the remaining topics. The list of topics I have identified will be presented tomorrow and augmented as appropriate. Please review the list of presentations to be made tomorrow and assess whether it will be useful for you to attend. One aspect of having a multidisciplinary team is that not everyone needs to hear everything discussed in order to be able to make their contribution. Please feel free to husband your time and determine your level of participation in this (and every) meeting on the basis of your need to know and your probable ability to contribute. I intend to keep the meeting (and all future ones) under two hours in length, and would prefer to finish at 3 pm. I trust all presenters will keep this in mind and maximize their S/N (signal to noise ratio). With thanks to all who contributed and/or stayed till the end yesterday, Dave ============================================================================== AO Response Team Meeting September 20, 1996 1330h, Phys 126 Draft Meeting Agenda 1. Introductory remarks from PI 2. Ozone distribution at Churchill - Matthias Huber 3. Atmospheric refraction, molecular scattering - Megan White 4. Gratings - Gene McDougall 5. Star densities, brightness, spatial distributions - John Steele 6. General sketch of proposal structure - Andrei Smolyakov 7. Other reports - TBD 8. Summary with action items for next meeting 9. Set date/time/place for next meeting