Notes from meeting 961115 @ Bristol Aerospace Limited (BAL): Offer option to CSA to give Phase A for microsat. EJL estimates 1 yr lifetime @ 600 km. BPayne: BAL have analyzed costs of operational mission - tradeoff between 1 long-lived satellite vs several short-lived cheaper ones. EJL: For Odin, chose 10 cheap CD writers @ $2K/ over 1 top-of-the-line unit for $20K; if one fails use another one; same philosophy for microsats; *** Work out launch window for NITEOWL! *** (need Churchill coordinates) Odin: 3% accuracy in stratospheric ozone with expected noise. microsat: 40 km horizontal resolution, 1 km vertical resolution, 3% concentration error at 25 km altitude; (did I get this right?) clouds/aerosols make spectrum go bananas - how to separate PSCs and water clouds? (by different spectral effects!) Berman/SCI-TEC want to control data (EJL to BAL) or build instruments (DJS to DPS earlier): which is it? Need a custom-designed recovery system - BAL will charge total cost and ensure no chance of losing money; BAL have good links with NASA and have talked about subcontracting; Balloon takes too long to reach altitude (causing thermal problems for payload) and reaches Paschen pressure region - electrical discharge too big a problem; BAL disappointed that no BB vehicles fit our bill - BB5 too high- powered, would need too much ballast to keep apogee down to 80 km; BAL are interested in supporting NITEOWL as the first phase of a project that interests them _much_ more in second phase; BAL will give us the simplest possible solution; this may involve reducing redundancy; Chute deployment is one challenge involved; BAL's low-cost TM unit (including GPS) may be an option - cost US$65K; - ready May '97; BAL will give us weight budget, power budget, data acquisition scheme, and a CAD representation of the payload; *** BAL need weights, power, field of view, and drawings ASAP; *** NiCd batteries will probably be okay - simpler than silver cells; Chute time creates trajectory dispersion problems, and thermal problems (can't do convective cooling in tenuous atmosphere); Mil-spec electronics can work at -60° C - should be okay; (did I understand correctly from El/GPS/Firm team?) Keep rocket warm on rail with custom styrofoam box, blowing warm air in at several key points; Require essentially zero swing (~5° amplitude); Require very slow (but non-zero) spin (say 1 rpm max. below 30 km); Ron Robb has good contacts @ Wallops, with lots of parachute experience; Wind drift - how far? - when is LOS? - can we accept loss of payload? (may have to trade this off against launch costs to wait for low winds) (These are questions for us to consider) Akjuit entered the discussion at this point. ============================================ Which launcher? Aerobee launcher would need inspection and more work to get ready; universal rail preferred by Akjuit; Speed off launch rail is a key concern (apparently one rail is slicker than another, but which is which?) *** Orion uses a two-phase burn - up to 15g initially to get away, and then then drop to 6-8g - Ron Robb will get better numbers *** Remote launch issues: launch equipment, support teams, GSE, licensing; If Churchill launch costs X, remote launch costs nX - what is n? (10?!) Akjuit can find a remote launcher - Rick Gervais has connections to mobile equipment; Each extra launch has to be justifiedcompellingly on scientific grounds; one launch gives us a proof of concept - the key to this phase; BAL can cost for one launch, and then indicate recurring costs for other launches; We would need a longer baseline for PSC detection than we can achieve with multiple launches from one site; Require to decomm TM and record "video" both; 8' S-band (1.6 GHz) TM - Akjuit get 30 dB on their dish; Hand tracker (6' dish) an option; single S-band dish lacks redundancy; *** Akjuit: are there operators who have tracked rockets before? *** (On OEDIPUS-C, 2 of 3 TM channels failed to achieve lock, and had to slave to 3rd channel - pretty scary for major flight!) GPS receivers can't operate in accel/jerk environment of upleg burn; after engine cutoff no problem; (i.e., we can start acquiring GPS lock after engine cutoff on upleg, so we have GPS position all through chute descent); Akjuit is building a backup power capability (unlike Poker Flat!) *** I gave Ron Robb a sketch with a Cassegrain telescope *** (What is the possible field of view of a Cassegrain; what other options are there?) *** Speculated imager would be 7" wide, 7" high, about 7" deep? The truth? *** *** Estimated power/mass budget at 20 W, 10 kg, able to use 28 V. 28 V will be needed for TM system; we'll build whatever we need to convert to other voltages: power conditioning; current conditioning; *** *** Use an RS-422 serial interface; *** *** BAL will handle GPS; they need to develop GPS into a standard bus for CSA anyway; *** *** Can/should include a standard chemiluminescent ozonesonde for air- truthing; must provide details to BAL; *** Use a metallized Mylar chute for a radar target to allow independent radar tracking? Add a transponder for tracking? These are added services at extra costs; TM will be a bi-phase PCM-FM system; error correction could be incorporated, as Akjuit can support it; *** I requested inclusion of an attitude video camera, to be handled by BAL - cost? - power requirement? - will require an RF multiplexer to put both S-band and 2/4 MHz video signals on same antenna; *** Can also use BAL star tracker - CCD based - outputs CCD row #, start and stop column #, and frame #; BAL/Akjuit will settle range safety / wind weighting responsibilities; Consider weather issues; fixed launch cost for X attempts; EJL thins last-quarter and no moon provides a better launch window, since last-quarter Moon rises v. late in morning, giving us the evening in which to work; *** Authorized BAL to include AVC in proposal; maybe use OEDIPUS-C spare? Redundancy is an advantage - can delete if necessary; *** *** BAL will break out the costs for Phase A, payload development, payload integration, launch support, post-flight operations; *** Post-flight video analysis is probably a suitable student project; we'll handle it not BAL; Can't launch in October or early November, since there are too many polar bears around; *** Mail 3 copies of the logo to BAL, and one to Akjuit; ***