POLAR AURORAS AND AIRGLOW DURING THE NOVEMBER 1993 NATIONAL SPACE WEATHER INITIATIVE EVENT D. P. Steele, University of Saskatchewan A sensitive multiwavelength all-sky imager operated at Eureka, NWT (80 N, 273 E; 88.7 PACE GMLat) during the November 1993 National Space Weather Initiative Event. Polar auroral and airglow emissions were imaged at several wavelengths including [OI] 630 nm and 558 nm. Polar patches were observed from 2200 UT (local twilight) on Nov. 3 through 1330 UT (local dawn) on Nov. 4, and again from 2200 UT on Nov. 4 through 0100 UT on Nov. 5 when the last patches were observed. These observations will be presented in the form of a video sequence, together with the time history of the convection velocity at the center of th northern polar cap, inferred from the patch motions.