Identification of potential benefits and spinoffs, scientific and technological, indicating societal value of work, and specifying team willingness to participate in, and recommended approach for, a communications exercise highlighting benefits The benefits of research of the ozone layer and of studying other species are very important for humans and for Canadians especially. The significance for Canada is that it has a huge landmass and vegetation in the north that could be effected by a significant change of the ozone layer. Therefore resaerch is of great interest for Canada, changes just happen 20 km away from us. Spinoffs are seen in the opportunity to establish Churchill as an important launch place. The final aim to fly an ozone monitoring instrument on a microsatellite to measure global ozone distribution in almost realtime is of high importance if the ozone depletion continues. People would have the opportunity to see the thickness of the ozone layer on tv, in the newspaper, on radio and on the internet. So they can decide by themselves if they want to expose themselves to sunlight or not at a specific day. The other advantage of publishing the data in real time on the internet is the fact that each individual can obtain the information whenever he wants. To provide each individual with the opportunity to obtain information about health risks he might expose himself to, should be of high priority for public financed research. A global ozone monitoring system is one step in this direction.