Notes from conversation with EJL, 961009: - for build phase, SciTec take on U. staff/students as employees; - perhaps SciTec can use money to award scholarships to students - possible tax advantages for them; - try to cut a deal to use U. salary overhead to pay grad. students; - U. administration will blanch when it's proposed - they don't understand what is required in the current and future environment; - prepare a seminar for November 7: EJL gives 15-min preamble on overall purpose of exercise, and two project participants (I and one other) describe project and execution; - need to come up with a catchy (and probably misleading) seminar title; - seminar presented by David Steele and the Niteowls; - EJL likes idea of creating artificial crunch 2 wks before Dec. 5 - locking doors and ordering in pizza, hashing out whole proposal while everyone's here, enough PCs for everyone to write; - won't finish, will be exhausted, but will be far enough along to make final job manageable; - after crunch, make whole document available to all students and tell them to finish their sections in light of the whole document; - comments on other sections to be submitted to me in writing, but not applied to document text - that's my job; - try to get student involvement finished by Dec. 5th so they can worry about other classes without this hanging over their heads; - I must recognize that I won't understand the details in the same way as the students will - I don't have to; - my job is to have the big picture in mind - see how changes in one area will impact other areas;