The People of RSI Demo We have included the pictures of the employees of Research Systems so that you can see the people who develop and support IDL. Operation of this demo is straightforward with the exception of the warping mode. Click the name of a person to show his or her picture. To experiment with image warping, first display a picture, then click the "Warping" button. The warping control box should become visible on the right side of the demo widget. Control or "tie" points are used to specify how the image is to be warped. Each control point in the original image is transformed to a designated point in the "warped" output image. To make a control point: with the cursor over the control point (CP) in the original image, depress the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the control point's position in the destination image. Then release the button. IDL will draw an arrow with the base at the CP's original position, and the head at the "warped" position. At least three CPs must be defined to warp an image. Up to 100 CPs may be defined. To make a CP with the same position in both the original and output image: simply click the mouse left button at that point. This has the effect of fixing that point at the same location in both images. Note: the output image is only defined over the convex hull of the control points. To include the entire image, use the "Mark Corners" button. WARP CONTROL BUTTONS Undo: Removes the most recently defined control point. Mark Corners: Places four control points in the corners of the image. This fixes the corners of the output image to the same positions. VIEWS Warped Image: if three or more control points are defined, the warped image is displayed. Original Image: displays the original image and the arrows connecting the CPs in the original and warped images. X Surface: shows a mesh representation of the warping function in the X dimension. Y Surface: shows a mesh representation of the warping function in the Y dimension. Reset: Displays the original image and clears the control points.