;------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; DMOVCROSS ; PURPOSE: ; Interactive cross-hair on a plot. ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dmovcross, [x, y] ; INPUTS: ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; Keywords: ; COLOR=c set color of line. ; LINESTYLE=s line style. ; OUTPUTS: ; x = data X coordinate of cross-hair. out ; y = data Y coordinate of cross-hair. out ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; NOTES: ; Note: Works in data coordinates so must make a plot first. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; R. Sterner, 1 Feb, 1991 ; ; Copyright (C) 1991, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory ; This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not ; sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This ; routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties ; whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt. ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------- pro dmovcross, xdt, ydt, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, $ help=hlp if keyword_set(hlp) then begin print,' Interactive cross-hair on a plot.' print,' dmovcross, [x, y]' print,' x = data X coordinate of cross-hair. out' print,' y = data Y coordinate of cross-hair. out' print,' Keywords:' print,' COLOR=c set color of line.' print,' LINESTYLE=s line style.' print,' Note: Works in data coordinates so must make a plot first.' return endif if (total(abs(!x.crange)) eq 0.0) then begin print,' Error in dmovcross: data coordinates not yet established.' print,' Must make a plot before calling dmovcross.' return endif print,' ' print,' Interactive cross-hair.' print,' Move with mouse.' print,' Left button: List X,Y position.' print,' Middle button: Quit, erase cross-hair.' print,' Right button: Quit, keep cross-hair.' print,' ' flag = 0 yl = 0 xl = 0 DEVICE,CURSOR_STANDARD=132 if n_elements(color) eq 0 then color = 255 if n_elements(linestyle) eq 0 then linestyle = 0 tmp = !y.crange yy = [min(tmp), max(tmp)] tmp = convert_coord([0,0],yy,/to_dev) ;PRINT,'!Y.RANGE,!Y.CRANGE,tmp' ;PRINT,!Y.RANGE,!Y.CRANGE,tmp yydv = transpose(tmp(1,0:1)) tmp = !x.crange xx = [min(tmp), max(tmp)] tmp = convert_coord( xx, [0,0], /to_dev) ;PRINT,'!X.RANGE,!X.CRANGE,tmp' ;PRINT,!X.RANGE,!X.CRANGE,tmp xxdv = transpose(tmp(0,0:1)) ;PRINT,xxdv,FORMAT='("xxdv=",2F10.3)' ;PRINT,yydv,FORMAT='("yydv=",2F10.3)' loop: tvrdc, xdt, ydt, 0, /data ; Read data coordinates of cursor. xdt = xdt > xx(0) < xx(1) ydt = ydt > yy(0) < yy(1) if !err ne 0 then begin ; Button pressed? if !err eq 1 then begin print,' X,Y = ',xdt,ydt wait, .1 endif if !err eq 4 then begin DEVICE,/CURSOR_ORIGINAL return ENDIF if !err eq 2 then begin tv, tx, xl, 0 ; Erase X line on exit. tv, ty, 0, yl ; Erase Y line on exit. DEVICE,/CURSOR_ORIGINAL return endif endif wait, 0 ; Pause. tmp = convert_coord(xdt, ydt, /to_dev) ; Convert data to device coord. xdv = tmp(0) & ydv = tmp(1) if flag eq 0 then ty = tvrd(0,ydv,!d.x_size,1) ; row at ydv 1st time. if flag eq 0 then tx = tvrd(xdv,0,1,!d.y_size) ; col at xdv 1st time. if flag eq 1 then begin ; Not first time? if (ydv ne yl) or (xdv ne xl) then begin ; Cursor moved? tv, tx, xl, 0 ; Replace old column at xl. tv, ty, 0, yl ; Replace old row at yl. tx = tvrd(xdv,0,1,!d.y_size) ; Read new column at xdv. ty = tvrd(0, ydv,!d.x_size,1) ; Read new row at ydv. endif endif flag = 1 ; Set first time flag. xl = xdv ; Remember where column read. yl = ydv ; Remember where row read. ;--- Plot vertical at new = xdv. ---- if (xdt ge xx(0)) and (xdt le xx(1)) then begin plots, [xdv, xdv], yydv, color=color, $ linestyle=linestyle, /dev endif ;--- Plot horizontal at new = ydv. ---- if (ydt ge yy(0)) and (ydt le yy(1)) then begin plots, xxdv, [ydv, ydv], color=color, $ linestyle=linestyle, /dev endif goto, loop end