;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Make some "data" arrays, with some gaps in the x's. Note that ; the first and last points are isolated, just to test the algorithm. ; x=[0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,17] y= RANDOMN(seed,14) ;Create the plotting area. Don't draw symbols now, as ; they may get overwritten by a black (invisible) line. ; plot,x,y,/NODATA ;For X values separated by one stepsize (1 in this case), ; the following logical statement will be true (1). Larger ; steps will be false. Note that the first element of color ; will be junk, but that's okay, as the PLOTS command doesn't use it. ; stepsize= 1 color= (x - shift(x,1)) EQ stepsize ;Use the COLOR keyword to PLOTS. This will work for background=0, ; drawing color=255. Modify as necessary. ; plots,x,y,COLOR=color*255 plots,x,y,PSYM=4 END ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------