FUNCTION pcentile,array,pctile,flag=flag ; This function returns the data value that lies at the specified ; percentile of the total range of the data in the array. The ; desired percentile (expressed as a fraction, not a percent) is ; entered in the pctile variable. If the keyword 'flag' is not ; specified, percentiles less than 0.5 will be approached from ; above, and those greater than 0.5 from below. These directions ; of approach can be overridden by specifying flag=-1 to approach ; from above or flag=1 to approach from below. ; do some error checking dim=SIZE(array) IF dim(0) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'array must be at least 1-d',/INFORMATIONAL RETURN,0 ENDIF IF (MIN(pctile) LE 0) OR (MAX(pctile) GE 1) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'All elements of pctile must be in the range 0 < pctile < 1',/INFORMATIONAL RETURN,0 ENDIF IF KEYWORD_SET(flag) THEN $ IF (ABS(flag) NE 1) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'If set, flag must be -1 or 1',/INFORMATIONAL RETURN,0 ENDIF IF (MIN(array,MAX=mx) EQ mx) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'array contains only one value: '+STRTRIM(mx,2),/INFORMATIONAL IF N_ELEMENTS(pctile) GT 1 $ THEN RETURN,REPLICATE(mx,N_ELEMENTS(pctile)) $ ELSE RETURN,mx ENDIF ; choose an appropriate binning factor for the histogram hbin=2.^CEIL(ALOG(MAX(array)/32767.)/ALOG(2.)) IF (hbin GE 1) OR (MAX(ABS(array-ROUND(array))) EQ 0) THEN hbin=CEIL(hbin) h=HISTOGRAM(array,MIN=0,BIN=hbin) ; histogram of supplied array ch=h ; next line computes cumulative pixel value pdf FOR jj=1,N_ELEMENTS(ch)-1 DO ch(jj)=ch(jj)+ch(jj-1) nch=ch/FLOAT(MAX(ch)) ; normalize to unity pctsize=SIZE(pctile) IF pctsize(0) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN vals=FLTARR(1) pctile=[pctile] ENDIF ELSE vals=FLTARR(pctsize(N_ELEMENTS(pctsize)-1)) IF hbin GE 1 THEN vals=LONG(vals) IF KEYWORD_SET(flag) THEN BEGIN IF flag EQ 1 $ THEN FOR k=0,N_ELEMENTS(pctile)-1 DO $ vals(k)=hbin*MAX(WHERE(nch LE pctile(k))) $ ELSE FOR k=0,N_ELEMENTS(pctile)-1 DO $ vals(k)=hbin*MIN(WHERE(nch GE pctile(k))) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN FOR k=0,N_ELEMENTS(pctile)-1 DO $ IF pctile(k) GE 0.5 $ THEN vals(k)=hbin*MAX(WHERE(nch LE pctile(k))) $ ELSE vals(k)=hbin*MIN(WHERE(nch GE pctile(k))) ENDELSE IF pctsize(0) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN vals=vals(0) pctile=pctile(0) ENDIF RETURN,vals END