PRO plotstar,name,threshmag,maxza,sobel=sobel,grid=grid ; ; Procedure to read in a named image, get the time and date from ; the header, load the bright star catalog, calculate their positions ; at the given date and time from Rabbit Lake, SK, select stars ; brighter than the specified threshold magnitude and within the ; specified maximum zenith angle (if desired), transform those ; positions to image locations, plot the image, and overplot the ; stars. If the sobel keyword is set, work with SOBEL(img). If ; the grid keyword is set, overlay an azimuth/zenith angle grid ; on the image. ; ; First get the requested image ; rdkimg,name,hb,img header=gethd(hb) ; ; Get the required dark frame and subtract it ; exp=header.misc.exp_scale*header.exp.exposure/1000 rdmeandk,cam,exp,dk img=(img-dk)>0 IF KEYWORD_SET(sobel) THEN img=SOBEL(img) ; ; Then get the date and time of the image ; getdatetime,header,date,time ; ; Then get the topocentric star coordinates for Rabbit Lake ; RLlat=58.233 RLlon=256.330 stephem,date(0)+1900,date(1),date(2),time(0),time(1),time(2) $ ,RLlat,RLlon,n,stid,az,za,mag ; ; Reject stars fainter than the specified threshold magnitude ; IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(maxza) THEN maxza=71. keep=WHERE((mag LT threshmag) AND (za LE maxza)) n=N_ELEMENTS(keep) stid=stid(keep) az=az(keep) za=za(keep) mag=mag(keep) ; big=WHERE(STRMID(stid,11,3) EQ 'UMA') ; n=N_ELEMENTS(big) ; stid=stid(big) ; az=az(big) ; za=za(big) ; mag=mag(big) ; ; Define the parameters of the transformation ; (present values derived from camera 0, filter 1 only) ; cam_azimuth=-13.530 warp=0.615301 stretch=207.322 center_col=130.847 center_row=126.224 ; ; Transform star coordinates to image locations ; rdum=REPLICATE(1.,n) polrec3d,rdum,za,-az,x,y,z,/degrees rot_3d,3,x,y,z,cam_azimuth,xp,yp,zp,/degrees rho=stretch*SIN(warp*za*!DTOR) phi=+ATAN(yp,xp) col=center_col+rho*SIN(phi) row=center_row-rho*COS(phi) ; ; Define the approximate maximum useful DN to display ; ih=HISTOGRAM(img,MIN=0,BIN=1) cih=ih & FOR i=1,N_ELEMENTS(cih)-1 DO cih(i)=cih(i)+cih(i-1) ceiling=MAX(WHERE(cih LT 0.999*N_ELEMENTS(img))) ; IF KEYWORD_SET(sobel) THEN ceiling=20*ceiling ELSE ceiling=5*ceiling ; ; Rebin the image and adjust the col and row arrays to suit ; zoom=2 img=REBIN(img,zoom*256,zoom*256,/SAMPLE) col=zoom*col row=zoom*row ; ; Plot the image with the first row at the top, and change the row ; array to suit ; !ORDER=1 row=REPLICATE(zoom*256,n)-row ; ; Now plot the image and overplot the stars ; TVSCL,img