;procedure to plot given row and column coordinates onto an image. ;called by starid.pro to plot the positions of stars onto 256X256 images. ;inputs: starcols,starrows - row and column positions of points to be plotted ; file2 - file name of image to be overplotted onto ; Modified 94/06/03 by D P Steele: now reads mean camera transformation ; parameters from standard location using rdmnparm.pro ; Modified June 8, 1994 by T A Oliynyk: can now be used on Unix or DOS machines. ; Modified June 9, 1994 by T A Oliynyk: an additional parameter, wkimg, was ; added. If this procedure is passed an image file, it will use this ; image to plot the stars on. ; Also an amplification factor, amp, was added to scale the limits ; of the image plot. PRO stplotfix,starcols,starrows,amp,file2,wkimg @isitdos ;read in image rdkimg,file2,head,img1 kh=gethd(head) cam=kh.misc.cam ;find time of exposure of image getdatetime,kh,date,time yr = date(0)+1900 & mo=date(1) & da=date(2) & hr=time(0) & min=time(1) & sec=time(2) ;rabbit lake latitude and longitude PRINT,'Choose Polar Camera site for this image' PRINT,'1. Calgary' PRINT,'2. Rabbit Lake' PRINT,'3. Eureka' READ,site IF site EQ 2 THEN BEGIN lat=58.233 lon=256.330 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN lat=80.053 lon=273.584 ENDELSE cam=kh.misc.(0) & filt=kh.misc.(1) & exp=kh.exp.(1) ;find positions of all visible bright stars at time of exposure stephem,yr,mo,da,hr,min,sec,lat,lon,n,desig,az,za,mag PRINT,STRTRIM(n,2),' stars read from catalog' ;if an image file is passed to the procedure, then this image will be used. if no ;image is passed, then the image named by the variable file2 will be used. IF N_PARAMS() EQ 5 THEN BEGIN img=wkimg ENDIF ELSE BEGIN rdmeandk,cam,60,dk60 img=(img1-dk60)>0 ENDELSE ;rebin image to 512X512 for easier viewing when points are plotted bimg=rebin(img,512,512,/sample) pc99=percentile(bimg,0.99) bimgmin=MIN(bimg) PRINT,bimgmin,pc99 ;wsat=WHERE(bimg GT 1.5*pc99) ;bimg(wsat)=bimgmin ;plot only stars with magnitude less than or equal to 4.00 bright=where(mag le 4.00) numst = N_ELEMENTS(bright) mag = mag(bright) desig=desig(bright) az = az(bright) za =za(bright) PRINT,STRTRIM(numst,2),' stars available to match' ;to get correct stretch and warp parameters, read in data from meanparms.?? files. rdmnparm,cam,c0mean,r0mean,rmean,kmean,camean,site=site camaz = -camean*!RADEG ;IF site EQ 2 THEN camaz=0. warp = kmean stretch = rmean ccol = c0mean crow=r0mean PRINT,ccol,crow,stretch,warp,camaz ;find column and row positions of the stars read in using stephem.pro ;from their azimuth and zenith angles polrec3d,REPLICATE(1.,numst),za,-az,x,y,z,/degrees rot_3d,3,x,y,z,camaz,xp,yp,zp,/degrees rho=stretch*SIN(warp*za*!DTOR) phi=+ATAN(yp,xp) cl=2.*(ccol+rho*sin(phi)) rw=2.*(crow-rho*COS(phi)) rw = REPLICATE(512.,numst)-rw ;window,0 ; Make a mock-up star map for the location and time of the actual image. !ORDER = 0 stmap=BYTARR(256,256) cell=BYTARR(5,5,5) cell(0,0,0)=[[1,0,1,0,1],[0,1,1,1,0],[1,1,1,1,1],[0,1,1,1,0],[1,0,1,0,1]] cell(0,0,1)=[[0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0,0],[1,1,1,1,1],[0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0,0]] cell(0,0,2)=[[0,0,0,0,0],[0,1,1,1,0],[0,1,1,1,0],[0,1,1,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0]] cell(0,0,3)=[[0,0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0,0],[0,1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0]] cell(2,2,4)=1 ;Repeat for all layers of cell FOR i=-1,3 DO BEGIN magi=WHERE(FLOOR(mag) EQ i,nmagi) IF nmagi GT 0 THEN BEGIN magn=BYTARR(256,256) magn(cl(magi)/2.,rw(magi)/2.)=1B magn=DILATE(magn,cell(*,*,i+1)) stmap=stmap+magn ENDIF ENDFOR TVSCL,stmap<1,2 !ORDER = 1 ; Superimpose calculated star positions on the image. bimg=bimg+REBIN(ROTATE(stmap,7),512,512,/sample)*amp*pc99/2. loadct,3,/silent ;It is not useful to plot stars outside of the fov. Only take ;stars within a certain radius of the center notedge = where(SQRT((starcols-ccol)^2. + (starrows-crow)^2.) LT 135) ct=starcols & rt=starrows starcols = starcols(notedge) starrows = starrows(notedge) PRINT,STRTRIM(N_ELEMENTS(notedge),2),' candidate stars found' window,2 ;dfile is the file to be written to to save all relevant data. STRMID(file2,30,1) ;is the image type identification letter (`a' or `g' here) dfile=STRING(root,dd,dd,cam,filt,STRMID(file2,STRLEN(file2)-12,9),hr,min,sec $ ,FORMAT='(A,A1,"starpos",A1,"stpos.c",I1,".f",I1,A,3I2.2)') OPENW,unit,dfile,/GET_LUN j=-1 k=0 FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(starcols)-1 DO BEGIN IF (i NE 0) AND (k LT 1) THEN BEGIN oldcol=2.*starcols(i-1) oldrow=2.*starrows(i-1) PRINT,oldcol,oldrow,' patch' piece=extrac(bimg,oldcol-10,oldrow-10,21,21) TV,BYTSCL(piece,MIN=bimgmin,MAX=amp*pc99,TOP=!D.N_COLORS-1) $ ,oldcol-10,511-oldrow-10 ENDIF ELSE tvscl,bimg