pro TREE,curdir,maxlevel=maxlevel,file=file $ ,level=level,flag=flag,tab=tab,stat=stat ;+ ; NAME: TREE ; ; PURPOSE: Draws a subdirectory tree on UNIX systems ; ; CATEGORY: Stuff that noone ever bothers to write ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; TREE [,dname,maxlevel=n,file=fname] ; ; INPUTS: All inputs are optional ; CURDIR String variable containing the name of the directory ; at the root of the tree. (Defaults to '~') ; KEYWORDS: ; MAXLEVEL Integer indicating the number of levels of ; subdirectories to display. (Default is to search to ; a depth of 10 {this is done to avoid infinite loops}) ; Existance of subdirectories beyond MAXLEVEL are ; indicated by '-->>'. ; ; FILE String variable specifying the output file name. ; Special case use of /FILE causes output to go to a file ; named 'tree.out'. (Default is to output to the screen) ; ; **** Other Keywords are used to pass data recursively and are, therefore, ; for internal use only and should NOT be utilized by the user. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; May output to either the screen or a file. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Written to run on UNIX systems ; ; WARNING! Some patches to operating systems (eg. SUN) ; have been found to generate infinite loops. Do not ; make MAXLEVEL large unnecessarily. ; ; Really deep searches (MAXLEVEL large) may trash the ; display when line wrapping is enabled. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; STRAIGHTFORWARD (seems to be the default value of this field). ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2/5/93 by J. M. Zawodny, NASA Langley Research Center. ; ;- ; Somethings are only done at the top level if (n_elements(level) eq 0) then begin ; Set default values if(n_elements(curdir) le 0) then curdir = '~' if not keyword_set(maxlevel) then maxlevel = 10 level = 0 ; Get the starting directory spawn,'cd '+curdir,list tab = ' ' ; Do we write this to a file if keyword_set(file) then begin ; Get variable type of file s = size(file) ; Is file a string? if(s(1) eq 7) then fname=file else fname='tree.out' openw,lun,fname,/get_lun flag = lun printf,flag,list endif else begin flag = 0 print,list endelse endif ; Find out what is in the directory spawn,'ls -1 -F '+curdir+' | grep "/"',list if(list(0) eq '') then begin stat = 0 return endif ; Are we beyond desired depth if(level ge maxlevel) then begin if keyword_set(flag) then printf,flag,tab+'|-->>' $ else print,tab+'|-->>' stat = -1 return endif ; For all subdirectories in this directory len = n_elements(list)-1 for k=0,len do begin name = list(k) name = strmid(name,0,strpos(name,'/')) ; Output a line if (k ne len) then tb = tab+'| ' else tb = tab+' ' v = tab+'|-----'+name if keyword_set(flag) then printf,flag,v else print,v ; Recurse through all subdirectory levels tree,curdir+'/'+name,level=(level+1),maxlevel=maxlevel, $ flag=flag,tab=tb,stat=stat if(k ne len) and stat then begin tb = tab+'|' if keyword_set(flag) then printf,flag,tb $ else print,tb endif endfor stat = 1 if keyword_set(file) then begin close,lun free_lun,lun endif return end