pro Graff_hard, pdefs, no_set=no_set ;+ ; GRAFF_HARD ; Make a hardcopy ; ; Usage: ; graff_hard, pdefs ; ; Argument: ; pdefs struct in/out The plot definition structure. ; ; Keyword: ; no_set input If set and non-zero, then don't call ; hardopts to set up the options. ; ; History: ; Carved from graffer: 17/8/95; SJT ; Added no_set key: 8/9/95; SJT ;- tname = if (((dp = strpos(tname, '.'))) ne -1) then $ tname = strmid(tname, 0, dp) tname = pdefs.dir+tname h = pdefs.hardset if (not keyword_set(no_set)) then begin ido = hardopts(h, pdefs.ids.graffer, tname) if (ido eq -1) then return endif pdefs.hardset = h cpl = float(!D.x_size)/float(!D.x_ch_size) dev = ! set_plot, 'ps' !P.font = 0 if (h.eps) then file = tname+'.eps' $ else file = tname+'.ps' device, file = file, encapsu = h.eps, bits = 8*h.colour, color = $ h.colour, /helvetica if (h.colour) then s_colours if (h.eps) then begin if h.orient then device, /portrait $ else device, /landscape endif else if (h.orient) then device, /portrait, yoffset = 3. $ else device, /landscape, yoffset = h.size(0)+3 device, xsize = h.size(0), ysize = h.size(1) ncpl = float(!D.x_size)/float(!D.x_ch_size) csiz = ncpl/cpl plot_object, pdefs, /no_null, charsize = csiz if (h.timestamp and not h.eps) then begin st = string(getenv('USER'), systime(), pdefs.version, $ format = "(A,' @ ',A,' from V',I0,'.',I2.2)") xyouts, /norm, .98, .01, st, charsize = 0.67, align = 1.0 endif device, /close set_plot, dev if (not h.eps) then spawn, h.action(0)+' '+tname+'.ps '+h.action(1) $ else graff_msg, pdefs.ids.message, 'Output file is: '+file !P.font = -1 s_colours end