PRO laser_out, hh, mm, wave, maxv, sdate, img, c_bar, fname ; ; Creates the black and white color PostScript file ; ; INPUTS: ; hh UT 2-digit hours LONG ; mm UT 2-digit minutes LONG ; wave Wavelength LONG ; maxv Maximum value - Rayleighs FLOAT ; sdate Date STRING ; img The image BYTARR(800,800) ; c_bar The color bar BYTARR(350,25) ; fname Name for the PostScript file STRING bg = bytarr(1150,900) bg(*,*) = 0 imgx = 50 + 125 imgy = 40 bg(imgx:imgx+799, imgy:imgy+799) = img(*,*) cb_tall = 25 cb_bot = imgy + 810 cb_top = cb_bot + cb_tall - 1 bg(625:974,cb_bot:cb_top) = c_bar(*,*) imbw = 255 - (bg) print,'PRINTING POSTSCRIPT VERSION OF COMPOSITE IMAGE' old_dev=!D.NAME set_plot,'ps' ; device,xsi=6.,ysi=6.,yoffset=2.,/landscape,/inches,bits_per_pixel=8 $ ; ,file='' device,/landscape,bits_per_pixel=8,file=fname,color=0 tv, imbw add_text, hh, mm, wave, maxv, sdate device,/close print, 'B & W POSTSCRIPT FILE WRITTEN TO ' + fname SET_PLOT,old_dev ; set_plot,'x' end