PRO plot_image2 ; This is the master program for plotting multiple allsky images ; on a polar geomagnetic grid. File image.dat contains all of ; image attributes necessary to plot multiple images. Procedure ; creates an 800 by 800 byte array showing the ; north geomagnetic polar region down to 70 degrees latitude. ; Procedure creates the necessary mapping coordinates ; required to place each image in the 800 by 800 polar array. ; ; Rick Doe SRI International 8/24/94 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; OPEN IMAGE DATA FILE. CD,'\IDL\PAIM' print,'OPENING IMAGE DATA FILE' str = '' OPENR, unit, 'images.dat',/GET_LUN im_number = 0 offset = 35 ;number of characters to skip in image.dat ; Read date READF, unit, str ; Skip lines in images.dat beginning with semicolons WHILE(STRMID(str,0,1) EQ ";") DO READF,unit, str sdate = STRTRIM(STRMID(str,offset,STRLEN(str)-offset),2) ; Read wavelength x = read_real(unit,offset) wave = LONG(x) ; Read Rayleighs per data number raydat = read_real(unit,offset) maxi = raydat * 255.0 ; Maximum image intensity ; Read UT hours, minutes and seconds. x = read_real(unit,offset) hh = LONG(X) x = read_real(unit,offset) mm = LONG(x) x = read_real(unit,offset) ss = LONG(x) ; Read number of images to be plotted. x = read_real(unit,offset) max_images = LONG(X) ; CREATE 800 BY 800 PIXEL GEOMAGNETIC POLAR GRID print,'CREATING POLAR GRID' polarplot3,hh,mm,ss,grid ; Declare and initialize arrays required for image warping. space = intarr(4) im1 = bytarr(800,800) im3 = bytarr(300,300) accum = fltarr(800,800) count = fltarr(800,800) space = intarr(4) im1(*,*) = 0 im3(*,*) = 0 accum(*,*) = 0. count(*,*) = 0. loadf,'mask_900.out',900,900,0,0,mask_900 ; Display polar grid with geomagnetic coastlines. window,xsi=800,ysi=800 loadlut1,'' tv,grid ; START OF IMAGE UNWARP (slightly time consuming) while (im_number lt max_images) do begin print,'UNWARPING IMAGE NUMBER:',' ',im_number grab_info,unit,filename, xdim,ydim,xc,yc,rad,maxzd,rot,$ alt, glat, glong, hl print,'FILE: ',filename im_number = im_number + 1 loadb,filename,xdim,ydim,0,0,im0 ; Check for standard sized images. If not, then ; normalize image dimension to 300 by 300 PIXELS at ; a radius of 125. if (xdim eq 300) and (ydim eq 300) and (rad eq 125) then begin loadb,'mask_300.img',300,300,0,0,mask_300 mask_300 = shift(mask_300,xc-149,yc-149) im0 = im0 and mask_300 find_center,im0,xc0,yc0 im0 = shift(im0,149-xc0,149-yc0) xc = 149 & yc = 149 im3 = im0 goto, flag9 endif ; Check for image data written too close to the array edge. space(0) = yc - rad if space(0) le 8 then begin im0 = shift(im0,0,5) yc = yc + 5 endif space(2) = ydim - (yc + rad) if space(2) le 8 then begin im0 = shift(im0,0,-5) yc = yc - 5 endif space(1) = xc - rad if space(1) le 8 then begin im0 = shift(im0,5,0) xc = xc + 5 endif space(3) = xdim - (xc + rad) if space(3) le 8 then begin im0 = shift(im0,-5,0) xc = xc - 5 endif ; Expand/contract image, recenter, and stuff contents ; into a 300 by 300 array. im2=congrid(im0,float(xdim)*(125./float(rad)),$ float(ydim)*(125./float(rad))) find_center,im2,xc,yc im3(24:274,24:274) = im2(xc-125:xc+125,yc-125:yc+125) ; Reset image attributes xdim = 300 & ydim = 300 xc = 149 & yc = 149 rad = 125 im0 = im3 ; Display current allsky image and redraw 800 by 800 grid flag9: window,2,xsi=300,ysi=300,title= filename im3(*,149) = 255 im3(149,*) = 255 tv,im3 im3(*,*) = 0 window,xsi=800,ysi=800,title='PACE GEOMAGNETIC COORDINATES' tv,grid or byte(accum/(count+.0001)) ; Determine polar lookup coordinates for image allsky_mag1,im0,xdim,ydim,xc,yc,rad,maxzd,rot,$ alt,glat,glong,hl,hh,mm,ss,x,y ; Expand image so it fills its warped space nicely. print,'SMOOTHING IMAGE:',' ',im_number im0 = rebin(im0,900,900) * mask_900 x = rebin(x,900,900) * mask_900 y = rebin(y,900,900) * mask_900 in0 = where(im0 ne 0,count1) if count1 ne 0 then begin for i = 0L,n_elements(in0)-1L do begin im1(x(in0(i)),y(in0(i)))=im1(x(in0(i)),y(in0(i))) or im0(in0(i)) if x(in0(i)) ge 1 and x(in0(i)) le 798 and y(in0(i)) ge 1 and $ y(in0(i)) le 798 then begin im1(x(in0(i))-1,y(in0(i)))=im1(x(in0(i))-1,y(in0(i))) or im0(in0(i)) im1(x(in0(i))+1,y(in0(i)))=im1(x(in0(i))+1,y(in0(i))) or im0(in0(i)) im1(x(in0(i)),y(in0(i))-1)=im1(x(in0(i)),y(in0(i))-1) or im0(in0(i)) im1(x(in0(i)),y(in0(i))+1)=im1(x(in0(i)),y(in0(i))+1) or im0(in0(i)) endif endfor endif ind1 = where(im1 ne 0) for k =0L,n_elements(ind1)-1L do begin count(ind1(k)) = count(ind1(k)) + 1. endfor accum(*,*) = accum(*,*) + float(im1(*,*)) im1(*,*) = 0 tv,grid or byte(accum/(count+.0001)) endwhile FREE_LUN, unit ; END OF IMAGE UNWARP ; Display composite image im1 = byte(accum/(count+.0001)) or grid tv,im1 ; Add annotations to the composite image boxdev, hh, mm, wave, maxi, sdate, im1, bg, c_bar savearr,'polar.img',bg print,'900 BY 900 BYTE ARRAY VERSION OF MERGED IMAGE' print,'WRITTEN TO: polar.img' giff = query_yn("Do you want a gif image?") if (giff eq 'Y') then WRITE_GIF,'polar.gif',bg print,'GIF IMAGE polar.gif WRITTEN TO DISK' bw = query_yn("Do you want a black and white PostScript hardcopy?") if (bw eq 'Y') then BEGIN fname = '' laser_out,hh,mm,wave,maxi,sdate,im1, c_bar, fname prtcom = 'lpr -l -Pps '+fname spawn,prtcom endif cb = query_yn("Do you want a color PostScript file with black background?") if (cb eq 'Y') then $ color_out,hh,mm,wave,maxi,sdate,im1,c_bar,'polar.cps' end