Solar-wind-driven Pc5 field line resonances and pulsed magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause P. Prikryl1, R. A. Greenwald2, G. J. Sofko3, J. P. Villain4, and C. W. S. Ziesolleck5 1Communications Research Centre, Ottawa, ON 2The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD 3Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, Department of Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK 4Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement/CNRS, Orléans, France 5Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON Abstract. The field line resonances (FLRs) associated with enhanced convection flows were observed by the West Iceland SuperDARN radar measuring ionospheric plasma drifts near the ionospheric footprint of the cusp that was identified by large spectral widths. The enhanced flows showed characteristics of flow channel events (FCEs) which are believed to be the ionospheric signatures of flux transfer events (FTEs) in the cusp. The FCEs evolved from, and were structured similarly to, the FLR associated flows in the ionospheric footprint of the low latitude boundary layer (LLBL). The FCEs recurred at a rate which was determined by the FLR frequency excited on the outermost closed magnetic flux tubes that were about to be eroded by reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. The radar observations of spectral widths indicated that the polar cap expanded as a result of a series of FTEs. It is suggested that the resonating magnetic shells perturbed the magnetopause and modulated the magnetic reconnection into pulses by means of the FLR Alfvén wave varying the reconnection electric field along the X line. In the solar wind, large amplitude IMF fluctuations on the scale from 20 min to a few hours superposed by many short period oscillations preceded and continued throughout the pulsation event observed by the radar. Low resolution (~0.2 mHz) Fourier transform (FFT) of a time series (~98 min) spanning the radar event resolved several dominant periodicities, e.g., ~12, 7 and 5 min which correspond to typical FLR frequencies (1.4, 2.4 and 3.3 mHz). The FLRs on magnetic shells adjacent to the dayside magnetopause were driven by these and other IMF oscillations. The IMF and ground magnetometer data that were obtained during similar events previously discussed in literature show further evidence for solar wind driven FLRs. The multi-peak FFT power spectra with higher spectral resolution (~0.1 mHz) strongly suggest the presence of solar oscillation vestiges in the solar wind IMF. The discrete peaks in the spectra are tentatively associated with dominant modes of solar oscilations (for intermediate spherical harmonic degree l~50). These results are consistent with recently published evidence that solar oscillations propagate through the interplanetary medium. As a topic for future research, it is suggested that spectral measurements of the solar and/or IMF oscillations on the scale of a few hours or more combined with a study of the magnetospheric response may be used to predict the conditions for magnetic merging at the dayside magnetopause and to test applicability of the current models of reconnection. 1. Introduction Magnetic reconnection [Dungey, 1961] is regarded as important for the transfer of energy and momentum from the solar wind to the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. Several models of reconnection have been proposed (see, e.g., Kan et al., [1996] and references therein) but the discussion of their correctness and/or relative importance still continues. While the early observations by satellites (ISEE 1 and 2) provided evidence for quasi-steady reconnection [e.g., Paschmann et al., 1979], the merging of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) at the dayside magnetopause, at times, appears to be pulsed with pulses separations of several minutes [Russell and Elphic, 1978 and 1979; Lockwood and Wild, 1993]. The distribution of separation times between two successive FTEs ranging from a few minutes to a few tens of minutes was reported [Kuo et al., 1995]. An earlier estimate of the average FTE occurrence period often quoted is about 8.5 min [Lockwood et al., 1989] when the IMF is continuously and strongly southward. The cause for this pulsed behavior of magnetic reconnection is still unknown. The pulsed or time-varying reconnection [Cowley and Lockwood, 1992] has been linked with the concept of a pulsating cusp [Smith and Lockwood, 1990] which is based on the flux transfer event (FTE) models of Southwood et al. [1988] and Scholer [1988]. Unlike the Russell and Elphic [1978] FTE model for an isolated newly-opened flux tube of roughly a circular cross- section, the Southwood/Scholer models of FTE predicted an elongated and much larger FTE signature in the ionosphere (up to a few thousand km in the East-West and a few hundred km in the North-South extent). The VHF, HF and incoherent scatter radars were used to identify ionospheric signatures of FTEs [Goertz et al., 1985; Lockwood et al., 1990, 1993; Pinnock et al., 1991, 1993]. The latter authors, using the HF radar data combined with the DMSP satellite particle data, showed that an enhanced convection channel, also called a flow channel event (FCE), was positioned at the equatorward edge of the particle cusp. The FCEs have been attributed to ionospheric signatures of FTEs. The flows, initially westward, sharply rotated poleward (for By<0 and southern hemisphere) giving a characteristic signature on the radar maps of line-of-sight (los) velocities [Pinnock et el., 1993; their Figure 3b]. Recently, Pinnock et al., [1995] used a new sounding mode to obtain high spatial and temporal resolution measurements of the ionospheric signatures of the cusp and the low latitude boundary layer (LLBL). They tentatively concluded that reconnection at the dayside magnetopause can be both intermittent and patchy (i.e., simultaneous FTEs mapping to different longitudes in the cusp ionosphere have been observed). A three-dimensional patchy- intermittent reconnection model was proposed by Kan [1988]. The class of ULF waves in the Pc5 range of periods (150-600 s) that are often referred to as geomagnetic field line resonances (FLRs) are thought to be driven by MHD waveguide/cavity modes possibly excited by the solar wind through Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHI) or impulsive stimulations on the magnetopause [cf. Walker et al., 1992; Samson et al., 1992a]. Traditionally, FLRs have been studied using ground and satellite-based magnetometers [e.g. Samson et al., 1971; Barfield et al., 1972]. The VHF and HF radar measurements of the coherent backscatter measurements of the ionospheric irregularities that are generated by the electric field of these hydromagnetic waves are also well documented [e.g. Walker et al., 1979; Ruohoniemi et al., 1991]. These observational results were conducive to extensive theoretical work [Southwood, 1974; Chen and Hasegawa, 1974; Walker, 1981; Allan et al., 1986] which successfully explained the observations. More recently, ULF waves with discrete spectra, showing remarkably robust frequency components near 1.3, 1.9, 2.7, and 3.3 mHz, were identified in the data from the Goose Bay HF radar and CANOPUS magnetometer array at high latitudes in the local midnight and early morning sectors [Ruohoniemi et al., 1991; Samson et al., 1992a; Walker et al., 1992]. ULF wave signals with discrete frequencies (including frequencies either higher than or between previously reported values, e.g., 1.6 and 2.4 mHz) were also observed with the CANOPUS array throughout the dayside and dusk magnetosphere [Ziesolleck and McDiarmid, 1994]. Frequencies <1 mHz (typically 0.8 mHz) were also observed but these ULF waves do not fit with the FLR cavity model [Walker et al., 1992]. Even in the noon sector which is most relevant for the event presented in this paper, but where the KHI instability is no longer a possible source of FLRs, the magnetic Pc5 pulsations reveal typical FLR characteristics, namely the latitudinal dependence of the spectral and polarization parameters [Ziesolleck and McDiarmid, 1994]. Recently, Ziesolleck et al. [1996] have reported FLRs at high L shells near local noon, and suggested that these may be related to Pc5 waves generated near the cusp or cleft region. The characteristic radar signature of Pc5 FLRs is a sequence of poleward progressing backscatter bands in the Range-Time-Intensity (RTI) plot as a consequence of the phase shift with latitude of the FLR pulsation. At times, the sign of the Doppler velocities observed in these bands alternates from one band to the next [Walker et al., 1979] as a result of alternating ionospheric electric fields. Most frequently, however, the alternating electric field is superposed on a relatively large convection field thus enhancing or reducing the strength of the latter. These electric fields are set up in the ionosphere because the hydromagnetic waves are associated with oscillatory field-aligned currents (FACs) which close via Pedersen currents in the ionosphere. An important question that still remains to be answered in detail is what are the relative roles of the solar wind and the magnetosphere in the momentum transfer across the magnetopause. It is well known that the orientation of the IMF is playing a crucial role in this process [e.g. Berchem and Russell, 1984]. In a recent statistical study of FTEs Kuo et al. [1995] examined a possibilty of the solar wind control of the formation of FTEs considering solar wind parameters other than IMF (beta, dynamic pressure and Mach number). They concluded that "the occurrence of FTEs is probably controlled by some intrinsic property of the magnetospheric system itself rather than by these solar wind parameters". In view of the resonant properties of the magnetosphere one may ask whether field line resonances (FLRs) could represent this intrinsic property of the magnetosphere and provide a reverse coupling from the resonating magnetic shells near the magnetopause modulating the magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. Several mechanisms of FLR generation have been proposed (see above) including the possibility of FLRs driven by perturbations in the solar wind dynamic pressure and IMF [Lysak et al., 1994]. Potemra et al. [1992] invoked an FLR and solar wind pressure variations in their interpretation of a pulsation event associated with an FTE. They emphasized that both magnetospheric resonant processes and processes driven by solar wind determine many varied phenomena observed in the dayside magnetosphere and ionosphere. In the present paper we show evidence that FLRs are be directly driven by the IMF oscillations which have origin on the sun. Because of the complexity of the dayside phenomena that include production of polar patches we present the results in two papers. This paper (paper 1) concentrates on the observations of ionospheric signatures of the resonant response to the IMF oscillations. The observed ionospheric signatures of FTEs indicate that the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes on the closed (FLRs) and open (reconnected) field lines are closely interrelated. In the second paper (paper 2), using a more extensive ground database obtained during another event, we show that these processes can also structure the polar ionosphere into patches. 2. Instruments The Stokkseyri HF radar that is located at the west coast of Iceland (N63.86o, W22.02o) is a French component of an extended network of HF radars called SuperDARN (extended Dual Auroral Radar Network) [Greenwald et al., 1995]. The field of view (FoV) of this radar extends from 68o up to 85o north magnetic latitude and covers up to ~4 hours in magnetic local time. The radar employs linear phased arrays of 16 log- periodic antennas and the operational frequency is between 8 and 20 MHz. The radar forms a beam which is narrow in azimuth (between 2.5o to 6o depending on the transmitted frequency) but broad in elevation (up to ~40o at 8 MHz). Usually, the beams are stepped through 16 adjacent azimuthal positions every 120 s. In near-real time, the radar measures the backscatter power, line-of-sight (los) velocity and Doppler spectral width by fitting the auto-correlation functions (ACFs) for 70 range bins starting at the slant range of 180 km (normally with the range resolution of 45 km). Magnetic Fields Investigation (MFI) is an instrument on the Wind spacecraft which is part of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP)/ Global Geospace Science (GGS) mission. Also, additional data from IMP-8 satellite are used. 3. Observations The Stokkeseyri radar is particularly well situated to observe the ionospheric flows mapping into the cusp. The particle cusp under various conditions of solar wind pressure [Newell and Meng, 1994] is expected to be located at relatively short ranges if compared with other SuperDARN radars in the northern hemisphere. Frequently, the enhanced cusp flows are associated with moderate but structured flows in the ionospheric footprint of the LLBL equatorward of the cusp. In this paper, we describe one such event when a series of moderate to intense flow channel events (FCEs) was observed in the ionospheric footprint of the cusp during a period when the IMF conditions measured by Wind were favorable for magnetic merging at the dayside magnetopause (Bz<0 and By>0). A sequence of line-of-sight (los) velocity maps (Figure 1) shows examples of FCEs which moved poleward and westward as expected of FTE ionospheric signatures in the northern hemisphere for the above IMF. We shall concentrate on the period when the FCEs were particularly intense (1600-1640 UT). The latitude-time-velocity (LTV) plot for the radar beam #10 (Figure 2a) shows the poleward progression of 3 major FCEs occurring every ~11 min with the flow maximizing around 75o of magnetic latitude after 1600 UT. As the first and least intense FCEI of the series extended northwestward a more transient and localized FCEIa occurred near 73o at the trailing edge of FCEI at 1608 UT. In other words, the first of the FCEs appeared to have been structured into two separate FCEs. At 1610 UT, after FCEI moved northwestward and faded, FCEIa shifted poleward and extended farther northwestward. At its previous position (at 1608 UT) it was about to be replaced by an extended return flow progressing poleward (1610 UT). The next in the series, FCEII evolved into the strongest westward flow with los velocity exceeding 1500 m/s at 1616 UT. Finally, the latter was replaced by another intense FCEIII that was very similar to FCEII with los velocity at its maximum (1626 UT) reaching up to 1500 m/s. More FCEs followed but were not so intense (los velocities up to ~1000 m/s) and were not seen by beam #10 until after 1700 UT. The backscatter at ranges beyond 1000 km (~73o) and along the central beams become fragmented or entirely missing due to absorption in the E-region (most likely due to precipitation associated with field line resonances that are discussed below). Nevertheless, moderately enhanced flow bursts similar to the one observed at 1612 UT were detected by the beams #2-4 (flow bursts maximized at ~1632/1634, 1646, 1718, and 1726 UT). Some of these westward flows preceded FCEs and several fragmented signatures of FCEs were observed by beams #10-15 (1700, 1712, 1722, 1732, 1740 and 1748 UT). However, one should not necessarily expect a one-to-one correspondence between the flow bursts at lower latitudes (beam #2-4) and FCEs that were observed a few minutes later, because they were parts of a latitude-dependent FLR structure (discussed below). The approximate times of the latter FCEs are shown in Figure 2a. Before 1600 UT, a few FCEs occurred at a lower rate (every ~12 min) earlier and will be briefly discussed below. The radar observations of spectral widths which often exceeded 300 m/s (Figure 2b) indicated that the FCEs occurred near the ionospheric footprint of the cusp [Baker et al., 1995]. Equatorward of the FCEs (<73o magnetic latitude), low to moderate spectral widths were typical of the ionospheric footprint of the LLBL. The LLBL flows were weak to moderately enhanced and, at times, clearly structured into bands that were approximately parallel although somewhat tilted with respect to L shells as they progressed poleward (see e.g., radar maps at 1612/1614 UT; Figure 1). After 1600 UT in particular, the bands of alternating (westward to eastward) flow progressed poleward toward the radar cusp where the (northwestward) flows intensified and rapidly evolved into FCEs flanked by moderate but spatially extended return flows (Figure 1). These single radar observations of plasma flow clearly suggest traveling twin vortices (there was not sufficient backscatter from Goose Bay radar to generate vector maps). As one FCE weakened in the ionospheric footprint of the cusp it was abutted on a new one that evolved from weaker flows in the LLBL footprint. The flows intensified in the radar cusp as they progressed poleward and eventually replaced the previous FCE. Sometimes, when FCEs recurred more frequently, two FCEs (one forming and another fading away) were observed in the same radar map (see e.g. Figure 1b and another event described in paper 2; Figure 15a). The structured flows that map to the LLBL (Figure 2) are typical of FLRs. Figure 3 shows the results of the FFT analysis [Fenrich et al., 1995] of the radar los velocities observed by the beam #10. The 2.6-mHz FFT peak near 72.5o of magnetic latitude (Figure 3a) spans ~2o of latitude (half power width of 1o). The phase decreased by 180o across the latitudinal width of the power peak. These signal characteristics are fully consistent with a discrete low-m FLR near a typical FLR frequency [Ruohoniemi et al., 1991; Samson et al., 1991, 1992ab; Ziesolleck and McDiarmid, 1994, 1995; Fenrich et al., 1995]. Poleward of the 2.6-mHz (~6.5 min) resonance, near 76o magnetic latitude, where the FCEs occurred, the FFT shows a peak near 1.6 mHz (~10 min). This peak spans more than 3o degrees of latitude while the phase decreases by only 60o. The 1.6 and 2.6-mHz peaks straddle a peak near 2 mHz, which appears to be a weak signature of another typical FLR frequency. Clearly, at this latitude (~74o) there were large gaps in the data which were filled by two dimensional interpolation thus the spectral estimates are not very reliable (note that the strong low frequency component is an artifact). However, the weak peak at 2 mHz (8 min) simply represents the time separation between two successive FCEs (FCEIa and FCEII) that were observed between 73o and 74o magnetic latitude (Figures 1 and 2). While FCEII eventually evolved into the strongest flow channel as it progressed to 76o latitude, FCEIa was more transient, spatially confined to latitudes <74o and appeared to have been "damped" at higher latitudes where the 1.6-mHz frequency dominated the FFT spectra. Similar observations of FLR modulated cusp flows are presented in paper 2. Figure 4 shows the IMF measured by the Wind spacecraft. At 0910 UT, after an extended period of northward IMF, the IMF sharply turned southward and then swayed between southward to northward direction on the scale of a few hours. At the same time, it oscillated on shorter time scales. Note a large amplitude 20-25 min fluctuation between 1430 and 1600 UT (particularly in By) while the IMF was rapidly diverted from southward to northward and back to southward again. The IMF By- component was mostly positive and all three IMF components also oscillated on the scale of a few minutes for the next 3 hours. Figure 5 shows the 32-point FFT power spectra of the IMF components for a period between 1500 and 1640 UT (at this time, the available Wind data were sampled every 92 s). This interval starts one hour before the onset time of the intense radar event described above. At 1500 UT, Wind was at a distance of 121 RE from the Earth or ~110 RE from the magnetopause, positioned at (107.5, -54.4, 11.2 RE) in GSE coordinates. At 300 km/s (solar wind speed measured by Wind at 1200 UT, just before a gap in the SWE data) a disturbance would reach the magnetopause in about 39 min. The FFT spectra of all three IMF components are very similar and show three main peaks at ~0.7, 1.4, and 2.4 mHz (apart from the peak near 0.3 mHz which has its special significance as suggested below). Also, some spectral power appears to be concentrated into weaker peaks (1.7, 3.3, 4.0 and 4.7 mHz). The 1.4/1.7- and 2.4- mHz peaks approximately (within limits of the spectral resolution and considering the fact that FFT window was significantly wider than the length of the main radar event) coincide with the two major peaks that were found in the radar data (Figure 3). The IMF oscillations and their effects on the dayside magnetosphere/ionosphere are further discussed below. Now we shall compare the radar event (1600-1640 UT) with similar but more typical and rather frequent events, when SuperDARN radar maps and LTV plots indicated that FLRs and even FCEs (depending on the IMF orientation) were present but fragmented. Conveniently, but not unexpectedly, such events can be identified in Figure 2. As we noted above, flow bursts were observed both before and after the main event. We will concentrate on the period after 1700 UT and then briefly mention some characterics of the ionospheric flow before 1600 UT. Because the propagation delay between Wind and the magnetopause was about 40 min, the IMF conditions pertaining to the radar data after 1700 UT were those recorded from ~1620 UT. The IMF fluctuated on the scale of a few minutes and the conditions continued to be favorable for magnetic merging. However, only moderate and fragmented ionospheric flows were observed by the radar as the radar cusp shifted equatorward. The reduced spectral widths (Figure 2b) at high latitudes indicated that the polar cap also expanded equatorward into the radar field of view. Clearly, this was a result of a long series of FTEs (associated with the FCEs) that significantly eroded the closed magnetic flux at the dayside magnetosphere. Fragmented and weaker FCEs (identified above) continued but recurred at an increased rate, namely, one FCE every ~12 min (before 1700 UT) down to one per 8 min (after 1730 UT) as they shifted to lower latitudes. While beam #10 (Figure 2a) did not resolve any significant flow structure in the LLBL ionospheric footprint after 1700 UT, beam #4 (Figure 6) indicated a pulsation with another typical FLR frequency near 3 mHz (5.5 min). Note that earlier (1600-1640 UT), the same beam #4 also showed a strong 2.6-mHz (6.5 min) oscillation of the FLR related flow along the beam direction. This general increase in the FLR/FCE frequencies indicates that the reconnection process at the dayside magnetopause continued. As more and more magnetic flux was removed from the dayside magnetosphere due to reconnection, smaller and smaller magnetic shells were left for the FLRs to be acted upon. As a result, the FCEs recurred at a progressively faster rate, although the radar FTE-like signatures weakened as the cusp gradually shifted to the west of the radar and was eventually replaced by cleft. Later (at ~2000 UT), some poorly defined flow bursts appeared in the field of view of Saskatoon radar (not shown) which apparently intercepted the cusp at this time. In contrast with the increased FCE rate after 1730 UT, the FCEs recurred every ~12 min before 1600 UT. The backscatter between 69o and 72o magnetic latitude that was characterized by very small spectral widths (~50 m/s) indicated pulsations (FLRs) with oscillation period increasing from ~4 min up to 6 min between 69o and 71o, i.e., more than 5o of latitude equatorward from the radar cusp (beam #5; not shown). Clearly, the observations during the two periods (1530-1600 UT and 1700-1800 UT) were very similar to the main event (1600-1640 UT) except for the flow magnitudes and clarity of observations. Also, several other events that were analyzed showed characteristics quite similar to those described above. The majority of these dayside events were observed with the Stokkseyri radar. Unfortunately, many factors can cause the HF radar data appear confused and fragmented. Below we summarize some of these factors. Probably the most important factor is the HF propagation which can be quite uncertain in a disturbed ionosphere. In particular, the FLRs are likely to be associated with electron precipitation into auroral arcs [Samson et al., 1992b] that can be distorted. In addition, the arcs are often associated with electron density depletions adjacent to arcs [Opgenoorth et al., 1990]. As a result, absorption and anomalous refraction can be quite severe at times. After 1630 UT, as discussed above, the backscatter become rather fragmented or entirely missing, particularly along the central beams. This is an evidence of a strong E- region absorption. Furthermore, radar beams (e.g., the southernmost beams of the Stokkseyri radar in particular) that intersect auroral arcs at oblique angles are subject to HF or even VHF anomalous refraction [Prikryl et al., 1992]. Occasionally, it was observed that the backscatter along a couple of the southern beams was suddenly extended to several range gates. This could be explained by anomalous refraction in distorted and structured auroral arcs (similarly to the VHF observations presented by the latter authors). Ground scatter that was not a serious problem during the event presented in this paper can also fragment the data and affect the observed los velocities and spectral widths but this, in principle, can be rectified by computing the Doppler spectra. In the normal mode of SuperDARN operation, the temporal resolution is insufficient to resolve FLR frequencies >4 mHz. Problems with temporal aliasing of rapidly moving phenomena such as fast moving or frequently recurring FTE signatures and insufficient spatial resolution can be alleviated or improved by various scanning techniques [e.g., Pinnock et al., 1995]. In the E- region, the relation between the magnitudes of measured velocities and the ExB motions can be uncertain because of difficulties with the interpretation of the E-region Doppler spectra [St.-Maurice et al., 1994]. In general, the coherent backscatter radar measurements significantly underestimate the E-region drift velocity, particularly for large velocities [Nielsen and Schlegel, 1983]. Most of the backscatter at close ranges (<1000 km in Figure 2a) could have been from the E-region (note the sharp cut off near 73o). Any of the above factors can contribute to problems with interpretation or affect the availablility of the SuperDARN data. 4. Discussion 4.1. The IMF modulation of dayside reconnection by FLRs Two main observations presented in this paper should be emphasized because we believe that they will lead to better understanding of the coupling processes between the solar wind and magnetosphere/ionosphere system. First, the above observations show that FCEs are closely related to FLRs in the LLBL near the dayside magnetopause. FCEs can be viewed as an extension of FLRs to the outermost closed flux tubes that are about to be open by magnetic reconnection modulated into pulses (FTEs) by FLRs. Second, the IMF data showed oscillations with the frequencies that were similar to those of FLRs/FCEs indicating that the FLRs were driven by the IMF oscillations in the solar wind. The IMF disturbance, after reaching the magnetopause, could have propagated to the resonant L-shells via fast compressional mode and then couple to the shear Alfvén mode driving the resonance. We suggest that the resonating magnetic shells adjacent to the magnetopause perturbed the magnetopause (Figure 7) thus modulating the magnetic and electric field topology and location of the reconnection line (also called a singular line). There may be one potential difficulty with the above interpretation of the FLR/FCE observations. The magnetospheric magnetic field predominantly oscillates in the azimuthal direction (toroidal mode) while the radial (compressional) oscillations (poloidal mode) are expected to be heavily damped. However, the observations suggest that these directly driven FLR oscillations (particularly those at the outermost magnetic shells adjacent to the magnetopause) have a significant radial component. The flow channels (ionospheric signatures of FLRs on the field lines about to be merged with the IMF) as well as the FLR associated flows in the ionospheric footprint of the LLBL were tilted with respect to L-shells thus indicating a radial magnetic component. Also, the results presented in paper 2 showed that the amplitudes of the corresponding ground magnetic oscillations exceeded 100 nT in the north-south direction (X component) but reached up to 50 nT in the east-west direction (Y component). Similarly, the IMF oscillations, while usually most pronounced for By, were often present in other two components. Because the magnetospheric oscillations were continuously driven (as opposed to impulse driven but damped oscillations) by the IMF oscillations, the electric field component of a resonant Alfvén wave on the outermost magnetic shells could have modulated the electric field along the reconnection line. It is well known that this electric field is the most important measure of the reconnection rate. It was recently emphasized by Dungey [1995] that "reconnection is effected solely by the electric field along a singular line". The electric field component of an FLR Alfvén wave of only a few mV/m along an X line a few RE long would result in a significant contribution to the average reconnection voltage [Lockwood, 1996]. The FLR associated radar los velocities typically varied by about ±300 m/s in the LLBL footprint indicating that the corresponding electric field alternated by more than ±15 mV/m. However, at times, the amplitudes of the FLR associated electric field were significantly larger. For example, Figure 1 shows FLR related los velocities near 71o varying from +500 m/s (1610 UT) to -700 m/s (1612 UT) indicating electric field variations of more than ±30 mV/m about the background electric field. At higher latitudes (near the equatorward boundary of the cusp), just before the FLRs broke loose and evolved into FCEs as the field lines were opened (reconnected), the observed flows become more enhanced suggesting even stronger electric fields. These electric fields mapped to the reconnection region near the magnetopause and modulated the reconnection electric field along the X line. Conversely, the oscillation in the IMF (possibly associated with an Alfvén wave) could have directly modulated the reconnection process, and the compressional mode wave associated with the pulsed reconnection may have excited FLRs. Taguchi et al. [1993] discussed a reconnection model for By>0 studying the IMF By-dependent FACs in the cleft that could explain such direct modulation of the reconnection process from the solar wind. However, at least for one other event that we analyzed (not shown) the amplitudes of the IMF By oscillations were very small (~1 nT or less) and it seems rather unlikely that they could strongly modulate the reconnection, yet these small amplitude fluctuations in the solar wind were sufficient to drive a resonance which was observed. During another event supported by an extensive ground-based data (paper 2), the satellite-to- ground delays were smallest for the equatorward edge of the observed FLRs (see Figure 10 in paper 2). Also, in paper 2, it was shown that the multi-peak FFT power spectra of the IMF (similar to those presented in Figures 5 and 8) were best correlated with the FFT power of the ground magnetic components measured on closed field lines. In particular, virtually all of the oscillation modes observed in the IMF By were identified in the ground magnetic data from the LLBL footprint. These two cross-correlation results (in the time and frequency domains) clearly suggest that FLRs were excited first and modulated the reconnection process (FTEs) as discussed above. Furthermore, we have identified FLRs when the IMF conditions were not favorable for magnetic merging (no FCEs were observed), yet the resonance was clearly driven by the IMF oscillations. While the above observations show that the magnetic reconnection can be pulsed (at FLR frequencies) this does not exclude a possibility of patchy reconnection that has been reported in the literature [Pinnock et al., 1995]. The characteristics of FLRs may vary with longitude and this could result in localized FCEs occurring simultaneously at different longitudes (flux tubes). However, the theoretical work [Cowley and Lockwood, 1992] predicts a large longitudinal extent of FTEs. The observations, such as those that are presented in paper 2, are consistent with the latter. Furthermore, FTEs of a very large longitudinal extent were also reported in literature, particularly for By*0 [e.g., Lockwood et al., 1990; Pinnock et al., 1993; see also paper 2]. It remains to be seen whether the patchy appearence of FTEs can be supported by the theory after the reverse coupling from the resonant magnetospheric cavity to the reconnection region is studied in more detail and/or included in the theory of reconnection. A multiple X line reconnection model [Lee and Fu, 1985] was invoked as a possbile explanation of multiple brightenings of transient dayside auroral forms [Fasel et al., 1992]. It is quite conceivable that directly driven multi-mode oscillations (or FLR harmonics) near the magnetopause could result in multiple reconnection sites (X lines) along the same flux tube (Figure 7). The observations of two nearly simultaneous FCEs (FCEIa and FCEI) discussed above (Figures 1 and 2a) may suggest such interpretation. The radar observations presented here and in paper 2 are very similar to the dayside auroral transients (poleward moving auroral forms, PMAFs) reported in literature [Sandholt et al., 1990; Fasel et al., 1992; Fasel, 1995] and some of the similarities are discussed in paper 2. The transient 557.7-nm emissions [Fasel et al. 1992; their Figures 1 and 2] occurred at a much higher rate in the auroral oval than the reconnection related transients at the poleward edge of the emission band (presumably in the cusp). For example, in their Figure 2, transient a is followed by another transient b after ~11 min and then the recurrence rate of these most poleward transients increased in two steps (each associated with a equatorward step in latitude) to one transient per 7-8 min and eventually to 3-5 min between the transients (see Fasel et al., [1992], their Figure 1). At the same time equatorward edge of the optical emissions was structured by pulsations with frequencies higher than those observed near the cusp. These optical observations clearly suggest FLRs and FLR driven reconnection events (FTEs) in good agreement with the radar observations presented in this paper and paper 2. 4.2. Solar-wind-driven modulation of dayside DPY currents and FLRs Poleward progressing dayside ionospheric disturbances associated with long-period geomagnetic pulsations due to the IMF By-modulated DPY currents [Friis-Christensen and Wilhjelm, 1975] are frequently observed in the cusp and the dayside polar cap just poleward of the cusp [Clauer et al., 1995; Stauning et al., 1994 and 1995]. Stauning et al. [1995] presented results of a detailed analysis of time delays of these disturbances that were strongly coupled to the solar wind via connecting open field lines. In their model explaining the IMF By dependency of DPY currents they assumed that the "open" magnetic field lines of the ionospheric footprint which they were studying have just merged with the IMF. Papitashvili et al. [1995] interpreted the observed phenomena as a direct ground-based evidence of the IMF By component reconnection at the dayside magnetopause and discussed a suitable reconnection model by Taguchi et al. [1993]. While we have not presented any ground magnetometer data for the event discussed in the present paper the DPY current intensifications are coincident with FCEs (see paper 2). We believe that a discussion of DPY currents and their relation to the IMF By-driven FLRs/FCEs is appropriate here because the DPY currents are important for understanding the coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere/ionosphere system. In this paper we presented evidence that the coupling processes on the open and closed field lines are closely interrelated. The observations of the By-driven FCEs and the related ground signatures (paper 2) are similar to observations of poleward progressing dayside convection disturbances poleward of the cusp [Stauning et al., 1995]. The study by Stauning et al. [1995] was mainly concerned with the long-period disturbances on the open field lines connecting the polar ionosphere to the oscillating IMF. Stauning et al. [1995] concluded that during a period of southward IMF there is a strong and direct coupling between the IMF and the polar ionosphere. The large amplitude IMF By variations with long periods (~20-30 min) coupled to the polar ionosphere and modulated polar convection pattern. The progression of IMF By-related field-aligned currents feeding the DPY (Hall) currents produced characteristic poleward progressing geomagnetic perturbations. However, it should be noted that these disturbances were extended equatorward to the southernmost ground stations (FHB and NAQ; their Figures 3 and 7). Presumably, these stations were equatorward but near the cusp. This was clearly manifested by the abundance of pulsations with shorter periods for both events (Aug 2/3, 1991) presented by Stauning et al. [1995] and we consider these events similar to those described here and in paper 2. Because the ground magnetometers respond to integrated ionospheric currents over a large area Stauning et al. [1995] smoothed the IMP-8 data before correlating it with the IMF. While we agree with this argument in principle, such smoothing removes from the data the higher frequency components which are most relevant for the IMF coupling to the closed field lines through FLRs. A close examination of the FHB and NAQ ground magnetograms [Stauning et al. 1995; see their Figures 3 and 7] reveals many discrete pulsation bursts which we will now briefly discuss. After 1300 UT, on Aug 2, 1991, the Z component at FHB showed a burst of 10-12 min (~1.5 mHz) pulsation followed by another wave packet with a period ~9 min (1.9 mHz). Between 1200 and 1400 UT, one can identify pulsations in the NAQ Z-component with periods of ~7 min (2.4 mHz), ~4.5 min (3.7 mHz) and ~8 min (2 mHz) which are also found in the NAQ H-component. On Aug 3, 1991, the FHB and NAQ ground magnetometers showed very complex pulsations throughout this second dayside event. The most conspicuous pulsations (H and Z-components) seem to have had periods of ~12 min (1.4 mHz) followed by ~9 min (1.9 mHz) at FHB and ~6 min (2.8 mHz) followed by ~5 min (3.3 mHz) at NAQ. Other periodicities were clearly present but impossible to determine with certainty from these figures. The latitude dependent periods of these pulsations (longer periods at FHB than in NAQ) suggest that they were due to FLRs. The unsmoothed IMF data for these two events (Figures 6 and 9 presented by Stauning et al. [1995]) also showed oscillations on the scale of a few minutes. We have computed 64-point FFT power spectra of the IMF components for two 130-min periods (Figure 8). These FFTs (By in particular) show multi-peak spectra that are similar to those presented in Figure 5 and in paper 2. From a magnetospheric point of view, it should be noted that the discrete peaks in the IMF spectra are at, or near, the so called "magic" frequencies that were associated with FLRs (see references cited above). All the periodicities that we identified with several pulsation bursts in the ground magnetic data (above) can be directly associated with individual peaks in the FFT power spectra (Figure 8). Specific long periods corresponding to the low frequency peaks (0.7-0.8 mHz) in the IMF spectra could be added. These observations are very similar to the strong correlation (0.84) between the IMF in the solar wind and ground magnetic data on the closed field lines reported in paper 2 (see Figure 2bc therein) and provide further evidence that FLRs with several specific frequencies (not a continuum of possible frequencies) can be directly driven by the IMF oscillations. The frequencies that are found in the IMF and ground data are the same frequencies (within 10% of reproducibility [Samson et al., 1991]) that were associated (except for those near 0.8 mHz) with cavity or waveguide mode frequencies [Samson et al., 1992b; Walker et al., 1992]. The point to be made here regarding the DPY currents is that the IMF By in addition to modulating the Hall currents poleward of the cusp footprint similarly modulate the ionospheric currents (and the associated convection disturbances) equatorward of, and near, the ionospheric footprint of the cusp. The coupling of the IMF oscillation to the auroral ionosphere is accomplished by FLRs driven by oscillations in the solar wind. Both long [Stauning et al., 1995] and short (see above and also paper 2) period IMF By oscillations modulate the DPY currents. Thus we suggest that there is no fundamental difference between the IMF By-related disturbances on the open and closed field lines except that it is the FLR associated Alfvén wave and corresponding field aligned currents (FACs) that modulate and feed the Hall currents on the closed field lines. On the "open" (newly merged) field lines directly connecting the polar ionosphere to the oscillating IMF [Stauning et al., 1995], interplanetary currents flowing into (and out of) the magnetosphere could explain the progressing polar ionospheric disturbances [Stauning et al., 1994]. Such currents could also be a manifestation of Alfvén waves on these "open" magnetic field lines. The Hall current intensities are expected to maximize near the merging gap according to the Clauer and Banks, [1986] model and such intensification of the DPY currents is manifested by FCEs, ionospheric signatures of FTEs. As the newly merged field lines convect into the polar cap the IMF By continues modulating the DPY currents which will progress poleward (for Bz<0). On the closed field lines, where the IMF oscillations modulate the currents through the FLR coupling, the DPY currents are modulated with progressively lower (cavity/waveguide mode) frequencies with increasing latitude but a modulation by the low frequencies (*1 mHz) similar to but weaker than the DPY modulation poleward of the cusp are also observed (see Stauning et al. [1995]; their Figures 3 and 7, and paper 2). It should be noted that although the low frequency IMF oscillations do not result in a resonance they would still couple to the magnetosphere and drive the ULF waves which in turn modulate the DPY currents. In summary, we suggest that, in the ionospheric footprint of the cusp, poleward progressing DPY current disturbances and FCEs are two equivalent ground/ionosphere signatures of the pulsed magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. They are a result of the resonant response of the magnetosphere to IMF in which FCEs/DPY currents are extensions of latitude dependent FLR structure from LLBL (closed field lines) into the cusp (field lines about to be merged with IMF). In the region spanning the LLBL, cusp and polar cap poleward of the cusp, the dayside magnetosphere and ionosphere respond to progressively longer periodicities of many discrete IMF modes modulating the field aligned and ionospheric currents while only one or two of these IMF modes and corresponding FLRs modulate the magnetic reconnection into pulses. 4.3. Observations of Solar Oscillation Vestiges in the Solar Wind and the Earth Magnetosphere/Ionosphere The presence of coherent IMF oscillations in the solar wind naturally raises the question of their source. The multi-peak power spectra of the IMF time series are in sharp contrast to a common belief that solar wind is a turbulent medium with a continuous spectrum of modes. Recently, Thomson et al. [1995] reported results of time-series analysis of charged particle fluxes measured by Ulysses and Voyager spacecraft in the interplanetary space. In addition to many discrete low frequency spectral components (0.001-0.140 mHz) they identified spectral lines in the higher frequency band (1-4 mHz) and found them consistent with so g (gravity) and p (pressure or acoustic) modes, respectively, of solar oscillations. Intermediate (f or surface) modes between these two spectral bands were also detected. These results imply that solar oscillation modes propagate into the interplanetary medium as fluctuations of the IMF that in turn can modulate the particle fluxes. The multi-peak power spectra of the IMF presented in the present paper (Figures 5 and 8) are consistent with the above observations [Thomson et al. 1995]. Clearly, the spectral resolution of these spectra (~0.15 mHz) is inferior when compared to the spectral estimates obtained by the latter authors who used a special spectrum estimation method to identify periodic components of the particle fluxes with specific solar oscillation modes. However, when a wider (double) FFT window were used the spectral peaks (Figures 5 and 8) have been further resolved into narrow components which can be associated with dominant modes of solar oscillation, namely, modes with intermediate spherical harmonic degree l (l is one of three eigenmode parameters that are used to describe solar oscillations; the other two being spherical harmonic order m, and radial order n). A detailed discussion of these results is beyond the scope of this paper and will be published elsewhere. For the purpose of this paper it is sufficient to state a tentative conclusion of this analysis, namely, that the FFT spectra (e.g., Figure 8) represent partly resolved dominant modes (l~50) of solar oscillation propagated in solar wind. Figure 9 shows one example of an FFT power spectrum using 256-min window (doubling the window that is used in Figure 8; top). Clearly, there are more peaks resolved and the correlation between the three IMF components is substantially improved (e.g., note peaks near 1.4, 1.6 and 1.9 mHz as well as some weaker peaks between 4 and 5 mHz). Also, eigenfrequencies of solar oscillations (p, f and g modes) for l=50 and a typical solar model [Christensen-Dalsgaard et al., 1985] are shown for comparison. They represent the best match between the spectral peaks and the model eigenfrequencies (p, f and g modes) out of all possible values degree l, give or take a few. Apart from the fact that some modes (p8, p10/11, and p15/16) and some subsidiary peaks (particularly in the region where f modes are expected) the agreement is remarkably good (including the unresolved band of g modes). Some subsidiary peaks (including those that have not been resolved, e.g., at ~2 mHz) could be due to p- or f-modes for other values of degree l but these peaks are weaker. Thus it is tentatively concluded that dominant modes of solar oscillations (l~50) were transmitted into solar wind IMF. Similar arguments could be made for other events discussed in this paper and paper 2. It should be noted that this tentative conclusion is not needed to support the main conclusions of this paper, namely, those about the relationship between solar wind driven FLRs and pulsed reconnection. However, mentioning these results here allows us to place the conclusions of papers 1 and 2 into a broader perspective and make some general statements about a possible source of discrete FLR frequencies and pulsed magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. From a magnetospheric point of view, the fact that solar oscillations propagate through the interplanetary medium as coherent fluctuations of the IMF (possibly as Alfvén waves) indicate that the magnetosphere of the Earth is inundated with waves in the solar wind that have a discrete spectrum of frequencies. Therefore, the resonant magnetospheric cavity is subjected to these multi-mode IMF oscillations. The results presented here, in paper 2, as well as further results of a preliminary analysis of several other events show that some of the oscillation frequencies tend to dominate the IMF power spectra and appear to be more reproducible than other. As noted above, preliminary analysis indicated that these IMF oscillations may have been caused by dominant solar oscillation modes. Such dominant modes would explain puzzling discrete frequencies identified in the FLRs [Samson et al, 1992a]. This may require a revision of the current theories of FLR generation mechanisms/sources. For example, most of the FLR observations have been reported from time zones other than local noon where the KHI is commonly invoked as a source of FLRs. Because the magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause and FLRs are found closely interrelated we believe that the solar oscillations transmitted by the IMF play an important role in the coupling of the solar wind to the magnetosphere and thus condition other magnetospheric and ionospheric processes which structure the ionosphere, including the DPY currents and polar patches. The latter are discussed in paper 2. On the other hand, an IMF signal that is rich in spectral content (containing a multitude of closely spaced solar oscillation modes and no dominant modes) would be equivalent to a continuum of frequencies, in the first approximation. Therefore, one would expect a corresponding continuum of resonant frequencies driving FLRs in the magnetosphere and a steady-state reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. However, it is quite conceivable that a heavily structured solar wind IMF could also support the patchy-intermittent reconnection model based on the same conceptual model of reverse coupling proposed above. We suggest that the answer to the question whether the reconnection is pulsed (transient or bursty), patchy-intermittent or quasi-steady may ultimately depend on how the solar oscillation characteristics vary with time, namely, whether or not dominant oscillation modes exist on the sun (provided that the distribution of oscillation frequencies is not drastically modified while they propagate through the interplanetary medium). We believe that future studies of solar and/or IMF oscillation variability on the scale of a few hours or more will lead to better understanding of the solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere. Also, it is likely, that a similar approach to the study of solar phenomena may also help in solving some of the unresolved problems regarding the causes of solar activity. 5. Conclusions We have presented evidence that the solar wind-magnetosphere- ionosphere coupling processes on the open and closed field lines are closely interrelated. It was observed that enhanced convection flows (flow channel events, FCEs) evolved from and were structured similarly to the flows associated with field line resonances (FLRs) in the low latitude boundary layer (LLBL). The latter flow structure progressed poleward toward the ionospheric footprint of the cusp that was identified by large spectral widths. In view of previously published observations which associated FCEs with flux transfer events (FTEs) and reports that identified discrete frequencies FLRs, we conclude that the FCE/FTE rate was determined by the FLR frequency excited on the outermost closed magnetic flux tubes that were about to be eroded by FTEs. In other words, FCEs are extensions of FLR flow signatures to the field lines that are being reconnected with the IMF in solar wind. It was found that the oscillating IMF signal contained resonant frequencies that were observed in the ionosphere by the Stokkseyri SuperDARN radar including the low frequency component that determined the recurrence rate of FCEs. Since the latter have been associated with FTEs, these observations constitute evidence that the pulsed magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause was caused by solar wind-driven FLRs modulating the reconnection into pulses. Multi-peak Fourier transform power spectra indicate that the most reproducible discrete peaks in the IMF spectra are found at, or near, the most commonly observed Pc5 pulsation frequencies previously refered to as "magic" FLR frequencies. Also, these IMF spectra are consistent with recently published evidence that solar oscillations propagate through the interplanetary medium. Based on the preliminary results of the spectral analysis using wider FFT windows (to be published elsewhere), it is suggested that the most reproducible spectral peaks that are found in the IMF and are associated with FLRs are vestiges of dominant modes of solar oscillations in solar wind and magnetosphere. Also, it is suggested that spectral measurements of the solar and/or IMF oscillations on the scale of a few hours or more combined with a study of the magnetospheric response may be used to predict the conditions for magnetic merging at the dayside magnetopause and to test applicability of the current models of reconnection. Acknowledgements. The Stokkseyri radar is a French component of SuperDARN which is a collaboration of Canada, France and United States. The Stokkseyri radar is supported by ???? Grant ????. We acknowledge the contributions by R. Lepping (NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center) who made available the Wind MFI and IMP-8 IMF data. One of the authors (PP) would like to acknowledge the contribution by F. Fenrich (University of Alberta) making available the FLR analysis software for SuperDARN data. We also benefited from discussions with G. Atkinson, D.R. McDiarmid, J.W. MacDougall, I.F. Grant, H.G. James, A.S. Rodger, J.C. Samson, and A.D.M. Walker. 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Contour plots of 32-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) power spectra (left panels) of line-of-sight velocity time series at several range gates for beam #10. The right panels show latitude profiles of the spectra power and phase at 1.5 and 2.5 mHz. Figure 4. The interplanetary magnetic field measured by Wind. Figure 5. 32-point FFT and MEM power spectra of the IMF components measured by Wind on January 24, 1996. Figure 6. Line-of-sight velocity for beam #4 showing the main FLR event followed by a pulsation with a shorter period (indicated by arrows). Figure 7. Schematic representation of the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling via the magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause and field line resonances (FLRs) on the closed field lines near the magnetopause. The solar-wind-driven FLRs are shown modulating the reconnection into pulses. The inset shows the ionospheric signatures of the solar wind- magnetosphere coupling in the auroral oval, cusp and polar cap for the IMF By>0. Figure 8. 64-point FFT power spectra of the IMF components measured by IMP 8 on August 2/3, 1991. Figure 9. 128-point FFT power spectra of the IMF components measured by IMP 8 on August 3, 1991. Eigenfrequencies (p, f and g modes) of a solar model for spherical harmonic degree l~50 are shown for comparison.