function WIWTPO, wc,L,qmf ;+ ; NAME: ; WIWTPO ; ; PURPOSE: ; This function generates an Inverse Wavelet Transform ; (periodized, orthonormal). ; ; CATEGORY: ; Wavelets ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; x = WIWTPO(wc,L,qmf). ; ; INPUTS: ; wc: 1-d wavelet transform: length(wc)= 2^J. ; L: Coarsest Level of V_0; L << J ; qmf: quadrature mirror filter (orthonormal) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; x: 1-d signal reconstructed from wc. ; ; NOTES: ; 1. qmf filter may be obtained from WMKOFILT ; 2. usually, length(qmf) lt 2^(L+1) ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; wfwtpo, wmkofilt ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Amara Graps November, 1994 ;Translated from MatLab Wavelab routine: iwt_po.m ;- wcoef = WSHASROW(wc) x = wcoef(0: 2^L-1) n = WDYADLNG(wcoef,J) FOR j=L, J-1 DO BEGIN x = WUPDYDLO(x,qmf) + WUPDYDHI(wcoef(WDYAD(j)-1),qmf) END x = WSHLIKE(x,wc) ; ; Algorithm Source: WaveLab Version 0.600 ; WaveLab WWW site: ; WaveLab Questions? e-mail ; RETURN, x END ;***************************************************