pro WPHPLANE, TFtype,basis,pkt,titlestr=titlestr,nTFR=nTFR,qmf=qmf ;+ ; NAME: ; WPHPLANE ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure partitions phase space by rectangular blocks. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Wavelets. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; WPHPLANE, TFtype,btree,pkt,titlestr=titlestr,nTFR=nTFR,qmf=qmf ; ; INPUTS: ; TFtype = string: type of TF-packets used ('WP','CP') ; btree = basis tree ; pkt = wavelet or cosine packet table ; titlestr = signal name ; nTFR = number of x-points in phaseplane image (optional) ; qmf = qmf for calculating WP phase plane location (optional) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; an image plot with colored rectangles based on ; recursive dyadic partitioning of y axis according ; to splits in basis tree ; ; EXAMPLE: ; To create a ``Heisenberg image" plot of data analyzed with WPANALYS, ; make the following call: ; ; IDL>WPHPLANE,`WP',btree,wp,titlestr = st, nTFR = 64 ; ; where `WP' is wavelet packet, btree and wp are outputs from WPANALYS, ; st is the string identifier for the data (`seismic', `sunspots', etc.), ; nTFR is the number of boxes (dyads!) on a side. Keep nTFR on the low side, ; If nTFR = 256, or higher you'll be waiting 5 minutes or more for output. ; ; NOTE: ; This routine also performs a Cosine-Packet Analysis ('CP'), however, ; cosine packet analysis isn't currently a function fully implemented ; in Wavelet Workbench. So consider this 'CP' option a 'hook' for now. ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Amara Graps November, 1995 ;Translated from MatLab Wavelab routine: imagephaseplane.m ;- ;Color of text strings IF !p.background EQ 0 THEN cl = 255 ELSE cl = 0 ;Set parameters if keywords are not set IF (KEYWORD_SET(titlestr) EQ 0) THEN titlestr = ' ' IF (KEYWORD_SET(nTFR) EQ 0) THEN nTFR = 128 IF (KEYWORD_SET(qmf) EQ 0) THEN Corrected = 0 ELSE Corrected = 1 ;Note Corrected = 0 = False and Corrected = 1 = True t = SIZE(pkt) L = t(1) ;number of columns n = t(2) ;number of rows ; initialize tree traversal stack dstack = FLTARR(2^L) bstack = FLTARR(2^L) k = 1 dstack(k-1) = 0 bstack(k-1) = 0 ss = WNNORM(pkt(0, *)) TFPLane = FLTARR(nTFR,nTFR) WHILE (k GT 0) DO BEGIN d = dstack(k-1) b = bstack(k-1) k=k-1 IF ((basis(WNODE(d,b)-1) EQ 0) ) THEN BEGIN ; terwmminal node ylo = b/2^d yhi = (b+1)/2^d nylo = 1 + FLOOR(nTFR * ylo) nyhi = 1 + FLOOR(nTFR * yhi) ;use the IDL way to create an index array aa = nylo ;val of 1st element bb = 1 ;increment cc = nyhi ;val of last element indx_array = WMKIARRY( aa, bb, cc)+1 yind = WPAROUND(indx_array,nTFR); coeffs = n * (pkt(d,WPACKET(d,b,n)) /ss) ^2 nbox = n / 2^d ; = length(coeffs) Checktype = STRCOMPRESS(TFtype,/remove_all) ;remove white space Checktype = STRUPCASE(Checktype) ;make upper case CASE 1 OF ;1 = True ((Checktype EQ 'WP') AND (Corrected)): BEGIN pos = WWPLOC(d,b,0,qmf,n) END ELSE: pos = 0 ENDCASE FOR j=0, (nbox-1) DO BEGIN jnew = WREM((pos/n)*nbox + j, nbox) IF ( coeffs(j) GT 0) THEN BEGIN nxlo = 1 + FLOOR((nTFR *jnew)/nbox) nxhi = 1 + FLOOR((nTFR *(jnew+1))/nbox) ;use the IDL way to create an index array aa = nxlo ;val of 1st element bb = 1 ;increment cc = nxhi ;val of last element indx_array = WMKIARRY( aa, bb, cc)+1 xind = WPAROUND(indx_array,nTFR); ;Note, the "-1" is handled in WMKIARRY, so it's not necessary in TFPlane CASE 1 OF ;1 = True (Checktype EQ 'CP'): BEGIN ;Note: Matlab does the following line (IDL can't do this) ;TFPlane(yind-1, xind-1) = TFPlane(yind-1, xind-1) + coeffs(j) ;Assign xind and yind to TFPlane FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(xind)-1 DO BEGIN TFPlane(yind-1,xind(i)-1) = TFPlane(yind-1,xind(i)-1) + coeffs(j) END END ELSE: BEGIN ;Note: Matlab does the following line (IDL can't do this) ;TFPlane(xind-1, yind-1) = TFPlane(xind-1, yind-1) + coeffs(j) ;Assign xind and yind to TFPlane FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(yind)-1 DO BEGIN TFPlane(xind-1,yind(i)-1) = TFPlane(xind-1,yind(i)-1) + coeffs(j) END END ENDCASE END ;IF END ;FOR j ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; endif ((basis(WNODE(d,b)-1) eq 0) ) k = k+1 dstack(k-1) = d+1 bstack(k-1) = 2*b k = k+1 dstack(k-1) = d+1 bstack(k-1) = 2*b+1 END ;ENDELSE END ;WHILE (k GT 0) ; LOADCT, 5 ptitle = 'Phase plane: ' + titlestr TFMax = MAX(MAX(TFPlane)) TFPlane = TFPlane * ( 256/TFMax) ;colormap(1-gray(256)) ;Matlab WaveLab does this, it is necessary for IDL? WIMAGE,TFPLane, xrange= WLNSPACE(0,1,nTFR), yrange=WLNSPACE(0,1,nTFR), $ title=ptitle, xtitle='Time', ytitle='Frequency' ;Note I'm not using the following Matlab commands (don't think that they ;are necessary, but not 100% sure. --AG). ;axis('xy') ;causes the graph to go to cartesian coord form ;bottom-to-top y numbering, left-to-right x numbering ;axis ([0 1 0 1 ]) ;sets the scaling from 0 to 1 (x and y) on ;current plot ; ; Algorithm Source: WaveLab Version 0.600 ; WaveLab WWW site: ; WaveLab Questions? e-mail ; END ;***************************************************