Matthias Huber Oct. 1992 - Aug. 1995 University Oldenburg, Germany Dec. 1994 Vordiplom at the University of Oldenburg Sept 1995 - April 1996 Exchange Student at University of Saskatchewan (Official Exchange Program between University of Saskatchewan and University Oldenburg) Sept 1996 - now Graduate Student at University of Saskatchewan (work with SuperDARN, Supervisor: Prof. Sofko) Work and Research experience: July 1992 - Sept. 1992 and before during Holidays July 1993 - Sept. 1993 July 1994 Friedrich Huber Gedruckte Schaltungen GmBH, Teningen, Germany experience in each step of producing circuit boards work as a machinist as well as management. Aug. 1994 - Sept. 1994 Werner Thieme GmBH & Co. KG, Teningen, Germany Assistant for testing a prototype of a CNC drilling machine. work at the design, final improvements and transport. Feb. 1995 - April 1995 Sick optic electronics, Waldkirch, Germany Research on attenuation of ultrasound in hot, dusty chimneys. Test and Improvement of optical fog measurement instruments. June 1996 - Aug 1996 Summer Student of Dr. Sofko, Saskatoon, Canada Research on vortices in the magnetosphere with SuperDARN.