Speaker: Dr. David Steele and the NiteOwls Topic: Parachute or Freefall: Ozone, Synergy, and Getting a Job Date: Thursday, November 7, 1996 Time: 3:30 p.m. Place: 103 Physics Building Abstract A team of faculty, staff, and graduate students from five departments across three faculties at the University of Saskatchewan, together with SCI-TEC Instruments Inc. of Saskatoon, is preparing a proposal to the Canadian Space Agency for the Small Payloads Program. The proposal describes a means of measuring ozone from space by observing its effect on starlight, but the experiment is only one novel aspect of the proposal. The students' participation is earning them graduate course credit, valuable experience in competing for external funding, and a "three-month interview" with the industrial partner in the proposal team. Members of the NITEOWL team will review the program requirements, how these are being met through wide interdisciplinary collaboration and integral student involvement, and the prospects for further student opportunities in research and industry.