Notes from conversation 961017 with EJL re Bristol fax: ======================================================= - Super Arcas mass budget prob. too low; thrust number is averaged over burn time but seems awfully low; quoted 7g accel. is way too low; - Orion gives us enough mass (28 lb) and will probably cost us CD$80K if we don't take a US experimenter on board (which we DON'T want to do); - Let Bristol handle provision of TM since they'll have to do it anyway; - Need to negotiate with both Bristol (for payload integration and launch support) and Akjuit (for launch provision) ASAP; need to provide fairly detailed sketch of experiment/payload configuration so Bristol can quote a realistic number; need letters from both Bristol and Akjuit to accompany proposal, stating what they'll provide for what cost; these numbers will be binding so they need as much information as possible; - Talk with Duane Sniezek to find out how much SciTec will want of payload construction - make sure there's no overlap between SciTec and Bristol services; - Let Bristol worry about chute specification and provision; - What about payload dynamics? We need to get some information about this ASAP! - Must decide whether to have full tape backup of raw telemetry; Swedes waiving it for Odin - prepared to lose the odd pass since so many passes; we only get one kick at the cat; what cost? - Onboard Data Processing team have requested onboard data storage; Russians have flown a hard drive (but did it work afterward??); Ted wants to try it to see what'll happen; might work on an Orion at 6-8g; Not discussed: - cost of remote site launches