Dear Raj: I am about to circulate a list of team membership, in which you are identified as leader of the Onboard Data Handling team. You may recall that the course description specified that "each topic group will be led by at least one faculty member." Although both you and Ron signed onto the Onboard Data Handling team, Ron is also involved with the Electrical / GPS / Firmware and Risk / Reliability teams, and is liable to wind up leading one or both of those groups. Therefore I've taken the liberty of appointing you as team leader for Onboard Data Handling. I hope you will see your way clear to take this on. As I've said many times, I don't believe the team leaders should take on the lion's share of the work, but should rather guide the efforts of the graduate students, who should be carrying the ball in regard to the actual work, as far as is reasonable. Please let me know your decision at your earliest convenience. If, as I'm hoping, you're prepared to offer leadership, I sincerely thank you, and ask you to contact your team members to initiate and organize their efforts. I recognize that we do not yet have key data you need, viz. telemetry data rate, image readout rate and image size. As I indicate in the following e-mail, I will pass on information from Bristol Aerospace as soon as I receive it. In the interim I suggest that conservative estimates would be as follows: -telemetry: 1 Megabit per second -image readout rate: 4 images per second -image size: 1024 by 512 pixels, 12 bits per pixel These indicate an _image_ data rate of some 25 Mb/s, and that compression is seriously needed. At least this gives your team something to chew on. I look forward to hearing from you. Dave