Small Payloads Program Proposal Table of Contents Part One (20 pages or less) A. Abstract (1 page) B. Science to be accomplished (detailed statement of work, 50% experiment design, experimental methods, instruments, expected performance, procedures) C. Science Team (responsibility, level of effort) 25% D. Context of science within Canadian and international 15% programs E. Relevant theoretical or modelling studies (expected sources of funding) F. Ground-based or other required support measurements (expected sources of funding) G. Plan for data analysis and publication 10% Small Payloads Program Proposal Table of Contents Part Two (25 pages or less) A. Overview stating how proposed mission meets SPP objectives B. Top level science requirements against which final results may be judged C. Description of instrument(s) to be flown, including proposed development (diagrams) D. Description of all other systems required, identifying any development E. Description of available facilities to accomplish mission, and any additional major facilities required F. Calibration / verification / characterization / testing / etc. of instruments and payload systems G. Launch vehicle and location H. Operational aspects (launch support, data acquisition, etc.) I. Work breakdown structure and schedule, including milestones J. Work breakdown and schedule for a Phase A study K. Detailed budget for complete program (all elements, including Phase A) including contributions from all sources and appended letters L. Risk analysis M. Identification of potential benefits and spinoffs, scientific and technological, indicating societal value of work, and specifying team willingness to participate in, and recommended approach for, a communications exercise highlighting benefits N. Management plan O. Training of highly qualified personnel