PRO getsavhd,filename,nimages,utsec,exptimes,bad_image ON_IOERROR,go_on OPENR,hbunit,filename,/GET_LUN hbfile=ASSOC(hbunit,BYTARR(512)) hbstat=FSTAT(hbunit) hbbytes=hbstat.SIZE nimages=hbbytes/66048L PRINT,'There are '+STRTRIM(nimages,2)+' images' hbytes=BYTARR(512,nimages) utsec=LONARR(nimages) exptimes=FLTARR(nimages) FOR i=0L,nimages-1 DO BEGIN hbytes(0,i)=hbfile(129*i) header=gethd(hbytes(*,i)) utsec(i)=3600L* $ + 60L* $ + 1L* exptimes(i)=header.misc.exp_scale*header.exp.exposure/1000. IF (i GT 0) AND (i MOD 20 EQ 0) THEN PRINT,i,FORMAT='(I4,$)' IF (i GT 0) AND (i MOD 400 EQ 0) THEN PRINT,FORMAT='()' GOTO,endloop go_on: IF KEYWORD_SET(bad_image) $ THEN bad_image=[bad_image,i] $ ELSE bad_image=[i] endloop: ENDFOR PRINT,FORMAT='()' CLOSE,hbunit FREE_LUN,hbunit IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(bad_image) THEN bad_image=[-1] RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION getlims,nimages,utsec,start=start,finish=finish lims=INTARR(2) IF KEYWORD_SET(start) THEN BEGIN sstart=SIZE(start) IF sstart(0) EQ 0 THEN startut=start $ ELSE BEGIN IF sstart(1) LT 3 THEN start=INTARR(3)+start startut=TOTAL([3600.,60.,1.]*start) ENDELSE after=WHERE(utsec GT startut,nafter) IF nafter GT 0 THEN lims(0)=MIN(after) ELSE $ MESSAGE,'No data after '+STRTRIM(startut,2)+' s UT!' ENDIF ELSE lims(0)=0 IF KEYWORD_SET(finish) THEN BEGIN sfinish=SIZE(finish) IF sfinish(0) EQ 0 THEN finishut=finish $ ELSE BEGIN IF sfinish(1) LT 3 THEN finish=INTARR(3)+finish finishut=TOTAL([3600.,60.,1.]*finish) ENDELSE before=WHERE(utsec LT finishut,nbefore) IF nbefore GT 0 THEN lims(1)=MAX(before) ELSE $ MESSAGE,'No data before '+STRTRIM(finishut,2)+' s UT!' ENDIF ELSE lims(1)=nimages-1 RETURN,lims END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO getexpt,exptimes,expt,selexp,fexpt=fexpt ; Select the exposure time(s) of the images to be processed. If ; selexp in non-zero then the value of expt is significant. mnex=MIN(exptimes,MAX=mxex) IF KEYWORD_SET(fexpt) THEN BEGIN expt=fexpt selexp=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF mnex NE mxex THEN BEGIN REPEAT BEGIN PRINT,mnex,mxex $ ,FORMAT='("Exposure times range from ",F4.1," to ",F4.1," s")' PRINT,'Enter the exposure time of interest ( for all)' texp='' READ,texp selexp=isnumber(texp,expt) j=WHERE(exptimes EQ expt,nj) ENDREP UNTIL nj GT 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN selexp=0 expt=FIX(ROUND(mnex)) ENDELSE ENDELSE RETURN END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION gettitle,utsecs,filter,year,month,day,vh,timespan $ ,sun=sun,moon=moon,offset=offset $ ,van=van,dist=dist ; This routine composes and returns a title based on the parameters ; passed to it. ; FORMAT: ; 'EUREKA (80.0N,86.4W;88.8I' ; 'HH:00-HH:00UT dd MON yyyy' ; 'WWW.W nm Solar azimuth[+DDDd]' ; 'vR hhh km proj to HHH km' line0='EUREKA (80.0N,86.4W;88.8!7K!X)' interval=ROUND(timespan/3600.) ; hardwired for now, maybe a parameter later stime=FLOOR(utsecs/timespan)*interval etime=stime+interval datestring=ymd2date(year,month,day,format='d$ n$ Y$') line1=STRING(stime,etime,datestring $ ,FORMAT='(I2.2,":00-",I2.2,":00UT ",A)') wavelen=STRMID(filter,0,STRPOS(filter,'nm')+2) CASE 1 OF KEYWORD_SET(sun): BEGIN az='Solar azimuth' IF KEYWORD_SET(offset) THEN $ IF offset GE 0 THEN $ az=az+'+'+STRTRIM(offset,2)+'!9%!X' $ ELSE az=az+'-'+STRTRIM(ABS(offset),2)+'!9%!X' END KEYWORD_SET(moon): BEGIN az='Lunar azimuth' IF KEYWORD_SET(offset) THEN $ IF offset GE 0 THEN $ az=az+'+'+STRTRIM(offset,2)+'!9%!X' $ ELSE az=az+'-'+STRTRIM(ABS(offset),2)+'!9%!X' END ELSE: BEGIN off=0 IF KEYWORD_SET(offset) THEN off=offset az='Azimuth '+STRTRIM(off,2)+'!9%!X' END ENDCASE line2=wavelen+' '+az line3='' IF KEYWORD_SET(van) THEN $ line3=line3+'vR '+STRTRIM(ROUND(vh),2)+' km' IF KEYWORD_SET(dist) THEN $ line3=line3+' '+'proj to '+STRTRIM(ROUND(dist),2)+' km' line3=STRTRIM(line3,2) ; to lose 2 leading spaces if dist but not van title=line0+'!C'+line1+'!C'+line2 IF line3 NE '' THEN title=title+'!C'+line3 RETURN,title END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION findpeaks,hdist,slice,peak=peak,npeaks=npeaks ; This routine locates peaks in the brightness slice passed from ; the main routine. The background level, the peak height above ; the background, and the depth of the trough between peaks are ; all settable parameters passed from the main routine. npeaks=0 IF KEYWORD_SET(peak) THEN BEGIN bg=peak(0) ht=peak(1) depth=peak(2) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN bg=100 ht=30 depth=10 ENDELSE IF MAX(slice) GT bg+ht THEN BEGIN gslice=slice ghdist=hdist nvals=N_ELEMENTS(gslice) ; Smooth the profile to a lower spatial resolution dh=hdist-SHIFT(hdist,-1) bin=10.*CEIL(MAX(dh)/10.) hdmin=MIN(hdist,MAX=hdmax) dmin=FLOOR(hdmin/bin)*bin dmax=FLOOR(hdmax/bin)*bin h=HISTOGRAM(hdist,BIN=bin,MIN=dmin,MAX=dmax,REVERSE_INDICES=r) nh=N_ELEMENTS(h) hdh=FINDGEN(nh)*bin+dmin+bin/2. hdm=FLTARR(nh) FOR j=0,nh-1 DO BEGIN IF r(j) NE r(j+1) THEN BEGIN spop=slice(r(r(j):r(j+1)-1)) hdm(j)=mean(spop) ENDIF ELSE hdm(j)=0. ENDFOR ; Now find local extrema of binned profile blmax=extremes(hdm,+1) ; Sort blmax in descending order of peak heights blmax=blmax(reverse(SORT(hdm(blmax)))) blmin=extremes(hdm,-1) IF TOTAL(blmin NE -1) EQ 0 THEN mm=MIN(hdm,blmin) maxpks=MIN([3,N_ELEMENTS(blmax)]) ; Now transfer these to corresponding positions in unbinned slice lmax=INTARR(maxpks) FOR i=0,maxpks-1 DO BEGIN close=WHERE(ABS(ghdist-hdh(blmax(i))) LT bin) gpk=MAX(gslice(close),loc) lmax(i)=close(0)+loc ENDFOR lmin=INTARR(N_ELEMENTS(blmin)) FOR i=0,N_ELEMENTS(lmin)-1 DO BEGIN close=WHERE(ABS(ghdist-hdh(blmin(i))) LT bin) gtr=MIN(gslice(close),loc) lmin(i)=close(0)+loc ENDFOR ; Now check whether each local maximum is well-separated from the ; nearest local minimum, and is sufficiently high above the ; neighbouring local minima. Accept at most 3 maxima per slice. keep=BYTARR(maxpks) FOR i=0,maxpks-1 DO BEGIN IF i EQ 0 THEN keep(i)=(gslice(lmax(i)) GT bg+ht) $ ELSE BEGIN mdist=MIN(ABS(lmax(i)-lmin)) keep(i)=(gslice(lmax(i)) GT bg+ht) AND (mdist GE 2) ENDELSE IF (i GT 0) AND keep(i) THEN BEGIN m1=lmax(i-1) m2=lmax(i) IF m1 GT m2 THEN swap,m1,m2 locmin=MIN(gslice(m1:m2)) keep(i)=(locmin LT gslice(lmax(i))-depth) ENDIF ENDFOR IF TOTAL(keep) GE 1 THEN pks=ghdist(lmax(WHERE(keep))) ELSE pks=[-9999] ENDIF ELSE pks=[-9999] npeaks=FIX(TOTAL(pks NE -9999)) RETURN,pks END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO aprofile,yr,month,day,cam,filt $ ,sun=sun,moon=moon,offset=offset,debug=debug,ps=ps $ ,van=van,vRh=vRh,dist=dist,stack=stack,prompt=prompt $ ,peak=peak,start=start,finish=finish,fexpt=fexpt ; ; This routine takes the images in a large .RAY file and extracts ; intensities along a meridian from each image. The profiles can ; then be plotted or transformed to show the progress of emitting ; structures along the meridian. The meridian can be aligned with ; the Sun (set keyword sun), the Moon (set keyword moon), or offset ; by a fixed angle from either of these reference points. If neither ; sun nor moon is specified, offset gives the fixed azimuth of the ; meridian. ; ; The keyword 'van' turns on van Rhijn correction, which divides ; the measurements by the shape of a layer of unit vertical brightness ; as seen along a meridian (a van Rhijn profile). The keyword 'vRh' ; allows the user to supply an assumed emission height to override ; the built-in values in the array 'h'. ; ; If a plot of brightness versus distance from overhead rather than ; elevation angle is desired, the keyword 'dist' should be given ; the height (in km) of the layer in which the imaged emission is ; assumed to originate. ; COMMON date,year,month,day ; Initialize @isitdos ; filters=getfile('/aragorn/user2/steele/idl/filters.doc') s='' psplot=KEYWORD_SET(ps) !ORDER=1 IF !D.WINDOW EQ 0 THEN WDELETE,0 !X.MARGIN=[10,8] ytop=7 !Y.MARGIN=[4,ytop] ; ensure a 4-digit year for display; make reasonable assumptions year=yr IF year LT 1900 THEN BEGIN IF year LT 50 THEN year=year+2000 IF year GT 50 THEN year=year+1900 ENDIF IF KEYWORD_SET(van) THEN $ h=[87.,100.,300.,150.,300.,87.,100.,150.,97.,100.] ; Find out which pixels are viewing the sky getsig,year,month,day,sig0,sig1 CASE cam OF 0: sig=sig0 1: sig=sig1 ENDCASE ; Get the path to the desired images template=FiLocate(year,month,day,cam,filt) ; Open the file as a series of small (header-size) units and get ; the header information getsavhd,template,nimages,utsec,exptimes,bad_image ; Identify first and last image to process lims=getlims(nimages,utsec,start=start,finish=finish) ; Set up azimuth and zenith angle images for the specified camera ; and site PCsite=PoCasite(year,month,day) col=BINDGEN(256)#REPLICATE(1B,1,256) row=TRANSPOSE(col) cr2az,year,month,day,cam,filt,col,row,az,za,site=PCsite,/degrees IF KEYWORD_SET(offset) THEN offset=FIX(ROUND(offset)) ; identify image sequences and prompt user for sequence(s) to display dt=ABS(utsec-SHIFT(utsec,1)) ; rectify big negative number in front seqstart=WHERE(dt GT 600) ; semi-arbitrary large number (10 min) ;; Set plotting device ;IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(ps) THEN BEGIN ; resp='' ; PRINT,'Make a PostScript plot file? (Y/[N])' ; READ,resp ; psplot=(STRUPCASE(resp) EQ 'Y') ; ENDIF IF psplot THEN BEGIN psname=STRING(year MOD 100,month,day,cam,filt $ ,FORMAT='(3I2.2,2I1,".sps")') psopen,/long,psname ENDIF IF seqstart(0) GE 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Sequences begin with the following image numbers(s):' PRINT,seqstart ENDIF ; Select exposure time(s) of images to be processed getexpt,exptimes,expt,selexp,fexpt=fexpt ; Open the single big file and associate it to variable. OPENR,imunit,template,/GET_LUN files=ASSOC(imunit,BYTARR(66048)) ; If a stack plot is desired, set up the big window and the axes IF KEYWORD_SET(stack) THEN BEGIN IF !D.NAME NE 'PS' THEN BEGIN ss=Screen_Size() WINDOW,0,XSIZE=0.64*ss(1),YSIZE=ss(1) ENDIF !P.POSITION=[0.0,0.0,0.90,0.98] !X.OMARGIN=[8,8] EMPTY !P.MULTI=[0,2,1,0,0] ENDIF ; Initialize quantities needed below ip=-1 ; counter for images actually processed olduts=86399. ; dummy - no longer needed fullscale=8000. ; limit of intensity scale for stack plot fext=(fullscale+250.)/fullscale ; we allow 250 R at top of each graph timespan=14400. ; duration (s) of each stack plot utnewpage=-2*timespan-1. ; dummy time of last axis start, superseded below ftimespan=FIX(ROUND(timespan)) ; sometimes need an integer nticks=ROUND(timespan/900.) ; # of tick intervals needed for 15-min resolution tvals=FINDGEN(nticks+1) ; times (s) for use in plotting time axis ; read in each image, decode the header, rescale from 8 bits and process FOR i=lims(0),lims(1)-1 DO BEGIN whbad=WHERE(bad_image EQ i,nwhbad) IF nwhbad EQ 0 THEN BEGIN file=files(i) im=BYTE(file,512,256,256) ; If file was renormalized to fit 8 bits, reverse this. IF file(290) GT 0 THEN BEGIN IF file(291) EQ 1 THEN im=LONG(im)*(2^file(290)) IF file(291) EQ 0 THEN im=LONG(im)*file(290) ENDIF KIh=gethd(BYTE(file,0,512)) ; extract exposure time if necessary IF selexp THEN BEGIN thisexp=KIh.misc.exp_scale*KIh.exp.exposure/1000. go_on=(ABS(thisexp-expt) LT 1.0) ENDIF ELSE go_on=1 IF go_on THEN BEGIN ; extract start time of image from header itime=BYTARR(4) FOR itptr=0,3 DO itime(itptr) utsecs=TOTAL(itime*[3600,60,1,.01]) ; Calculate desired azimuth for this image CASE 1 OF KEYWORD_SET(sun): sunazel,KIh.misc.dt.year,KIh.misc.dt.month, $ ,,, $ ,meraz KEYWORD_SET(moon): moonazel,KIh.misc.dt.year,KIh.misc.dt.month, $ ,,, $ ,meraz ELSE: meraz=0. ENDCASE IF KEYWORD_SET(offset) THEN meraz=meraz+offset meraz=meraz MOD 360 ip=ip+1 ; index number for screen position of image merslice,im*sig,az,za,meraz,elev,slice,sd $ ,swidth=1.0,debug=debug ; IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(stack) THEN BEGIN mertitle=STRTRIM(ROUND(meraz),2)+' !9%!X azimuth' IF KEYWORD_SET(sun) THEN BEGIN mertitle='Solar Azimuth ('+STRTRIM(ROUND(meraz),2)+' !9%!X)' IF KEYWORD_SET(offset) THEN $ mertitle=STRTRIM(offset,2)+' !9%!X offset from '+mertitle ENDIF ELSE IF KEYWORD_SET(moon) THEN BEGIN mertitle='Lunar Azimuth ('+STRTRIM(ROUND(meraz),2)+' !9%!X)' IF KEYWORD_SET(offset) THEN $ mertitle=STRTRIM(offset,2)+' !9%!X offset from '+mertitle ENDIF mertitle=STRING(itime(0),itime(1),itime(2),FORMAT='(3(I2.2,:,":"))') $ +' '+mertitle ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ENDELSE ; Is van Rhijn correction desired? vh=0. IF KEYWORD_SET(van) THEN BEGIN IF KEYWORD_SET(vRh) THEN vh=vRh ELSE vh=h(5*cam+filt) v=vanrhijn(ABS(elev-90.),vh) slice=slice/v ENDIF ; Exclude points lying outside active image area of CCD wmer=WHERE(sd) elev=elev(wmer) slice=slice(wmer) sd=sd(wmer) ; Try median smoothing to lose single-pixel spikes slice=MEDIAN(slice,3) ; Brightness versus distance desired IF KEYWORD_SET(dist) THEN BEGIN eflag=1 eheight=dist hdist=za2dist(elev-90.,eheight,debug=debug,rad=re) ; Smoothing works well. Now try identifying peaks and troughs ; where background level, peak amplitude, and interpeak trough ; depth are all settable parameters: peak=[back,height,depth] IF KEYWORD_SET(peak) THEN $ pks=findpeaks(hdist,slice,npeaks=npeaks,peak=peak) $ ELSE npeaks=0 ENDIF IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(ymax) THEN ymax=nicenumber(2*MAX(slice),/floor) IF NOT psplot THEN WSET,0 arg=KEYWORD_SET(prompt) IF STRUPCASE(GET_KBRD(arg)) EQ 'Q' THEN GOTO,DONE ; Plot versus desired independent variable CASE 1 OF KEYWORD_SET(dist): BEGIN IF ip EQ 0 THEN maxdist=50*CEIL((2.75*dist)/50) IF KEYWORD_SET(stack) THEN BEGIN toff=(utsecs MOD ftimespan)*(fullscale/timespan) nvals=N_ELEMENTS(hdist) left=MAX([maxdist,hdist+1]) right=MIN([-maxdist,hdist-1]) hdist=[left,hdist(0),hdist,hdist(nvals-1),right] slice=[0.,0.,slice,0.,0.] PRINT,itime(0),itime(1),itime(2) $ ,FORMAT='(I2.2,":",I2.2,":",I2.2," ",$)' IF ((ip+1) MOD 11) EQ 0 THEN PRINT,FORMAT='()' CASE 1 OF ; Time to start a new page of plotting ;;;;(utsecs MOD (2*ftimespan)) LT (olduts MOD (2*ftimespan)): BEGIN (FLOOR(utsecs)/(2*ftimespan) GT FLOOR(utnewpage)/(2*ftimespan)) OR $ (ip EQ 0): BEGIN IF ip EQ 0 THEN multiplot $ ELSE BEGIN ERASE multiplot,/reset multiplot ENDELSE ptitle=gettitle(utsecs,filters(5*cam+filt) $ ,year,month,day,vh,timespan $ ,sun=sun,moon=moon,offset=offset $ ,van=van,dist=dist) PLOT,hdist,slice+toff $ ,XTITLE='Dist. toward specified azimuth (km)' $ ,YTITLE='Intensity (R)' $ ,TITLE=ptitle $ ,XRANGE=[maxdist,-maxdist],/XSTYLE $ ,YRANGE=[0,fullscale+250],/YSTYLE $ ,XTICKLEN=0.01,YTICKLEN=0.04 utnewpage=utsecs utnewaxis=utsecs IF npeaks GT 0 THEN $ FOR k=0,npeaks-1 DO BEGIN tmp=interpol(slice,hdist,pks(k)) PLOTS,[pks(k),pks(k)] $ ,[toff,toff+tmp] $ ,LINESTYLE=0 PLOTS,[pks(k)] $ ,[toff] $ ,PSYM=1 ENDFOR END ; Time to start the second half of the present page of plotting FLOOR(utsecs)/ftimespan GT FLOOR(utnewaxis)/ftimespan: BEGIN ;(utsecs MOD ftimespan) LT (olduts MOD ftimespan): BEGIN multiplot ptitle=gettitle(utsecs,filters(5*cam+filt) $ ,year,month,day,vh,timespan $ ,sun=sun,moon=moon,offset=offset $ ,van=van,dist=dist) PLOT,hdist,slice+toff $ ,XTITLE='Dist. toward specified azimuth (km)' $ ,TITLE=ptitle $ ,XRANGE=[maxdist,-maxdist],/XSTYLE $ ,YRANGE=[0,fullscale+250],/YSTYLE $ ,XTICKLEN=0.01,YTICKLEN=0.04 utnewaxis=utsecs IF npeaks GT 0 THEN $ FOR k=0,npeaks-1 DO BEGIN tmp=interpol(slice,hdist,pks(k)) PLOTS,[pks(k),pks(k)] $ ,[toff,toff+tmp] $ ,LINESTYLE=0 PLOTS,[pks(k)] $ ,[toff] $ ,PSYM=1 ENDFOR AXIS,-maxdist,YAXIS=1 $ ,YTITLE='Time within plotted interval (HH:MM)' $ ,YTICKLEN=-!P.TICKLEN $ ,/DATA,YTICKS=nticks $ ,YTICKV=tvals*(fullscale/nticks) $ ,YTICKNAME=time_label(tvals*900) tit_ht=CONVERT_COORD(maxdist,fullscale+250.,0. $ ,/DATA,/TO_DEVICE) PLOTS,[tit_ht(0),tit_ht(0)] $ ,[tit_ht(1),tit_ht(1)+(ytop-0.5)*!D.Y_CH_SIZE] $ ,/DEVICE END ; Continue plotting on the present axes ELSE: BEGIN OPLOT,hdist,slice+toff IF npeaks GT 0 THEN $ FOR k=0,npeaks-1 DO BEGIN tmp=interpol(slice,hdist,pks(k)) PLOTS,[pks(k),pks(k)] $ ,[toff,toff+tmp] $ ,LINESTYLE=0 PLOTS,[pks(k)] $ ,[toff] $ ,PSYM=1 ENDFOR END ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PLOT,hdist,slice,TITLE=mertitle $ ,XTITLE='Dist. toward specified azimuth (km)' $ ,YTITLE='Intensity (R)' $ ; ,PSYM=3 $ ,XRANGE=[maxdist,-maxdist],/XSTYLE $ ,YRANGE=[0,ymax],/YSTYLE OPLOT,hdist,sd,COLOR=!D.N_COLORS/2 ENDELSE ; XYOUTS,0.03*!X.CRANGE(0)+0.97*!X.CRANGE(1) $ ; ,0.05*!Y.CRANGE(0)+0.95*!Y.CRANGE(1) $ ; ,'Emission height '+STRTRIM(dist,2)+' km' $ ; ,ALIGNMENT=1 END ELSE: BEGIN PLOT,elev,slice,TITLE=mertitle $ ,XTITLE='Elevation angle (!9%!X)' $ ,YTITLE='Intensity (R)' $ ; ,PSYM=3 $ ,XTICKS=6,XTICKV=FINDGEN(7)*30 $ ,XRANGE=[0,180],/XSTYLE $ ,YRANGE=[0,ymax],/YSTYLE OPLOT,elev,sd,COLOR=!D.N_COLORS/2 END ENDCASE ; IF KEYWORD_SET(van) THEN $ ; XYOUTS,0.97*!X.CRANGE(0)+0.03*!X.CRANGE(1) $ ; ,0.05*!Y.CRANGE(0)+0.95*!Y.CRANGE(1) $ ; ,'van Rhijn corrected' EMPTY ENDIF ENDIF ENDFOR DONE: ; Ensure a time axis is shown on the last page even if only one ; panel is plotted AXIS,-maxdist,YAXIS=1 $ ,YTITLE='Time within plotted interval (HH:MM)' $ ,YTICKLEN=-!P.TICKLEN $ ,/DATA,YTICKS=nticks $ ,YTICKV=tvals*(fullscale/nticks) $ ,YTICKNAME=time_label(tvals*900) IF psplot THEN BEGIN PRINT,FORMAT='()' psclose ; SPAWN,'~steele/scripts/rmps3 '+psname+' b' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PRINT,FORMAT='()' PRINT,STRING(7B)+'Press any key to erase the display and end.' j=GET_KBRD(1) WDELETE,2 WDELETE,0 ENDELSE END