PRO cirplot,clat,clon,gcrad ;procedure to plot a circle on a lat/lon image ;IN: clat, clon : centre latitude and lungitude of image ; : gcrad : radius of circle in radians ;nza is the nuber of circles to be plotted. nza=1 hang=!DTOR*15.*(FINDGEN(nza)+1) gcrad=!DTOR*gcrad ;figure plotted is actually a 37 sided polynomial naz=37 az=FINDGEN(naz)*360./(naz-1) hlon=FLTARR(naz,nza) hlat=hlon ;loop present in case nza is GT 1 FOR i=0,naz-1 DO BEGIN ;change range and bearing to lat/lon rb2ll,clon,clat,gcrad,az(i),alon,alat hlon(i,*)=alon hlat(i,*)=alat ENDFOR PLOTS,hlon(*,3)-360.,hlat(*,3) gcrad=!RADEG*gcrad RETURN END