PRO dt_summa ; ; This procedure simply makes a list of all the files in the current ; directory that MIGHT be Polar Camera image files, and prints to ; the screen a list of their creation dates and times, extracted ; from their headers. fl=FINDFILE('????????.*',COUNT=nfl) i=0 k='' REPEAT BEGIN i=i+1 rdkihd,fl(i-1),hb h=gethd(hb) getdatetime,h,d,t PRINT,fl(i-1),d,t,FORMAT='(A,1X,8I4)' IF i MOD 24 EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Press any key to continue... (q to quit)' k=GET_KBRD(1) ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL (i EQ nfl) OR (STRLOWCASE(k) EQ 'q') RETURN END