PRO getexpt,exptimes,expt,selexp,fexpt=fexpt ; Select the exposure time(s) of the images to be processed. If ; selexp in non-zero then the value of expt is significant. mnex=MIN(exptimes,MAX=mxex) IF KEYWORD_SET(fexpt) THEN BEGIN expt=fexpt selexp=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF mnex NE mxex THEN BEGIN REPEAT BEGIN PRINT,mnex,mxex $ ,FORMAT='("Exposure times range from ",F4.1," to ",F4.1," s")' PRINT,'Enter the exposure time of interest ( for all)' texp='' READ,texp selexp=isnumber(texp,expt) j=WHERE(exptimes EQ expt,nj) ENDREP UNTIL nj GT 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN selexp=0 expt=FIX(ROUND(mnex)) ENDELSE ENDELSE RETURN END