;This program plots B field components vs. year, between 1945 and 1995. read,'Latitude, longitude: ',lat,lon year=findgen(51)+45. x=fltarr(51) y=fltarr(51) z=fltarr(51) hor=fltarr(51) dip=fltarr(51) dec=fltarr(51) for i=0,50 do begin igrf,lat,lon,year(i),xaux,yaux,zaux,horaux,dipaux,decaux x(i)=xaux y(i)=yaux z(i)=zaux hor(i)=horaux dip(i)=dipaux dec(i)=decaux endfor stop again: print,'Plot menu:' print,'1. X' print,'2. Y' print,'3. Z' print,'4. H' print,'5. I' print,'6. D' print,'7. Exit' print read,'Enter choice: ',choice case choice of 1: plot,year,x,xtitle='Year',ytitle='X',/ynozero 2: plot,year,y,xtitle='Year',ytitle='Y',/ynozero 3: plot,year,z,xtitle='Year',ytitle='Z',/ynozero 4: plot,year,hor,xtitle='Year',ytitle='H',/ynozero 5: plot,year,dip,xtitle='Year',ytitle='I',/ynozero 6: plot,year,dec,xtitle='Year',ytitle='D',/ynozero 7: goto, finish endcase if choice ne 7 then goto, again finish: end