PRINT,'enter the camera and filter numbers' READ,cam,filt ;array of 31 normalized flat field images to be read in img= fltarr(256,256,31) i=fltarr(256,256) ;files to read in. Extention number notpresent because all files with this base ;filename are needed. If there are not 31 files, the tiled image will be ;incomplete or an error will occur in the program file1=STRING(cam,filt,$ FORM='("/jasper/cnsr3_data1/flat/fn??",2I1,"*")') fl1=findfile(file1,count=nfl1) FOR k=0,nfl1-1 DO BEGIN rdnflat,fl1(k),im img(*,*,k)=im ENDFOR FOR j=nfl1-1,0,-1 DO BEGIN w=where(img(*,*,j)) i(w)=img(w+65536*j) ENDFOR IF (!D.WINDOW EQ 0) AND (!D.X_SIZE NE 975) THEN WINDOW,0,XSIZE=975,YSIZE=850 IF !D.WINDOW EQ -1 THEN WINDOW,0,XSIZE=975,YSIZE=850 WINDOW,2,XSIZE=300,YSIZE=300 loadct,13 tvscl,i ;create maps of the azimuth and elevation as done in l=256. col=REBIN(LINDGEN(l),l,l) row=TRANSPOSE(col) meanf = STRING(cam,filt,$ FORMAT='("/wesson/user/steele/schee/dat/c",I1,"f",I1,".meanparms")') ;files '*.meanparms' contain factors to fit azimuth and zenith angle numbers ;to row and collumn numbers on an image fl=findfile(meanf) IF fl(0) EQ '' THEN BEGIN ;in case no .meanparms exists for this camera/filter. meanf=STRING(cam,FORM='("/wesson/user/steele/schee/dat/c",I1,"f*.meanparms")') fl=findfile(meanf) meanf=fl(0) ENDIF OPENR,u,meanf,/GET_LUN k=0. READF,u,c0,r0,r,k,camaz ;fitting factors CLOSE,u & FREE_LUN,u ca=0. dc=col-REPLICATE(c0,l,l) dr=row-REPLICATE(r0,l,l) rho=SQRT(dc^2+dr^2) phi=ATAN(dc,-dr) xp=COS(phi) yp=SIN(phi) cc=COS(ca) sc=SIN(ca) x=xp*cc+yp*sc y=-xp*sc+yp*cc el=90.-!RADEG*(ASIN(rho/r)/k) az=!RADEG*ATAN(-y,x) az(where(az LT 0))=az(where(az LT 0))+360 ;define elevations on one side of elevation map from 90-180 so that results ;can be plotted from 0-180 degrees elevation eln=el*((az GT 90) AND (az LE 270)) elp=el*((az LE 90) OR (az GT 270)) elp(where(elp))=180-elp(where(elp)) el(where(elp))=elp(where(elp)) ;el now defined 0-180 mk,prof prof(127:129,0:128)=1 ;256X256 image with a radial line to identify the profile w=where(prof) psname=STRING(cam,filt,FORM='("c",I1,"/f",I1)') ;future title of graphs WSET,0 IF !p.multi(1) NE 2 THEN !P.MULTI=[0,2,2,0,0] ;plot graphs 4 on a page maxdn=FLTARR(180) mindn=maxdn+50000 ;make minimum start excessively large so that later values ;to replace these will be smaller since a minimum is being ;found numtot=maxdn & totaldn=maxdn elarr=fltarr(1800,72) & dnarr=elarr avdn=FLTARR(180,72) elev=avdn ;making profiles of the fov along lines of constant azimuth, every 5 degrees. FOR n=3,358,5 DO BEGIN eltot=0 & dntot=0 rprofile=ROT(prof,n,missing=0) w=where(rprofile) FOR m=0,nfl1-1 DO BEGIN profile2=img(*,*,m)*rprofile wp=where(profile2) IF wp(0) NE -1 THEN BEGIN eltot=[eltot,el(wp)] dntot=[dntot,img(wp+m*65536)] ;take away points where the slope is very steep. These points are ;at the edges of the normalized LBS where things don't quite ;line up smaldrop=where(ABS(dntot-shift(dntot,1))/$ (ABS(eltot-shift(eltot,1))>1) lt 500) et=eltot(smaldrop) dt=dntot(smaldrop) smaldrop=where(ABS(dt-shift(dt,1))/$ (ABS(eltot-shift(eltot,1))>1) lt 500) eltot=et(smaldrop) dntot=dt(smaldrop) ENDIF ENDFOR ;first element of dntot & eltot was 0 (when the were defined) ;take away first element dntot=dntot(1:*) & eltot=eltot(1:*) ;sort elevations into ascending order, then take away the sharp slopes ;between points again esort=sort(eltot) elsort=eltot(esort) dnsort=dntot(esort) smaldrop=where(ABS(dnsort-shift(dnsort,1))/$ (ABS(elsort-shift(elsort,1))>1) lt 1000) eltot=elsort(smaldrop) & dntot=dnsort(smaldrop) ;plotting a minimum and maximum envelope onto each graph ;loop from closest integer below minimum elevation seen so far, to ;integer closest to max elevation FOR j=FIX(min(eltot)),ROUND(max(eltot)) DO BEGIN wel=where(FIX(eltot) EQ j) IF wel(0) NE -1 THEN BEGIN ;find minimum and maximum dn at elevation 'j' IF (min(dntot(wel)) LT mindn(j-FIX(min(eltot)))) THEN $ mindn(j-FIX(min(eltot)))=min(dntot(wel)) IF (max(dntot(wel)) GT maxdn(j-FIX(min(eltot)))) THEN $ maxdn(j-FIX(min(eltot)))=max(dntot(wel)) ;sum of all dn at this elevation - used to find mean later totaldn(j)=totaldn(j)+$ TOTAL(dntot(wel)) ;total number of points at this elevation - used to find mean numtot(j)=numtot(j)+$ N_ELEMENTS(wel) ENDIF ENDFOR ;mean DN at each elevation avdn(WHERE(numtot)+(n/5)*180)=$ totaldn(where(numtot))/numtot(where(numtot)) ;place the array of dn and elevations at this profile line azimuth ;into a 3-dimensional array, with the 3rd dimension representing each ;azimuth angle of the profile elarr(0:N_ELEMENTS(eltot)-1,n/5)=eltot dnarr(0:N_ELEMENTS(dntot)-1,n/5)=dntot ;re-initialize variables so they can be re-summed for the next azimuth totaldn=FLTARR(180) numtot=totaldn ENDFOR avtot=FLTARR(180) & sdev=avtot angl=intarr(180) FOR n=0,179 DO BEGIN wav=WHERE(avdn(n,*)) sz=SIZE(wav) ;create an average dn at every elevation where any points were ;present on the profile IF wav(0) NE -1 THEN BEGIN avtot(n)=TOTAL(avdn(n,wav))/$ N_elements(avdn(n,wav)) IF sz(1) GT 1 THEN sdev(n)=STDEV(avdn(n,wav)) ENDIF ENDFOR ;angl= values from 3 to 358 in 5 degree increments angl='az = '+STRTRIM(INDGEN(72)*5+3,2) PRINT,'Do you want a PS plot of the total mean vs. elevation (one graph only)?' ans='' READ,ans ;plot of average dn and standard dev. vs. elevation IF strlowcase(ans) EQ 'y' THEN BEGIN filename=STRING(cam,filt,$ FORM='("/wesson/user/steele/schee/dat/meanstdev.",2I1)') psname=STRTRIM(filename,2)+'.ps' psopen,psname PRINT,'File is called: ',psname tname=STRING(cam,filt,FORM='("c",I1,"/f",I1)') !P.MULTI=0 plot,avtot,title=tname,xtitle='elevation',$ ytitle='DN, standard dev. * 10' oplot,sdev*10,line=1 legend,['mean','stdev*10'],linestyle=[0,1] ;used to identify lines on plot psclose dname=STRTRIM(filename,2)+'.dat' ENDIF ;print average dn and standard deviation values into a file OPENW,unit,dname,/GET_LUN printf,unit,180 printf,unit,avtot printf,unit,sdev close,unit & FREE_LUN,unit For b=0,20 do bell WDELETE,2 END