PRO rdtemps,ifname,date,time,imlen,tfw,tei,td,tee,tcf ; ; This procedure accepts the full path name of an image file and returns ; the date, time when the image exposure began, image exposure time (in ; s), and the full temperature information stored in the image header. ; All output parameters except imlen are INTARRs. ; dummy=FINDFILE(ifname,COUNT=filefound) IF filefound THEN BEGIN rdkihd,ifname,hb KIh=gethd(hb) date=extract(KIh.misc.dt) & date=FIX(date) & date(2)=date(2)+1792 time=extract( imlen=KIh.misc.exp_scale*KIh.exp.exposure/1000. tfw=extract(KIh.misc.temp.tfw) tei=extract(KIh.misc.temp.tei) td=extract( tee=extract(KIh.misc.temp.tee) tcf=extract(KIh.misc.temp.tcf) ENDIF ELSE PRINT,ifname+" not found - RETURN values " RETURN END