PRO savqldat,cam,filt,qlunits,itime,exp,zdata ; This procedure takes the camera and filter numbers, the list of ; start time of the exposure, the exposure time in seconds, and an ; array of data values within 2 degrees zenith angle. The appropriate ; logical unit number is identified, the Universal Time of the ; midpoint of the exposure is calculated, the mean data value is ; determined, and the UT and mean data value are written in ASCII ; format to the appropriate quick-look file. @isitdos ; Something is wrong with the 10-s red-line exposures; don't save ; them right now IF ((cam EQ 0) AND (filt EQ 2) AND (exp EQ 10.)) THEN RETURN qlu=qlunits(5*cam+filt) ut=TOTAL([3600.,60.,1.,0.01]*itime)+exp/2. zstdev=stdev(zdata,zmean) tmpfile=qlroot+dd+STRING(cam,filt,FORMAT='("tmp",2I1,".ql")') qlf=rfindfile(tmpfile,count=nqlf) IF nqlf EQ 1 THEN OPENW,qlu,tmpfile,/GET_LUN,/APPEND $ ELSE OPENW,qlu,tmpfile,/GET_LUN PRINTF,qlu,ut,zmean,zstdev,FORMAT='(F8.1,2E11.3)' FREE_LUN,qlu RETURN END