PRO smoothff,cam,filt,ffimean,ffisd,smffi,fit rdffimg,cam,filt,ffimg,az,el PRINT,'Apply 5x5 median smoothing to the flat-field image first? (Y/[N])' resp='' READ,resp IF STRUPCASE(resp) EQ 'Y' THEN ffi=MEDIAN(ffimg,5) ELSE ffi=ffimg loadct,13,/silent WINDOW,0 TVSCL,ffi,0 TVSCL,ffi,0 elmin=0. & elmax=90. & elres=0.25 ; Create the array 'r' which contains pointers back to all pixels, ; ordered by increasing elevation. This will allow us to average ; flat-field image pixel values over all pixels at the same elevation ; angle. elh=HISTOGRAM(el,MIN=elmin,MAX=elmax,BINSIZE=elres,REVERSE_INDICES=r) ffimean=FLTARR((elmax-elmin)/elres) ffisd=ffimean smffi=INTARR(256,256) FOR j=0,N_ELEMENTS(elh)-1 DO BEGIN ; first collect all the values from the given elevation IF elh(j) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ffivals=ffi(r(r(j):r(j+1)-1)) IF N_ELEMENTS(ffivals) GT 0 THEN BEGIN ; if there are some values, take mean and st. dev. IF MAX(ffivals,MIN=fm)-fm GT 0 THEN BEGIN ffisd(j)=stdev(ffivals,mm) ffimean(j)=mm ENDIF ELSE ffimean(j)=fm ; s.d.=0 since all values equal ; then set the appropriate pixels in the smoothed flat-field ; image to the mean value smffi(r(r(j):r(j+1)-1))=ROUND(ffimean(j)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN; otherwise set them to ffisd(j)=-999. ; dummy values, ffimean(j)=-999.; obviously! ENDELSE ENDIF ENDFOR TVSCL,smffi,1 ; restrict plot to lower half of window pp=[!X.MARGIN(0)*!D.X_CH_SIZE,!Y.MARGIN(0)*!D.Y_CH_SIZE $ ,!D.X_SIZE-!X.MARGIN(1)*!D.X_CH_SIZE,0.48*!D.Y_SIZE] nl=N_ELEMENTS(ffimean) ; construct mean profiles across whole field of view for ... allels=FINDGEN(2*nl-1)*elres+elmin ; the mean flat-field response, and ... ffmerid=INDGEN(2*nl-1) ffmerid(0:nl-1)=ffimean ffmerid(nl:2*nl-2)=reverse(ffimean(0:nl-2)) ; the standard deviation in the above sdmerid=ffmerid sdmerid(0:nl-1)=ffisd sdmerid(nl:2*nl-2)=reverse(ffisd(0:nl-2)) ; now plot them versus elevation angle PLOT,allels,ffmerid,POSITION=pp,/DEVICE,XTITLE='Elevation (deg)' $ ,YTITLE='Mean pixel value',/NOERASE,XRANGE=[0,180],XSTYLE=1 $ ,XTICKS=6,XTICKV=INDGEN(7)*30 OPLOT,allels,sdmerid,psym=3 ; now set up to fit a sum of cosines to the mean response vs el. fit=1 cs=1 PRINT,'How many terms to fit? (min. 2, recommend 4)' READ,nterms ; select only angles where the response is reasonably certain p=WHERE((sdmerid>2)/(ffmerid>1) LT 0.1) ; in effect, fit versus zenith angle so cosines are symmetric pfit=svdfit(!DTOR*(allels(p)-90.),ffmerid(p),nterms,weight=1./(sdmerid(p)>2) $ ,funct='cosines',yfit=fit,chisq=cs) ; show best-fit curve OPLOT,allels(p),fit,THICK=2,COLOR=!D.N_COLORS/2 PRINT,"Fit parameters:" PRINT,pfit PRINT,"Chi squared = ",STRTRIM(cs,2) ; show difference of actual montage and best smooth fit WINDOW,2 tmp=smffi FOR j=MIN(p),MIN(p)+N_ELEMENTS(p)/2 DO $ tmp(r(r(j):r(j+1)-1))=ROUND(fit(j-MIN(p))) PRINT,'Now displaying relative error between actual montage and fit' tvsi,(((ffi-tmp)/(tmp>1))<0.3)>(-0.3),0,0,255,255,window=2 $ ,contour=FINDGEN(7)*0.05-0.15 PRINT,'Adopt this fit? (Y/[N])' READ,resp IF STRUPCASE(resp) EQ 'Y' THEN BEGIN smffi=tmp outname=STRING(cam,filt,FORMAT='("~cnsr3/flat/ffimg.",2I1,".smooth")') OPENW,out,outname,/GET_LUN,/XDR ss=SIZE(smffi) WRITEU,out,ss(1),ss(2) WRITEU,out,smffi CLOSE,out FREE_LUN,out WSET,0 TVSCL,smffi,1 ENDIF RETURN END ; The following lines are almost straight out of ~steele/idl/ ;CONTOUR,[[0,0],[1,1]],/NODATA, XSTYLE=4, YSTYLE = 4 ;px = !X.WINDOW * !D.X_VSIZE ;Get size of window in device units ;py = !Y.WINDOW * !D.Y_VSIZE ;dpy=py(1)-py(0) ;height in device pixels of plot window ;a=CONGRID((((ffi-tmp)/(tmp>1))<0.5)>(-0.5),dpy,dpy) ;TVSCL,a,px(0),py(0) ;sz = SIZE(a) ;Size of image ;six = FLOAT(sz(1)) ;Image sizes ;siy = FLOAT(sz(2)) ;swx=six ;swy=siy ;levs=FINDGEN(7)*0.1-0.3 ; -0.3, -0.2, ..., 0.2, 0.3 ;mx = !D.N_COLORS-1 ;Brightest color ;colors = [mx,mx,mx,0,0,0] ;color vectors ;IF !ORDER EQ 1 THEN ar=ROTATE(a,7) ELSE ar=a ; DPS, Apr, 1993 ;CONTOUR,ar,/NOERASE,/XSTYLE,/YSTYLE $ ;Do the contour ; 'a' changed to 'ar' ; ,POSITION=[px(0),py(0),px(0)+swx,py(0)+swy],/DEVICE $ ; ,LEVELS=levs,/FOLLOW;$ ;; ,C_COLOR=colors