PRO starnight,imgset ;This program is designed to follow the movement of bright stars over a given ;time and to observe their relative brightness over this time. PRINT,'Do you wish to open a Post Script file? (y/[n])' post='' READ,'post' IF STRLOWCASE(post) EQ 'y' THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Name the file, using the complete path' READ,filename psopen,filename ENDIF ;get times at which images were taken RLlat=58.233 & RLlon=256.330 t=LONARR(400) night = '/jasper/cnsr3_data1/'+imgset fl = findfile(night+'*',count=nfl) FOR i=0,nfl-1 DO BEGIN ;read in headers of images and extract time image was taken rdkihd,fl(i),hb & kh=gethd(hb) getdatetime,kh,date,time yr=date(0)+1900 & mo=date(1) & da=date(2) ;same for all images in set cam=kh.misc.(0) & filt=kh.misc.(1) t(i)** ENDFOR t=t(WHERE(t GT 0)) ;shorten time array to correspond to number of files used ;read in # of stars which will be observed OPENR,1,'/wesson/user/steele/schee/idl/ybsc4s.dat' ;contains a list of stars and their positions READF,1,nst ;the first line shows the number of stars in the file rise=REPLICATE(max(t),nst) ;times stars become visible set=REPLICATE(min(t),nst) ;times stars become not visible ;rise is initially set to the latest time and set to the earliest time, they ;are changed laterwhen the positions of the stars are calculated CLOSE,1 ;find positions of stars at the time of each image az=DBLARR(nst,nfl) & za=az hms=STRARR(400) FOR i=0,nfl-1 DO BEGIN stephem2,yr,mo,da,t(i),RLlat,RLlon,n,desig,az1,za1,mag,vis ;pro to find ;azimuth and zenith angle of stars az(*,i)=az1 & za(*,i)=za1 rise(vis)=(rise(vis) < (t(i))) ;times at which stars are first and last set(vis)=(set(vis) > (t(i))) ;seen print,t(i) hms(i)=strsec(t(i)) ENDFOR ;follow only those stars which are visible for at least 1 hour follow=WHERE((set-rise) GT .75*3600.) desig=desig(follow) & mag=mag(follow) siz=N_ELEMENTS(follow) az=az(follow,*) & za=za(follow,*) !ORDER=1 diff=FLTARR(siz,nfl) ;array of differences calculated using 'starmag' tt=SYSTIME(1) ;find the DN of the followed stars with respect to the median BG img1=INTARR(256,256,nfl) cl1=FLTARR(50,nfl) & rw1=cl1 FOR i=0,(nfl-1) DO BEGIN ;loop executed once per image; all stars considered ;in each image rdkimg,fl(i),hb,img kh=gethd(hb) IF kh.exp.(6) EQ 512 THEN img = REBIN(img,256,256,/sample); make 512 ;images into 256 img1(*,*,i)=img PRINT,'Were the images taken at Rabbit lake with the 14 degree offset?' offset='' READ,offset IF STRLOWCASE(offset) EQ 'y' THEN $ position,cam,filt,az(*,i),za(*,i),cl,rw,/RL $ ELSE position,cam,filt,az(*,i),za(*,i),cl,rw ;procedure to find row and col positions from azimuth and z.ang. cl1(0:N_ELEMENTS(cl)-1,i)=cl/2. & rw1(0:N_ELEMENTS(cl)-1,i)=rw/2. cl=cl/2. & rw=rw/2. ;row and col found in 'position' are for 512*512 starmag,img,cl,rw,d ;procedure to find star DN over median BG diff(0:N_ELEMENTS(d)-1,i)=d ENDFOR num=N_ELEMENTS(d) st=N_ELEMENTS(t) dn=FLTARR(num,nfl) dn=diff(0:num-1,*) ;plotting results IF !D.NAME EQ 'X' THEN $ ;otherwise postscript file must be running WINDOW,0,XSIZE=1200,YSIZE=900 $ ELSE DEVICE,XSIZE=24,YSIZE=18 !P.MULTI=[0,4,3,0,0] ;4 cols, 3 rows of graphs per page hr0=t(0)/3600 & min0=(t(0)-3600*hr0)/60 ; note integer arithmetic! hrmin0=hr0+min0/60. ; round off first time to nearest 1/2 hour remain0=FIX(hrmin0+1)-hrmin0 IF (remain0 GE 0) AND (remain0 LT .25) THEN round0=hr0+1 IF (remain0 GE .25) AND (remain0 LT .75) THEN round0=hr0+.5 IF (remain0 GE .75) THEN round0=hr0 hrf=t(st-1)/3600 & minf=(t(st-1)-3600*hrf)/60; round off last time to ;nearest 1/2 hour hrminf=hrf+minf/60. remainf=FIX(hrminf+1)-hrminf IF (remainf GE 0) AND (remainf LT .25) THEN roundf=hrf+1 IF (remainf GE .25) AND (remainf LT .75) THEN roundf=hrf+.5 IF (remainf GE .75) THEN roundf=hrf tick=FLTARR(20) ticksym=STRARR(20) i=-1 REPEAT BEGIN ;Define ticks on x-axis - start at first rounded off time (round0) ;and incriment by 1/2 hr until last time (roundf). i=i+1 tick(i)=round0+i*.5 ticksym(i)=STRMID(strsec(3600*tick(i)),0,5) ;convert seconds to HH:MM ENDREP UNTIL(tick(i) EQ FLOAT(roundf)) gz=WHERE(tick NE 0) tick=tick(gz) & ticksym=ticksym(gz) FOR k=0,num-1 DO BEGIN ;plot of star DN vs. UT (HH:MM) PLOT,t,REFORM(dn(k,*))>0,XRAN=[round0*3600.,roundf*3600.],XSTYLE=1$ ,YSTYLE=0,TITLE=fl(0),XTICKV=[tick(1:*)*3600],$ XTICKNAME=[ticksym(1:*)],XTITLE='UT (hh:mm)' ;plot movement of star in image over time in bottom-left of plot wlx=!X.CRANGE & wly=!Y.CRANGE ;axis limits - DATA coords. ; construct lower LH corner coords in DATA coords wl0=[wlx(0),wly(0),0.0] dvllc=CONVERT_COORD([wlx(0),wly(0),0.0],/DATA,/TO_DEVICE) ; -> DEVICE coords. dvulc=CONVERT_COORD([wlx(0),0.7*wly(0)+0.3*wly(1),0.0],/DATA,/TO_DEVICE) dviwedge=dvulc(1)-dvllc(1) ; extract subplot edge length - DEVICE coords. dvurc=[dvllc(0)+dviwedge,dvllc(1)+dviwedge] ;upper RH corner of sub-plot dvspx=REFORM((cl1(k,*)/256.)*(dvurc(0)-dvllc(0))+dvllc(0));coords on plot dvspy=REFORM((rw1(k,*)/256.)*(dvurc(1)-dvllc(1))+dvllc(1));of cl & rw PLOTS,[dvllc(0),dvurc(0),dvurc(0),dvllc(0)] $ ,[dvllc(1),dvllc(1),dvurc(1),dvurc(1)],/DEVICE PLOTS,dvspx,dvspy,/DEVICE,PSYM=3 XYOUTS,dvllc(0)+0.05*dviwedge,dvurc(1)+0.05*dviwedge,STRTRIM(desig(k),2) $ ,CHARSIZE=0.4,/DEVICE IF !D.NAME EQ 'X' THEN g=GET_KBRD(1) ENDFOR IF !D.NAME EQ 'PS' THEN psclose RETURN END