This data represents the noise performance obtained from the 42-80 enginerring (yes engineering!) device we are currently operating.
5244/37/8, 42-80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gain (e/adu) 0.68 0.62 0.63 0.77 1.05 Noise(rms e) 4.02 3.2 3.2 4.1 4.2 Bias (adu) 12566 12633 12608 12436 12064 CDS(Ref+Sig us) 20+20 10+10 5+5 2+2 1+1 NOTE:: System noise HAS been subtracted for these measurements
The FET Gain for this device has come out at 2.7uV/e and is consistent with the measurements made at EEV for similar devices. NOTE: this is about a factor of 2 lower than expected (6uV/e has been quoted in the spec. for this chip)
These are 4x4 binned frames, the only way to get the whole image onto the display in one go. Anyone know of any 4kx2k or even 2kx2k image displays!!
The spots all look pretty flat.. The black column at the top right is an artifact of XIMTOOL and nothing to do with the chip. The slight vignetting due to the radiation shield can be seen on the lower right of the spot as a slanting line, inclined inwards to the bottom. The horizontal under and overscans can also be clearly seen.
I plan to measure the flatness profile today, in preparation for a progress meeting at EEV tomorrow, across the 2k direction. I will put this data up on the Web Page early next week.
As usual the following images all have their associated full size counterparts...
Me on my way down in the clear Antigua water.
ESO conference looms eh.....