The following text was provided by Photometrics Inc. (now part of Roper Scientific) - see for possible further information. ----------------BEGIN QUOTE--------------------------------------------- The included files are used for addressing and testing the bus throughput of the AT200 or AT300 controller boards in a PC. AUTOADDR.EXE is included with PMIS 3.0 or earlier. Use this program after pushing the reset button on the controller board (which clears the current address and puts the board in Autoaddress mode). Set the "ID" number in PMIS to the middle number of the hex address given. This program will find the first free address as it searches upward from address 220H. SETBD.EXE will set the controller to a specific address in case there is still a conflict which the Autoaddr program could not detect. You will still need to start with AUTOADDR to set the board at 220H and then use SETBD to set the address higher. Example: to set the controller to address 230H from 220H type - "SETBD 3" TIMING2.EXE tests the bus throughput of the controller whether AT200 or AT300 version. However, the AT300 comes with it's own speed test software which is included in the HCK disk. Example: To test the bus throughput when the board is addressed at 230H you would type: TIMING2 5000 560 The 5000 is how many iterations of read/writes are performed (5000 is plenty). The 560 is 230H in decimal, 544 is 220H in decimal. The address must be entered in decimal for it to work. ----------END QUOTE----------------------------------------------------- The following information is useful when using these routines: 1) The two Photometrics AT200 boards are located in the 3rd and 4th ISA slots (counting from the top). Board #103 is in slot 3, labelled AT220 on the backplane, and should be at address 220h. Board #106 is in slot 4, labelled AT230, and should be at address 230h. 2) If one or both AT200 boards lose their addresses (which are stored in DALLAS chips on the boards), various errors may result, including the following: - FDD controller failure - Press to resume (This error occurs at boot-up, just after the SCSI host adapter locates the 2 SCSI drives.) - Illegal device name - COM2 (This error occurs when AUTOEXEC.BAT tries to initialize the two COM ports.) - AT200 at address 2x0h unresponsive or missing. Unable to proceed... (This error occurs when KI tries to initialize the cameras by acquiring and saving a test image from each camera.) The above errors were observed during the PoCa rescue mission in July 2000, just after the cameras were reconnected to their cables (which had remained connected to the control computer). 3) If any of these errors, or other unexpected behaviour, occurs it is worthwhile to re-address the two AT200 boards. The procedure is as follows: a: remove one AT200 board from the control computer; b: reboot the computer and get to the DOS prompt when boot-up is complete; c: press the RESET button on the edge of the remaining AT200 board near the backplane; d: run \USER\KEVIN\PM\AUTOADDR to set the board address to 220h; e: if the board in the computer is board #106, run \USER\KEVIN\PM\SETBD 3 to force the board address to 230h; f: remove the board and insert the other board in its place; g: repeat steps b - d above (and step e if necessary); h: insert the first board and reboot. With luck, you should find that the errors are gone. If not, the trouble lies somewhere else.