; IDL Version 4.0.1 (Win32 x86) ; Journal File for user@Microsoft Windows Host ; Working directory: C:\RSI\IDL40 ; Date: Mon Jan 29 15:53:36 1996 window,0 set_isoxy ; Set data window with equal x & y scales. Covers at least given range. ; set_isoxy, xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx ; xmn, xmx = desired min and max X. in ; ymn, ymx = desired min and max Y. in ; Keywords: ; /LIST = list actual window that is set. ; XLOCK = position where position is one of ; 'xmn' to extend window upward from the min x. ; 'xmd' to extend window outward from the mid x. ; 'xmx' to extend window downward from the max x. ; YLOCK = position where position is one of ; 'ymn' to extend window upward from the min y. ; 'ymd' to extend window outward from the mid y. ; 'ymx' to extend window downward from the max y. ; NXRANGE = [nx_min, nx_max] sets x pos. in norm. coord. ; Min and max normalized x. Def = [0., 1.] ; NYRANGE = [ny_min, ny_max] sets y pos. in norm. coord. ; Min and max normalized y. Def = [0., 1.] ; Notes: ; Either xmn, xmx or ymn, ymx will be adjusted to force ; equal scaling in X and Y in the current screen window. ; At least the specified range will be covered in both X ; and Y, but a greater range will be covered in one. ; The window middle or corners may be fixed. ; set_isoxy,0,0,0,0 (or set_isoxy,0) resets autoscaling. set_isoxy,-200,200,-200,200,xlock='xmd',ylock='ymd' axis,0,0,/xaxis axis,0,0,/yaxis r=findgen(200) rp=r+1e-4 ir=1./r ; % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0 ir=1./rp hlp,ir ; 1 Float array (200). Min = 0.00502512, Max = 10000.0 window,2 plot,ir wdelete,2 c=1e4 v=c/rp print,v(0:9) ; 1.00000e+008 9999.00 4999.75 3333.22 2499.94 1999.96 1666.64 ; 1428.55 1249.98 1111.10 print,v(190:199) ; 52.6315 52.3560 52.0833 51.8134 51.5464 51.2820 51.0204 ; 50.7614 50.5050 50.2512 print,v(100) ; 99.9999 a=dist(401) & help,dist a=dist(401) & help,q a=dist(401) & help,a hlp,a ; 1 Float array (401, 401). Min = 0.000000, Max = 282.843 tvsi,a,win=2 wdelete,2 a=shift(a,200,200) tvsi,a,win=2 wdelete,2 hlp,a ; 1 Float array (401, 401). Min = 0.000000, Max = 282.843 a=a+1e-4 v=100./a contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(15)*10+50 window,2 contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(15)*10+50 wdelete,2 hlp,v ; 1 Float array (401, 401). Min = 0.353553, Max = 1.00000e+006 window,2 contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(15)+50 contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(15)*0.1+0.03 contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(25)*0.1+0.03,xrange=[-200,200],yrange=[-200,200] set_isoxy,-200,200,-200,200 contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(25)*0.1+0.03,xrange=[-200,200],yrange=[-200,200] wdelete,0 wdelete,2 contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(25)*0.1+0.03 psopen,'\ep324\freevort.ps' psclose psopen,'\ep324\freevort.ps',/long device,xsize=7.0,ysize=7.0,/inches contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(25)*0.1+0.03 psclose psopen,'\ep324\freevort.ps',/long device,xsize=7.0,ysize=7.0,/inches set_isoxy,-200,200,-200,200 contour,v,findgen(401)-200,findgen(401)-200,levels=findgen(25)*0.1+0.03 psclose