;+ ; GRAFF_JUST ; Set "non-standard" text justification ; ; Usage: ; align = graff_just(initial, group=group) ; ; Return Value: ; align float The new justification setting ; ; Argument: ; initial float input The previous justification setting ; ; Keyword: ; group long input The widget ID of the caller. ; ; History: ; Original: 5/10/95; SJT ;- function Just_event, event widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue = but widget_control, event.handler, get_uvalue = jsl iexit = 0 alg = 0 case (but) of 'POP': begin widget_control, event.top, /show widget_control, event.id, timer = 2. end 'JUST': alg = event.value 'DONE': begin iexit = 1 widget_control, jsl, get_value = alg end endcase return, {id:event.handler, top:event.top, handler:0l, value:alg, $ Exit:iexit} end function Graff_just, align, group=group widget_control, group, sensitive = 0 tlb = widget_base(group = group, title = 'Graffer alignment') base = widget_base(tlb, /column, event_func = 'just_event') jb = widget_base(base, /row, uvalue = 'POP') junk = widget_label(jb, value = 'Left:') jsl = cw_fslider(jb, value = align, min = 0., max = 1., /drag, uvalue $ = 'JUST', format = "(F5.3)") junk = widget_label(jb, value = ':Right') junk = widget_button(base, value = 'Done', uvalue = 'DONE') widget_control, base, set_uvalue = jsl widget_control, tlb, /real widget_control, jb, timer = 2. repeat ev = widget_event(base) until ev.exit widget_control, ev.top, /destroy widget_control, group, /sensitive return, ev.value end `ˆ}hD$LJÞL‡L„ .Aq¨±˜ Æ F›¤` H€º'¥mì ¶Y¢å¨á¸&eΫõª÷ qB{2³PrÆÇ‚¹|ª‰E€tgÞ±¯zydEðÈúÍ@aÿ?8e Ãã^qKtÛQɆJÒ ­GcAÇlåm#C.…r£©…HyêNh¯¡rW,Ï/t ¼hl`\)®hTèat»€£ûXઃrÀ›7hðÖt0Ñ=E¬¦ fñ%tà¦> T±½Öà±E€0 ô 1pÈS8à4JŒúð8QŠ>Ày ÈèíCÈBŽ*Tw¡\RÀ. °m©^#¨?‘A{”Kuó¡–‚(M›øÀ¸+]V•¡´Ž22oó°`2‡¥"¢Ž‡¨¹¬JŽ°+Þ×9ŠÿêsÕkÕÃlÀC¸ÝV#p L'$’Œ)\pƒ&íw@HE·nated Ground-Based Observations With ESA's CLUSTER mission
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Default = 0. ; INTERVAL: The length of the analysis interval (hours). Default = ; 0.5. ; STEP: The time between start times for successive analyses. ; Default = INTERVAL. ; FINISH: The end time (UT hours). Default = 24. Use values > 24 ; if multi-day data are to be analyzed. ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /WAIT: If set, pauses after each plot until a key is pressed. ; PS: If set, specifies the name of the PostScript file to ; which output is directed to for subsequent plotting. ; Note: this keyword and the WAIT keyword are mutually ; exclusive; if PS has a value, WAIT is set to 0. ; Smooth: If set, specifies the width (in minutes) of the running ; average filter to be applied to the data for smoothing ; purposes before the FCA is applied. If set as /Smooth, ; a value of 5 minutes is used. ; UseFiles: Should be set equal to a StrArr of fully-qualified path ; names, in order to use those files in the subsequent ; analysis. This keyword allows the routine to be run in ; 'batch' mode, rather than interactively. ; OUTPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; None. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: DPSteele, ISR, October 1993. ; Documented by: DPSteele, ISAS, May 1996. ;- PRO fcameek,year,month,day,cam,filt,num,start,interval,step,finish $ ,wait=wait,ps=ps,smooth=sm,usefiles=usf IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 THEN BEGIN doc_library,'fcameek' RETURN ENDIF ; Set up OS-dependent parameters. @isitdos ; ON_ERROR,2 IF N_Elements(ps) GT 0 THEN BEGIN IF DataType(ps) NE 'STR' $ THEN Read,'Enter the name of the PostScript file to write: ',ps ps=StrTrim(ps,2) wait=0 ENDIF IF N_Elements(sm) EQ 0 THEN sm=0 IF sm EQ 1 THEN sm=5 IF N_Elements(usf) GT 0 THEN BEGIN ; validate supplied file names nusf=N_Elements(usf) valid=BytArr(nusf) FOR i=0,nusf-1 DO valid(i)=(rfindfile(usf(i)) NE '') IF Total(valid) NE nusf THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,nusf-1 DO Print,i,valid(i),usf(i),Format='(I0,I3,2X,A)' Message,'One or more invalid files supplied',/Informational Return ENDIF ELSE BEGIN file=usf cam=IntArr(nusf) filt=cam FOR i=0,nusf-1 DO BEGIN cfnum=Fix(StrMid(file(i),StrPos(file(i),'.')-2,1)) cam(i)=cfnum/5 filt(i)=cfnum MOD 5 ENDFOR IF (Total(cam-cam(0)) NE 0) OR (Total(filt-filt(0)) NE 0) THEN BEGIN Message,'Camera/filter discrepancy!' Return ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cam=cam(0) filt=filt(0) ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF IF N_Elements(day) EQ 0 THEN day=0 IF (N_Elements(file) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN IF ((N_Params() EQ 2) OR (day EQ 0)) THEN BEGIN ; year, month only => multi-day! patt=STRING(year MOD 100,month,fca_suffix $ ,FORMAT='(2I2.2,"????",A)') REPEAT BEGIN tmp=PickFile(/Read,Path=fcaroot,Filter=patt) IF StrLen(tmp) GT 0 THEN BEGIN IF N_Elements(file) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN cfnum=Fix(StrMid(tmp,StrPos(tmp,'.')-2,1)) fcam=cfnum/5 ffilt=cfnum MOD 5 IF (N_Elements(cam) GT 0) AND $ (N_Elements(filt) GT 0) THEN BEGIN discrep=(cam NE fcam) OR (filt NE ffilt) IF discrep THEN Message,'Camera/filter discrepancy!' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cam=fcam filt=ffilt ENDELSE file=StrUpCase(tmp) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cfnum=Fix(StrMid(tmp,StrPos(tmp,'.')-2,1)) tcam=cfnum/5 tfilt=cfnum MOD 5 IF (tcam NE cam) OR (tfilt NE filt) $ THEN Message,'Camera/filter discrepancy!' file=[file,StrUpCase(tmp)] ENDELSE ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL StrLen(tmp) EQ 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(start) EQ 0 THEN start=0 ; hours UT IF N_ELEMENTS(interval) EQ 0 THEN interval=0.5 ; hours IF N_ELEMENTS(step) EQ 0 THEN step=interval ; hours IF N_ELEMENTS(finish) EQ 0 THEN finish=24 ; hours UT patt=STRING(year MOD 100,month,day,5*cam+filt,num,fca_suffix $ ,FORMAT='(3I2.2,I1,I1,A)') tmp=PickFile(/Read,Path=fcaroot,Filter=patt) IF STRLEN(tmp) GT 0 THEN file=STRUPCASE(tmp) ELSE BEGIN MESSAGE,'No file found; exiting' RETURN ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF IF N_Elements(file) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN Message,'No files selected',/Informational Return ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT dos THEN file=StrLowCase(file) Print,'Files read:' FOR i=0,N_Elements(file)-1 DO Print,i,file(i),Format='(I0,2X,A)' ENDELSE IF Keyword_Set(ps) THEN BEGIN psname='' Read,'Enter the name for the PostScript file: ',psname PSOpen,psname,/Long ENDIF nfiles=N_Elements(file) nlin=INTARR(nfiles) nfov=nlin year=nlin month=nlin day=nlin jday=LONARR(nfiles) allfovparms=FLTARR(4,5*nfiles) ; Data in correct format will fit here match=1B ; Flag to test parameter agreement among multiple files FOR i=0,nfiles-1 DO BEGIN ; How big is the file? nlin(i)=NLines(file(i)) ; open the file OpenR,corrunit,file(i),/GET_LUN ; read the number of fields of view used READF,corrunit,numfov nfov(i)=FIX(ROUND(numfov)) IF nfov(i) NE 3 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'This analysis only applicable to 3-sensor data!' FREE_LUN,corrunit RETURN ENDIF ; read in the field of view parameters fovparms=FLTARR(nfov(i)+1,5) READF,corrunit,fovparms allfovparms(0,5*i)=fovparms ; copy parms for check below fovparms=TRANSPOSE(fovparms(1:*,*)) ; Check whether fovparms agree with first file loaded IF i GT 0 THEN BEGIN thesematch=allfovparms(*,5*i:5*i+4) EQ allfovparms(*,0:4) match=match AND Min(thesematch) IF NOT match THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'Parameter mismatch in file '+STRTRIM(i,2) $ ,/INFORMATIONAL RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ; read in the data data=FLTARR(nfov(i)+1,nlin(i)-6) READF,corrunit,data FREE_LUN,corrunit ; Determine date parameters from file name IF dos THEN patt='FCA' ELSE patt='fca' inpt=STRPOS(file(i),dd+patt+dd)+5 year(i)=1900+FIX(STRMID(file(i),inpt,2)) month(i)=FIX(STRMID(file(i),inpt+2,2)) day(i)=FIX(STRMID(file(i),inpt+4,2)) jday(i)=JulDay(month(i),day(i),year(i)) ; Concatenate data from several days IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ut=TRANSPOSE(data(0,*)) afov=TRANSPOSE(data(1:*,*)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ut=[ut,TRANSPOSE(data(0,*))+(jday(i)-jday(0))*86400.] afov=[afov,TRANSPOSE(data(1:*,*))] ENDELSE ENDFOR ; Check that data are in correct order timesort=Sort(ut) ut=ut(timesort) FOR j=0,(Size(afov))(2)-1 DO afov(*,j)=afov(timesort,j) ; Check data for discontinuities ntimes=(Size(ut))(1) dtime=ut(1:ntimes-1)-ut(0:ntimes-2) resp='' Print,String(Max(dtime,loc),ut(loc)/3600. $ ,Format='("Max. time gap = ",F7.0," sec at ",F5.1," UT")') IF (N_Elements(usf) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN Read,'Continue with analysis? ([Y]/N) ',resp IF StrUpCase(resp) EQ 'N' THEN Return ENDIF action=[' - accept data',' - reject data'] ; identify first and last UT values mxut=MAX(ut,MIN=mnut) Print,String(mnut,mxut,mnut/3600.,mxut/3600. $ ,Format='("Data span ",F7.0," - ",F7.0," s (",F6.1," - ",F6.1,' $ +'" h UT)")') IF N_Elements(start) EQ 0 THEN Read,'Enter start time (hours): ',start IF N_Elements(interval) EQ 0 $ THEN Read,'Enter analysis interval (hours): ',interval IF N_Elements(step) EQ 0 THEN Read,'Enter time step (hours): ',step IF N_Elements(finish) EQ 0 THEN Read,'Enter finish time (hours): ',finish xx=REFORM(fovparms(3,*)) yy=REFORM(fovparms(4,*)) PRINT,"'Sensor' coordinates:" fm='(A,'+STRTRIM(nfov(0),2)+'F10.2)' PRINT,"xx: ",xx,FORMAT=fm PRINT,"yy: ",yy,FORMAT=fm ncross=nfov(0) good=BYTARR(ncross) ; data quality flags pktau=FLTARR(ncross) ; lags for maximum cross-correlation pkrho=pktau ; values of maximum cross-correlation ; Now identify the FOV pairs involved in the cross-correlations p=INDGEN(ncross) q=FIX((p+1) MOD nfov(0)) xi=xx(q)-xx(p) eta=yy(q)-yy(p) d=SQRT(xi*xi+eta*eta) ; inter-sensor distances psi=(ATAN(xi,eta)+2.*!PI) MOD (2.*!PI) ; inter-sensor azimuths PRINT,'xi: ',xi,FORMAT=fm PRINT,'eta: ',eta,FORMAT=fm PRINT,'d: ',d,FORMAT=fm PRINT,'psi: ',psi*!RADEG,FORMAT=fm IF (N_Elements(usf) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Press any key to continue' kkk=GET_KBRD(1) ENDIF ; set up uniform UT array for interpolation of observations nmin=CEIL(mxut/60.)-FLOOR(mnut/60.)+1 uut=(FINDGEN(nmin)+FLOOR(mnut/60.))*60 ; interpolate to 1-minute intervals iafov=FLTARR(nmin,nfov(0)) FOR i=0,nfov(0)-1 DO iafov(*,i)=interpol(afov(*,i),ut,uut) ; Smooth the data if desired IF sm GT 0 THEN FOR i=0,nfov(0)-1 DO iafov(*,i)=Smooth(iafov(*,i),sm) ; Set up an array to hold the derived parameters input=FLTARR(9,100) ; Up to 100 hrs of data in 1-hour output=FLTARR(8,100) ; intervals ; Set up a loop through all time intervals between specified limits ; first=FLOOR(mnut/(interval*3600.)+0.5)>ROUND(start/interval) first=FLOAT(start) ; last=CEIL(mxut/(interval*3600.)-0.5)(-10) OPLOT,xt,fp(0)*EXP(-zf^2/2),THICK=2 XYOUTS,xl+2,1.-yspace $ ,STRING(fp(0),FORMAT='("Height: ",F6.2)'),ALIGNMENT=0 XYOUTS,xl+2,1.-2*yspace $ ,STRING(fp(1),FORMAT='("Center: ",F7.2)'),ALIGNMENT=0 XYOUTS,xl+2,1.-3*yspace $ ,STRING(fp(2),FORMAT='("Sigma: ",F7.2)'),ALIGNMENT=0 ; Plot and label each ofthe cross-correlation functions FOR i=0,ncross-1 DO BEGIN yt=STRING(p(i),q(i) $ ,FORMAT='("Cross-correlation(fov ",I1' $ +',"; fov ",I1,")")') tt=STRING(p(i),q(i) $ ,FORMAT='(" 0.5 IF nwgthalf EQ 0 $ THEN MESSAGE,'No significant peaks in '+STRTRIM(p(i),2) $ +'-'+STRTRIM(q(i),2)+' cross-correlation' $ ,/INFORMATIONAL $ ELSE BEGIN pkpq=pkpq(wgthalf) ; select peaks with cross-corr > 0.5 IF N_ELEMENTS(pkpq) GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; multiple peaks: mintau=MIN(ABS(pkpq-w0),wmin) ; choose peak pkpq=pkpq(wmin) ; with min. lag ENDIF ELSE pkpq=pkpq(0) IF (pkpq LT 2) OR (nsamp-3 LT pkpq) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Lag for peak cross-correlation too close ' $ +'to maximum |lag|.' PRINT,'No quadratic fit attempted.' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN wpk=LINDGEN(5)+pkpq-2 ; 5 pts centered on peak yf=1 pkfit=svdfit(tau(wpk) $ ; Fit a parabola to the peak ,REFORM(cross(i,wpk)),3,yfit=yf) pkpq=-pkfit(1)/(2.*pkfit(2)); lag at peak pktau(i)=pkpq pkrho(i)=poly(pkpq,pkfit) ; peak cross-correlation good(i)=1B PRINT,'Peak '+STRTRIM(p(i),2)+'-' $ +STRTRIM(q(i),2) $ +' cross-correlation at ' $ ,STRTRIM(pkpq,2),' min. lag' OPLOT,tau(wpk),yf,PSYM=1 algn=(wpk(2) LT nsamp/2) xv=xl+2+algn*(xr-xl-4) pktxt=STRING(pkrho(i),pkpq $ ,FORMAT='("Peak ",F5.3," at ",F7.3," min")') XYOUTS,xv,1.-0.5*yspace,pktxt,ALIGNMENT=algn ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDFOR timestmp IF TOTAL(good) EQ ncross THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Lag at peak cross-correlation: ',pktau PRINT,'Value of pk cross-correlation: ',pkrho ntd=ABS(TOTAL(pktau))/TOTAL(ABS(pktau)) PRINT,STRING(ntd,action(ntd GE 0.2) $ ,FORMAT='("Normalized time discrepancy = ",F5.3,A)') ; Lags for peak correlation fairly consistent - carry out analysis IF ntd LT 0.2 THEN BEGIN ; Determine 'width' of mean autocorrelation from average |lag| for ; 60.7% correlation. First find the 60.7% correlation points. over=REPLICATE(-1,nsamp) over(WHERE(mauto GT 0.5))=1 ; > 60.7% correlation over(0)=-1 ; force -1 at over(nsamp-1)=-1 ; array end-points cross=WHERE(over*SHIFT(over,-1) EQ -1) IF N_ELEMENTS(cross) GT 2 THEN BEGIN ; keep only 2! abslag=ABS(cross-nsamp/2) ; |lag| sabslag=SORT(abslag) ; sorting array cross=cross(sabslag(0:1)) ; 2 crosses at min |lag| IF cross(0) GT cross(1) THEN cross=reverse(cross) ENDIF ; Interpolate to find lags at 60.7% autocorrelation slope=(mauto(cross+1)-mauto(cross))/(tau(cross+1)-tau(cross)) tau61=(REPLICATE(EXP(-0.5),2)-mauto(cross))/slope+tau(cross) tauarg1=mean(ABS(tau61)) ; use mean of both |lags| PRINT,tau61 $ ,FORMAT='("60.7% correlation lags: ",2F7.2," min.")' PRINT,tauarg1 $ ,FORMAT='("Mean 60.7% correlation lag: ",F7.2," min.")' FOR i=0,1 DO PLOTS,[tau61(i),tau61(i)],[4.8,5.8] input(*,index)=[utstart,utlen,tauarg1,pktau,pkrho] ; Fit to apparent velocity in order to redefine lags for peak ; cross-correlation (Meek, 1980, eqn. (5)) opktau=pktau ; save old peak lags alt=regress([TRANSPOSE(xi),TRANSPOSE(eta)] $ ,pktau,pkrho*pkrho $ ,altfit,const,altsig,ftest,r,rmul,chisq) pktau=alt(0)*xi+alt(1)*eta ; redefine peak lags FOR i=0,ncross-1 DO PLOTS,[opktau(i),opktau(i)] $ ,[0.,3.4-1.2*i] FOR i=0,ncross-1 DO PLOTS,[pktau(i),pktau(i)] $ ,[0.,3.4-1.2*i] $ ,THICK=2 ; Now solve for pattern parameters using eqns (6) - (17) from Meek bigQ=-2*ALOG(0.5)/(tauarg1*tauarg1*3600) ; eqn (9) mi=(-2*ALOG(pkrho)+bigQ*pktau*pktau*3600) $ ; eqn (13a) /(d*d) mij=mi(q)-mi(p) tan2theta=-(mij(1)*COS(2*psi(0)) $ ; eqn (14a) +mij(2)*COS(2*psi(1)) $ +mij(0)*COS(2*psi(2))) $ /(mij(1)*SIN(2*psi(0)) $ +mij(2)*SIN(2*psi(1)) $ +mij(0)*SIN(2*psi(2))) theta=ATAN(tan2theta)/2. ; in radians tilt=(!RADEG*theta+180.) MOD 180. ; in degrees rf=(mi(0)*COS(psi(1)-theta)^2 $ ; eqn (14b) -mi(1)*COS(psi(0)-theta)^2)/mij(0) r2=rf/(1+rf) ; must be > 0 IF r2 LE 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'Negative squared axial ratio!' $ ,/INFORMATIONAL PRINT,r2,FORMAT='("r^2: ",E11.4)' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN b2=1.5*(1./r2+1)/TOTAL(mi) ; eqn (14c) a2=b2*r2 ; eqn (14d) IF (a2 LE 0) OR (b2 LE 0) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'Negative a^2 or b^2!' $ ,/INFORMATIONAL PRINT,a2,FORMAT='("a^2: ",E11.4)' PRINT,b2,FORMAT='("b^2: ",E11.4)' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN tanphimth=((pktau(0)*d(1)*COS(psi(1)-theta) $ -pktau(1)*d(0)*COS(psi(0)-theta)) $ /(pktau(1)*d(0)*SIN(psi(0)-theta) $ -pktau(0)*d(1)*SIN(psi(1)-theta))) $ *(b2/a2) ; eqn (15) phimth=ATAN(tanphimth) phi=phimth+theta dir=(!RADEG*phi+360.) MOD 360. bigV=(bigQ*pktau(0)*60/d(0)) $ ; eqn (16) /((COS(phimth)*COS(psi(0)-theta)/a2) $ +(SIN(phimth)*SIN(psi(0)-theta)/b2)) IF bigV LT 0 THEN BEGIN ; V < 0 ? bigV=-bigV ; change sign dir=(dir+180.) MOD 360. ; and direction ENDIF invc2=bigQ-bigV*bigV $ ; eqn (17) *(((COS(phimth)^2)/a2) $ +((SIN(phimth)^2)/b2)) IF invc2 LE 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'Negative c^2!' $ ,/INFORMATIONAL PRINT,1./invc2,FORMAT='("c^2: ",E11.4)' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN c2=1./invc2 a=SQRT(a2) b=SQRT(b2) IF a LT b THEN BEGIN ; A < B ? swap,a,b tilt=(tilt+90.) MOD 180. ENDIF c=SQRT(c2) PRINT,a,FORMAT='("Major axis: ",F6.1," km; ",$)' PRINT,b,FORMAT='("Minor axis: ",F6.1," km; ",$)' PRINT,tilt $ ,FORMAT='("Long axis azimuth: ",F6.1," deg")' PRINT,bigV,FORMAT='("Velocity: ",F6.3," km/s ",$)' PRINT,dir,FORMAT='("toward azimuth ",F6.1," deg")' PRINT,c/60. $ ,FORMAT='("Characteristic time: ",F5.1," min")' output(*,index)=[utstart,utlen,a,b,tilt $ ,bigV,dir,c/60.] ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDELSE IF Keyword_Set(wait) THEN kkk=Get_Kbrd(1) ENDFOR ; Now save the analysis input data to a file datfile=STRMID(file(0),0,STRLEN(file(0))-4)+'dat' OPENW,datunit,datfile,/GET_LUN PRINTF,datunit,input,FORMAT='(2F7.0,4F7.2,3F7.3)' FREE_LUN,datunit ; Now save the analysis results to a file fcafile=STRMID(file(0),0,STRLEN(file(0))-4)+'fca' OPENW,fcaunit,fcafile,/GET_LUN PRINTF,fcaunit,output,FORMAT='(5F7.0,F7.2,2F7.0)' FREE_LUN,fcaunit ;IF !D.NAME EQ 'X' THEN WDELETE,0 IF Keyword_Set(ps) THEN PSClose Return END RightButton=0 SmartMove=On DeviceModel=MouseMan2 [Button Assignments] MiddleButton=28 RightButton=0 SmartMove=On DeviceModel=MouseMan2 HideButtonIcon=On [Unknown] MiddleButton=28 RightButton=0 SmartMove=On DeviceModel=Unknown Ó,7:0@D)$.9-/5327:4627/589-:4$  010/1‹9:99:722,9-99-,0:/21º(9'´4:‹5/¸@7-x$¸(·x*$c*¸y@x5t442/X0X:1ð:»35 11 R 24 35 R 12 59 R 0 35 R -12 58 R -24 35 R -35 12 R -23 0 R D 3960 18271 M -12 -12 R 12 -11 R 12 11 R -12 12 R D 4170 18493 M -117 -164 R 176 0 R D 4170 18493 M 0 -245 R D 4439 18458 M -12 23 R -35 12 R -23 0 R -35 -12 R -23 -35 R -12 -58 R 0 -59 R 12 -46 R 23 -24 R 35 -11 R 12 0 R 35 11 R 23 24 R 12 35 R 0 11 R -12 35 R -23 24 R -35 12 R -12 0 R -35 -12 R -23 -24 R -12 -35 R D 1705 18106 M -23 23 R -35 12 R -47 0 R -35 -12 R -24 -23 R 0 -23 R 12 -24 R 12 -11 R 23 -12 R 70 -24 R 24 -11 R 11 -12 R 12 -23 R 0 -35 R -23 -24 R -35 -11 R -47 0 R -35 11 R -24 24 R D 1775 18141 M 12 -12 R 11 12 R -11 12 R -12 -12 R D 1787 18059 M 0 -163 R D 2009 18059 M 0 -198 R -12 -35 R -12 -12 R -23 -12 R -35 0 R -23 12 R D 2009 18024 M -24 24 R -23 11 R -35 0 R -23 -11 R -24 -24 R -11 -35 R 0 -23 R 11 -35 R 24 -24 R 23 -11 R 35 0 R 23 11 R 24 24 R D 2102 18059 M 0 -163 R D 2102 18012 M 35 36 R 24 11 R 35 0 R 23 -11 R 12 -36 R 0 -116 R D 2231 18012 M 35 36 R 23 11 R 35 0 R 24 -11 R 11 -36 R 0 -116 R D 2581 18059 M 0 -163 R D 2581 18024 M -23 24 R -23 11 R -36 0 R -23 -11 R -23 -24 R -12 -35 R 0 -23 R 12 -35 R 23 -24 R 23 -11 R 36 0 R 23 11 R 23 24 R D 2686 18059 M -11 -11 R 11 -12 R 12 12 R -12 11 R D 2686 17919 M -11 -12 R 11 -11 R 12 11 R -12 12 R D 3773 18141 M -35 -12 R -12 -23 R 0 -23 R 12 -24 R 23 -11 R 47 -12 R 35 -12 R 24 -23 R 11 -24 R 0 -35 R -11 -23 R -12 -12 R -35 -11 R -47 0 R -35 11 R -12 12 R -11 23 R 0 35 R 11 24 R 24 23 R 35 12 R 46 12 R 24 11 R 12 24 R 0 23 R -12 23 R -35 12 R -47 0 R D 3972 17919 M -12 -12 R 12 -11 R 11 11 R -11 12 R D 4182 18141 M -117 -164 R 175 0 R D 4182 18141 M 0 -245 R D 4369 18141 M -35 -12 R -23 -35 R -12 -58 R 0 -35 R 12 -59 R 23 -35 R 35 -11 R 23 0 R 35 11 R 24 35 R 11 59 R 0 35 R -11 58 R -24 35 R -35 12 R -23 0 R D 7927 14363 M -117 -66 R 117 -66 R D 8029 14385 M -14 0 R -15 -8 R -7 -22 R 0 -124 R D 7971 14333 M 51 0 R D 8124 14414 M -14 -15 R -15 -22 R -15 -29 R -7 -36 R 0 -30 R 7 -36 R 15 -37 R 15 -22 R 14 -14 R D 8219 14385 M -14 0 R -15 -8 R -7 -22 R 0 -124 R D 8161 14333 M 51 0 R D 8292 14333 M -14 -7 R -15 -14 R -7 -22 R 0 -15 R 7 -22 R 15 -14 R 14 -8 R 22 0 R 15 8 R 14 14 R 8 22 R 0 15 R -8 22 R -14 14 R -15 7 R -22 0 R D 8387 14333 M 44 -102 R 44 102 R D 8672 14385 M -22 -8 R -15 -22 R -7 -36 R 0 -22 R 7 -37 R 15 -21 R 22 -8 R 15 0 R 21 8 R 15 21 R 7 37 R 0 22 R -7 36 R -15 22 R -21 8 R -15 0 R D 8796 14239 M -7 -8 R -7 8 R 7 7 R 7 -7 R 0 -22 R -7 -15 R -7 -7 R D 8862 14385 M 0 -125 R 7 -21 R 15 -8 R 14 0 R D 8840 14333 M 51 0 R D 8935 14414 M 14 -15 R 15 -22 R 15 -29 R 7 -36 R 0 -30 R -7 -36 R -15 -37 R -15 -22 R -14 -14 R D 9190 14341 M 0 -88 R D 9154 14319 M 73 -44 R D 9227 14319 M -73 -44 R D 9439 14385 M -15 0 R -14 -8 R -8 -22 R 0 -124 R D 9380 14333 M 51 0 R D 9534 14414 M -15 -15 R -15 -22 R -14 -29 R -7 -36 R 0 -30 R 7 -36 R 14 -37 R 15 -22 R 15 -14 R D 9629 14385 M -15 0 R -15 -8 R -7 -22 R 0 -124 R D 9570 14333 M 51 0 R D 9702 14333 M -15 -7 R -15 -14 R -7 -22 R 0 -15 R 7 -22 R 15 -14 R 15 -8 R 22 0 R 14 8 R 15 14 R 7 22 R 0 15 R -7 22 R -15 14 R -14 7 R -22 0 R D 9797 14333 M 43 -102 R 44 102 R D 10059 14355 M 15 8 R 22 22 R 0 -154 R D 10206 14239 M -8 -8 R -7 8 R 7 7 R 8 -7 R 0 -22 R -8 -15 R -7 -7 R D 10271 14385 M 0 -125 R 8 -21 R 14 -8 R 15 0 R D 10249 14333 M 51 0 R D 10417 14363 M 0 -132 R D 10352 14297 M 131 0 R D 10593 14326 M -22 -95 R D 10593 14326 M -15 -95 R D 10527 14312 M 14 14 R 22 7 R 81 0 R D 10527 14312 M 14 7 R 22 7 R 81 0 R D 10680 14414 M 15 -15 R 14 -22 R 15 -29 R 7 -36 R 0 -30 R -7 -36 R -15 -37 R -14 -22 R -15 -14 R D 1110 10356 M 16337 0 R D 1110 10356 M 0 75 R D 934 10144 M 105 0 R D 1139 10214 M -59 -81 R 88 0 R D 1139 10214 M 0 -122 R D 1232 10214 M -17 -6 R -12 -17 R -6 -29 R 0 -18 R 6 -29 R 12 -18 R 17 -5 R 12 0 R 17 5 R 12 18 R 6 29 R 0 18 R -6 29 R -12 17 R -17 6 R -12 0 R D 5194 10356 M 0 75 R D 5019 10144 M 105 0 R D 5170 10185 M 0 6 R 6 12 R 6 5 R 12 6 R 23 0 R 12 -6 R 6 -5 R 6 -12 R 0 -12 R -6 -11 R -12 -18 R -58 -58 R 81 0 R D 5317 10214 M -18 -6 R -12 -17 R -6 -29 R 0 -18 R 6 -29 R 12 -18 R 18 -5 R 11 0 R 18 5 R 11 18 R 6 29 R 0 18 R -6 29 R -11 17 R -18 6 R -11 0 R D 9278 10356 M 0 75 R D 9266 10214 M -17 -6 R -12 -17 R -6 -29 R 0 -18 R 6 -29 R 12 -18 R 17 -5 R 12 0 R 18 5 R 11 18 R 6 29 R 0 18 R -6 29 R -11 17 R -18 6 R -12 0 R D 13362 10356 M 0 75 R D 13263 10185 M 0 6 R 6 12 R 6 5 R 11 6 R 24 0 R 11 -6 R 6 -5 R 6 -12 R 0 -12 R -6 -11 R -11 -18 R -59 -58 R 82 0 R D 13409 10214 M -17 -6 R -12 -17 R -6 -29 R 0 -18 R 6 -29 R 12 -18 R 17 -5 R 12 0 R 17 5 R 12 18 R 6 29 R 0 18 R -6 29 R -12 17 R -17 6 R -12 0 R D 17447 10356 M 0 75 R D 17400 10214 M -59 -81 R 88 0 R D 17400 10214 M 0 -122 R D 17493 10214 M -17 -6 R -12 -17 R -6 -29 R 0 -18 R 6 -29 R 12 -18 R 17 -5 R 12 0 R 18 5 R 11 18 R 6 29 R 0 18 R -6 29 R -11 17 R -18 6 R -12 0 R D 2131 10356 M 0 37 R D 3152 10356 M 0 37 R D 4173 10356 M 0 37 R D 6215 10356 M 0 37 R D 7236 10356 M 0 37 R D 8257 10356 M 0 37 R D 10299 10356 M 0 37 R D 11320 10356 M 0 37 R D 12341 10356 M 0 37 R D 14383 10356 M 0 37 R D 15404 10356 M 0 37 R D 16426 10356 M 0 37 R D 8335 9986 M 0 -123 R D 8294 9986 M 81 0 R D 8399 9986 M 6 -6 R 6 6 R -6 5 R -6 -5 R D 8405 9945 M 0 -82 R D 8451 9945 M 0 -82 R D 8451 9921 M 18 18 R 12 6 R 17 0 R 12 -6 R 6 -18 R 0 -58 R D 8516 9921 M 17 18 R 12 6 R 17 0 R 12 -6 R 6 -18 R 0 -58 R D 8621 9910 M 70 0 R 0 11 R -6 12 R -6 6 R -11 6 R -18 0 R -12 -6 R -11 -12 R -6 -17 R 0 -12 R 6 -18 R 11 -11 R 12 -6 R 18 0 R 11 6 R 12 11 R D 8825 9986 M 0 -123 R D 8936 9945 M 0 -82 R D 8936 9927 M -11 12 R -12 6 R -18 0 R -11 -6 R -12 -12 R -6 -17 R 0 -12 R 6 -18 R 12 -11 R 11 -6 R 18 0 R 12 6 R 11 11 R D 9047 9945 M 0 -100 R -6 -17 R -5 -6 R -12 -6 R -18 0 R -11 6 R D 9047 9927 M -11 12 R -12 6 R -18 0 R -11 -6 R -12 -12 R -6 -17 R 0 -12 R 6 -18 R 12 -11 R 11 -6 R 18 0 R 12 6 R 11 11 R D 9228 9939 M -17 -76 R D 9228 9939 M -11 -76 R D 9176 9927 M 12 12 R 17 6 R 64 0 R D 9176 9927 M 12 6 R 17 6 R 64 0 R D 9439 10009 M -12 -12 R -12 -17 R -11 -24 R -6 -29 R 0 -23 R 6 -29 R 11 -30 R 12 -17 R 12 -12 R D 9480 9945 M 0 -82 R D 9480 9921 M 17 18 R 12 6 R 17 0 R 12 -6 R 6 -18 R 0 -58 R D 9544 9921 M 17 18 R 12 6 R 18 0 R 11 -6 R 6 -18 R 0 -58 R D 9649 9986 M 6 -6 R 6 6 R -6 5 R -6 -5 R D 9655 9945 M 0 -82 R D 9702 9945 M 0 -82 R D 9702 9921 M 17 18 R 12 6 R 17 0 R 12 -6 R 6 -18 R 0 -58 R D 9813 9945 M 0 -59 R 5 -17 R 12 -6 R 18 0 R 11 6 R 18 17 R D 9877 9945 M 0 -82 R D 9929 9986 M 0 -100 R 6 -17 R 12 -6 R 12 0 R D 9912 9945 M 41 0 R D 9988 9910 M 70 0 R 0 11 R -6 12 R -6 6 R -11 6 R -18 0 R -12 -6 R -11 -12 R -6 -17 R 0 -12 R 6 -18 R 11 -11 R 12 -6 R 18 0 R 11 6 R 12 11 R D 10157 9927 M -6 12 R -17 6 R -18 0 R -17 -6 R -6 -12 R 6 -12 R 12 -5 R 29 -6 R 11 -6 R 6 -12 R 0 -6 R -6 -11 R -17 -6 R -18 0 R -17 6 R -6 11 R D 10192 10009 M 12 -12 R 12 -17 R 11 -24 R 6 -29 R 0 -23 R -6 -29 R -11 -30 R -12 -17 R -12 -12 R D 1110 14126 M 16337 0 R D 1110 14126 M 0 -76 R D 5194 14126 M 0 -76 R D 9278 14126 M 0 -76 R D 13362 14126 M 0 -76 R D 17447 14126 M 0 -76 R D 2131 14126 M 0 -38 R D 3152 14126 M 0 -38 R D 4173 14126 M 0 -38 R D 6215 14126 M 0 -38 R D 7236 14126 M 0 -38 R D 8257 14126 M 0 -38 R D 10299 14126 M 0 -38 R D 11320 14126 M 0 -38 R D 12341 14126 M 0 -38 R D 14383 14126 M 0 -38 R D 15404 14126 M 0 -38 R D 16426 14126 M 0 -38 R D 1110 10356 M 0 3770 R D 1110 10356 M 326 0 R D 809 10478 M -18 -6 R -11 -17 R -6 -29 R 0 -18 R 6 -29 R 11 -18 R 18 -5 R 11 0 R 18 5 R 12 18 R 5 29 R 0 18 R -5 29 R -12 17 R -18 6 R -11 0 R D 902 10367 M -6 -6 R 6 -5 R 6 5 R -6 6 R D 984 10478 M -18 -6 R -11 -17 R -6 -29 R 0 -18 R 6 -29 R 11 -18 R 18 -5 R 12 0 R 17 5 R 12 18 R 6 29 R 0 18 R -6 29 R -12 17 R -17 6 R -12 0 R D 1110 11110