Observations of polar patches generated by solar-wind-driven Pc5 field line resonances and pulsed magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause P. Prikryl1, I. F. Grant2, J. W. MacDougall2, C. W. S. Ziesolleck3, D. P. Steele4,5, G. J. Sofko5, and R. A. Greenwald6 1Communications Research Centre, Ottawa, ON 2Canadian Network for Space Research, Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON 3Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB 5Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, Department of Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK 6The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD Abstract. A long series of polar patches was observed by ionosondes and an all-sky camera during a disturbed period (Kp=7- and IMF Bz<0). The ionosondes measured electron densities of up to 9x1011 m-3 in the patch center, an increase above the trough density by a factor of ~4.5. Bands of F-region irregularities generated at the equatorward edge of the patches were tracked by HF radars. The elongated backscatter bands were swept northward and eastward across the polar cap in a fan-like formation as the morning convection cell expanded due to the IMF By>0. Near the North magnetic pole, a polar camera observed the 630-nm emission patches of a distinctly bandlike shape drifting northeastward to eastward. The 630-nm emission patches were associated with the density patches and backscatter bands. The patches originated in, or near, the cusp where they were formed by convection bursts (flow channel events, FCEs) structuring the solar EUV and auroral/cusp ionization by segmenting it into elongated patches. It is suggested that FCEs were associated with the dayside magnetic reconnection modulated into pulses by field line resonances (FLRs) on the magnetic shells adjacent to the magnetopause. Multi-peak power spectra of the IMF By-component closely matched the power spectra of the ground magnetic Z-component observed equatorward of the cusp. The measured time delays between the IMF By and the ground disturbances progressively increased with latitude across the open/closed field line boundary. These correlations in the time and frequency domains indicated that the FLRs were directly driven by the IMF By oscillations. The FLR ionospheric signatures that were identified in the E-region VHF and HF backscatter just equatorward of the ionospheric cusp evolved into FCEs at the footprint of newly reconnected field lines. The FLRs/FCEs were associated with poleward progressing DPY currents (Hall currents modulated by the IMF By) and riometer absorption enhancements. The absorption indicated that particle precipitation contributed to formation of the patches. Relative importance of possible sources of ionization forming patches is discussed. It is concluded that both particle precipitation (including the FLR related precipitation) and redistribution of existing ionization by processes associated with FCEs are important in the production of patches. 1. Introduction The regions of electron density enhancements known as polar patches drifting antisunward in the polar cap ionosphere can be observed by various techniques, principally radio or optical ones. Initially, polar patches were identified as enhancements in the 630-nm airglow emission due to dissociative recombination of O while the enhanced F-region ionization in the polar patches was tracked by sophisticated ionosondes [Buchau et al., 1983; Weber et al., 1984]. Scintillations measurements [Buchau et al., 1985] showed that the patches are highly structured and implied the presence of small-scale irregularities with considerable irregularity amplitude [Basu et al., 1994]. These techniques, plus total electron content and incoherent scatter radar measurements were combined to study the structure and dynamics of polar patches [Weber et al., 1986]. A review of past research on polar cap patches was presented by Tsunoda [1988]. A more recent advance in the study of patches was brought about by imaging riometers and HF radars that turned out to be rather successful in detecting and tracking the patch related absorption and irregularities across the polar cap [Rosenberg et al., 1993]. The HF radars, together with other techniques, were used to discover some new features of polar patches, such as their close relationship to the cusp and the hemispherical conjugacy [Rodger et al., 1994ab]. In spite of these efforts to understand the phenomenon, the question of polar patch formation remains unresolved. Several mechanisms have been proposed and, while each of them can explain some aspects of polar patches, none of them alone seems to provide a complete picture. However, one should keep in mind that several mechanisms may in fact be needed to explain this rather complex phenomenon. Anderson et al. [1988] proposed a mechanism that assumes a large solar induced enhancement in the electron density close to the edge of the convection pattern. When the cross-polar-cap potential rises abruptly, the polar cap expands bringing in sunlit plasma from low geomagnetic latitudes which thereafter convects into the polar cap. The polar cap boundary then retracts, "breaking off" a polar patch. Lockwood and Carlson [1992] using a new concept of flow excitation developed by Cowley and Lockwood [1992] proposed that time-dependent magnetic reconnection and convection produce polar cap patches from pre-existing enhancements of the electron density and associated density gradient produced by solar photoionization near the terminator. They invoked transient bursts of magnetic reconnection, so called flux transfer events (FTEs), in their mechanism of patch production. It should be noted that patches were tentatively associated with FTEs earlier by Walker et al. [1986] who used an HF radar to study pulsations near the cusp. Rodger et al. [1994a] suggested that enhanced ionization of the convecting plasma by particle precipitation in the cusp and subsequent disruption of the convection by flow channel events (FCEs) [Pinnock et al., 1993] can form polar patches. In models of polar cap patches that rely on the solar induced ionization the problem becomes one of understanding how the patches are produced from a tongue of ionization (TOI) drawn into the polar cap by convection. Sojka et al. [1993] modeled polar cap patches and suggested that they can be formed without a complex plasma source and can occur naturally as the magnetospheric convection varies in time. The TOIs that are extended into the polar cap are often invoked as sources of patches. Valladares et al. [1994] pointed out that the fast plasma jets are collocated with regions of low F region density and enhanced plasma temperature. They concluded that the latter resulted in an enhanced recombination rate thus eroding a substantial volume of the ionization tongue and segmenting it into patches. All models that assume solar induced ionization to form TOIs and patches predict seasonal variation in the occurrence of patches because the location of the solar terminator with respect to the convection pattern varies significantly with season. However, Buchau and Reinisch [1991] observed no significant difference in the occurrence of patches in summer and winter. On the other hand, Basu et al. [1995] observed the seasonal and UT dependence of the occurrence of 250-MHz scintillations in the central polar cap. There is strong evidence suggesting that patches originate in the dayside auroral [Buchau et al., 1985] or even subauroral ionosphere [Tsunoda, 1988] although these authors emphasized the (EUV) solar-produced plasma as a source of patches. Foster and Doupnik, [1984] have inferred that significantly enhanced density blobs convect into the polar cap at the dayside throat region. Sojka and Schunk, [1986] modeled significant density enhancements produced by soft and hard precipitation in the dayside auroral oval. Local enhancement of F-region densities (near the cusp before a patch was formed) was attributed to soft elctrons [Valladares et al., 1994]. In the present paper it is suggested that the electron precipitation associated with field line resonances (FLRs) equatorward of the cusp can significantly contribute to patch formation. Also, further evidence in support of the results presented in a compagnion paper [Prikryl et al., submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, 1996] (later referred to as paper 1). Namely, it is shown that when excited on the magnetic shells adjacent to the magnetopause FLRs modulate the dayside magnetic reconnection into pulses. However, in the present paper (paper 2) we concentrate on the question of polar patch formation and suggest that precipitation and convection bursts associated with the FLR modulating the reconnection structure the dayside polar ionosphere into bandlike patches. 2. Instruments and Techniques The Kapuskasing-Saskatoon pair of HF radars (Figure 1) is a part of an extended network of HF radars called SuperDARN (extended Dual Auroral Radar Network) [Greenwald et al., 1995]. The FoV of this pair of radars extends from 65o to 85o north magnetic latitude and covers ~3 hours in magnetic local time. The radars employ linear phased arrays of 16 log-periodic antennas and the operational frequency is between 8 and 20 MHz. Each radar forms a beam which is narrow in azimuth (2.5-6o) but broad in elevation (up to ~40o at 8 MHz). The beams were stepped through 16 adjacent azimuthal positions every 96 s. In near-real time, the radars measure the backscatter power, line-of-sight velocity and Doppler spectral width by fitting the auto-correlation functions (ACFs) for 70 range bins starting at the slant range of 180 km (normally with the range resolution of 45 km). The Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) installed at Rabbit Lake, Resolute Bay and Eureka observed patches drifting overhead. Each CADI [MacDougall et al., 1995] uses a receiving antenna array consisting of four dipoles arranged along the sides of a square 60 m on a side, with each antenna attached to a dedicated receiver. A fixed transmitter frequency mode (usually 3 frequencies) was interleaved with ionosonde frequency-sweep mode generating an ionogram every 15 min. The drift was measured using the fixed transmitter frequency mode [Grant et al., 1995]. A polar camera operated in Eureka is a pair of CCD-based all-sky imagers [Steele and Cogger, 1995]. The 630.0-nm images to be discussed here are 60-s time exposures at intervals of two to three minutes. The 48.5-MHz Bistatic Auroral Radar System (BARS) was part of the CANOPUS ground-based network [Rostoker et al., 1995] before the radars were shut down in summer 1994. The BARS normal mode of operation was described by McNamara et al. [1983], and André et al. [1988]. Figure 1 shows the Nipawin and Red Lake radar field-of-view (FoV) projected onto a map that also shows the FoVs of a pair of SuperDARN radars and the CANOPUS sites (referred to later in this report). After the summer of 1992 BARS was operated in a mixed mode. The main operation mode (mode 4, which we call the normal mode) employed an alternating single-pulse/double-pulse technique to measure the intensity and mean Doppler velocity in 20-km range gates out to a maximum of 1300 km. In every 30-second time interval, the normal mode integrated 450 single pulses for the intensity and 450 double pulses for the mean Doppler determination. The normal mode was interleaved at 5- minute intervals with mode 6 (the spectral mode) which was a burst of 34 pulses at a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 500 Hz. In the spectral mode the echo ranges were aliased by the 300-km long interval which was established by the 500-Hz PRF. Fourteen of the 15 range gates in each of the 8 beams were usable within the 300-km interval and were sampled simultaneously. Normally, the high rate burst analysis used the last 32 pulses as a time series over an interval of 64 milliseconds. Fourier transformations of the 112 simultaneous time series yield Doppler spectra for all range gates with a spectral resolution of approximately 16 Hz (50 m/s). In this mode, spectral aliasing can occur for Doppler shifts greater than 250 Hz (773 m/s). Range and spectral ambiguities can usually be resolved with the aid of the intensity and mean Doppler data from the neighboring 30-second intervals of integration where there are no range ambiguities. Another CANOPUS instrument from which data are used in this paper is the Magnetometer and Riometer Array (MARIA). Each MARIA site is equipped with a three-component fluxgate magnetometer of the ring-core type and a 30-MHz zenith riometer with an antenna composed of two half- wave dipoles separated by half a wavelength and equipped with a reflector. The magnetometer data are acquired at a rate of one sample per 5 s. In the case study presented here (December 2, 1993, 1800-2200 UT) quiet day baselines derived from data on December 9 and 13 are used for magnetometer and riometer data, respectively. Mainly the data from the North-South array (Pinawa (PINA), Island Lake (ISLL), Gillam (GILL), Back (BACK), Fort Churchill (FCHU), Eskimo Point (ESKI) and Rankin Inlet (RANK)) are used in this paper although some data from East-West array are mentioned (Fort Smith (FSMI) and Dawson (DAWS)). Geographic, geomagnetic coordinates of the sites and associated L values have been listed e.g. by Rostoker et al., [1995]. 3. Dayside Event of December 2, 1993: A Case Study On December 2, 1993 (1800-2200 UT), the IMF conditions (section 3.1) were favorable for dayside magnetic merging and polar patch formation. The cusp shifted from ~71o down to at least ~68o of magnetic latitude (sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.8). During this disturbed period (Kp=7-), BARS observed a series of poleward progressing Pc5 backscatter bands entering the cusp from the auroral oval. The bands were associated with discrete riometer absorption enhancements and Pc5 magnetic pulsations (section 3.4) as a result of field line resonances (FLRs) (section 3.5) near the polar cap boundary (magnetopause) and correlated with the solar-wind- driven poleward progressing ionospheric disturbances (DPY currents) (section 3.3) observed in the cusp and poleward of it [Stauning et al., 1995]. Also, the IMF By is found to have modulated the the DPY (Hall) currents equatorward of the cusp (section 3.4). The ground-based data coverage from regions equatorward of the cusp (which the latter authors did not discuss in detail) to the central polar cap during this event support evidence presented in paper 1 that magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes on the open and closed field lines are closely interrelated (sections 3.6 and 4.2). The F-region irregularities associated with polar patches that formed in, or near, the cusp were observed with SuperDARN (section 3.7). The patches 100-200 km wide were detached from the cusp by FCEs (section 3.8) and observed with CADIs and an all sky imager as they drifted poleward in the polar cap (section 3.9). Combining observations using various techniques we conclude that some of the patches extended over at least 2500 km in length (section 3.10). 3.1. The IMF Conditions The IMP 8 spacecraft measured the interplanetary magnetic field (Figure 2) and was located at (-6.5, -31.0, 6.4 RE) in GSM coordinates at 2000 UT. The IMF Bz component was negative from 1800 to 2050 and from 2315 to at least 2400 UT (except for a brief reversal at 1850 UT). There were no IMF data available between 2050 and 2315 and several hours before 1800 UT. During the time of the event, the By component was positive except for a few brief negative excursions. These are favorable conditions for dayside magnetic merging and polar patch formation [Rodger et al., 1994a]. The IMF fluctuated on the scale from a few to several minutes. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) power spectra of the IMF (particularly the By component) resolved a number of discrete frequencies. The multi peak power spectra are similar to those discussed in paper 1. 3.2. The Cusp Location No DMSP satellites passed over the geographical area covered by SuperDARN radars during the time of the event. Later, the poleward edge of the auroral oval in the northern hemisphere could be estimated from F11 satellite particle data to be located near Fort Churchill at 2207 UT. In the southern hemisphere, the cusp was identified from the particle data [Rich, 1995, priv. comm.] during two passes of the F10 DMSP satellite. It was located at -69o of magnetic latitude at 1851 and just before 2030 UT. These observations of the particle cusp in the southern hemisphere are in agreement with the radar cusp signatures discussed below. Baker et al., [1995] showed that the Doppler spectra of the ionospheric backscatter from within the cusp obtained by HF radars are more complex than the spectra typically observed and that the spectral widths can be used to identify the cusp. Plate 1 (top) shows spectral widths for the Saskatoon radar beam #7. The large widths (> 250 m/s) before 1950 UT indicate that the cusp equatorward boundary was located near 69o. Just equatorward of the radar cusp is a region identified by lower spectral widths which are typical of the low latitude boundary layer (LLBL) [Baker et al., 1995]. Before 1900 UT (not shown), the boundary between large and moderate spectral widths shifted from ~71o magnetic latitude at ~1730 UT, when the Saskatoon radar showed a weak cusp signature, down to ~69o at ~1820 UT, when the Kapuskasing radar measured spectral widths of >200 m/s at magnetic latitudes above 69o. Plate 1 show the radar cusp observed with the Saskatoon radar at ~69o from 1900 UT. The last clear radar cusp signature was identified with the Kapuskasing radar near 68o at 2000 UT. At this time, the Saskatoon radar showed large spectral widths at latitudes >70o indicating somewhat fuzzy poleward boundary of the cusp [Baker et al., 1995]. It should be noted that "pockets" of enhanced spectral widths can also be observed in the LLBL footprint [Pinnock et al., 1995] with an implication that large spectral widths are not exclusively associated with the cusp. A band of large spectral widths observed by the Kapuskasing radar in the E-region (at ~500 km) at 2000 UT may or may not be related to the cusp. The widths of the E-region radar spectra are not necessarily an indicator of the cusp because they reflect a different plasma regime and are due to Farley- Buneman/gradient drift instabilities [Farley, 1963; Buneman, 1963; Farley and Fejer, 1975] which can result in a variety of spectral shapes including narrow peaks at Doppler velocities ranging from small to very high depending on the horizontal density gradient scales and orientations [St.- Maurice et al., 1994, Prikryl et al., 1995]. Thus the spatial and temporal averaging of E-region backscatter may result in broad spectra even in auroral oval. Nevertheless, it was observed that the region of very narrow widths (Plate 1) kept shifting equatorward. This and the fact that FCEs were observed at progressively lower latitudes (Figure 15) clearly indicate that the cusp also shifted further equatorward after 2000 UT. Furthermore, the polar cap expanded as far as 70o magnetic latitude at 2045 UT as indicated by significantly reduced spectral widths associated with patches (Plate 1). The equatorward shift of the cusp also agreed with observations of DPY currents associated with the FCEs discussed below. Also, it should be noted that the cusp can span up to 6 hours of local time [Crooker et al., 1991; Newell and Meng, 1994]. At 2100 UT, most of the radar data are from magnetic local times before 1400 MLT and the northern hemisphere cusp is expected to be shifted into the afternoon sector for the IMF By>0. This supports the argument that the cusp/cleft was present and observed by the radars at near ranges until at least 2200 UT (~1500 MLT). Similarly to the event described in paper 1, the IMF conditions during this event were favorable for magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause (at least until 2050 UT). In both cases, the polar cap clearly expanded as more and more closed magnetic flux was eroded by flux transfer events. 3.3. Poleward Edge of the ionospheric cleft currents (DPY currents) Figure 3 shows magnetograms (X and Z components) from the CANOPUS meridional chain. Also shown is the IMF By-component which is discussed below (section 3.6). During the first hour shown (1700-1800 UT), poleward progressing currents were observed poleward of FCHU. At ~1730 UT, as we mentioned above, the Saskatoon radar showed a weak signature of a radar cusp with a equatorward boundary at ~71o magnetic latitude. After 1800 UT, the poleward progressing disturbances were correlated with the IMF By-component and thus were due to eastward DPY (Hall) currents [Friis-Christensen and Wilhjelm, 1975; Clauer et al., 1995, Stauning et al., 1995] poleward, and near, the cusp that now shifted further equatorward. The thick arrows in Figure 3a show corresponding phases of the long-period variations of the IMF By- and ground X- components. A major equatorward shift of the poleward boundary of the DPY current system is noted at 1755 UT (from RANK to ESKI) followed by a further equatorward expansion (~1840 UT) to FCHU. This boundary briefly recovered back to ESKI at 1920 UT but then suddenly expanded equatorward again at 1935 UT through FCHU and BACK to GILL and later shifted even further south towards ISLL. This was confirmed by obtaining the latitude profiles of magnetic perturbation (Figure 4) that can be used to estimate the three-dimensional current system [Hughes and Rostoker, 1977]. The position of the poleward edge of the eastward DPY current system as indicated by the location of the negative extremum of the Z component approximating the position of the polar cap boundary is shown in Figure 5b. Mapped along the leftmost beam #1 of the Nipawin radar it approximately matched the poleward edge of the BARS backscatter (Figure 5a). This boundary and the boundary between large and small spectral widths observed by the SuperDARN radars approximately bracketted the cusp but possibly included parts of the LLBL ionospheric footprint (see section 3.2). 3.4. Pc5 Pulsations The Pc5 pulsations that were observed with radars, magnetometers and riometers clearly spanned the regions of closed and open field lines. We shall concentrate on two periods (1800-1830 UT and 1940-2030 UT; refered to as event 1 and event 2, respectively) when the pulsations appeared to be most coherent and the BARS data were the least contaminated with sidelobe leakage due to very intense backscatter. Associated with the sudden expansion of the polar cap at ~1755 UT the CANOPUS magnetometers (ISLL, GILL, BACK, and FCHU) observed a strong burst of a linearly polarized oscillation in the north- south direction with frequency of ~5 mHz (Figure 3). This 5-mHz oscillation that was also observed with riometers (Figure 6), was the strongest around the magnetic shell L~7 (GILL/BACK) and had nearly zero azimuthal wave number. Virtually no phase shift either in latitude or longitude could be identified before 1800 UT during this initial burst of the pulsation (centered at ~1755 UT in Figure 6) that maximized further westward at FSMI (not shown) where the amplitude of the oscillation in absorption was ~2 dB. A weak backscatter was observed with the Red Lake radar during this earlier time. After 1800 UT, the BARS radars observed poleward drifting backscatter bands a-h between GILL and FCHU (Figures 5a and 7). The Nipawin radar power was correlated with the IMF By component: the IMF By leading the Nipawin radar power by ~5 min (as discussed later with Figure 10). The IMF By component is superposed in Figure 5a and shifted by 5 min which is the average time lag (BARS vs. IMF By) that was inferred from the cross-correlation analysis (discussed below). The pulsations continued after 1830 UT but were more complex (composed of several oscillation frequencies superposed) while the IMF By remained strongly positive (By~+10 nT) and Bz briefly turned positive at ~1850 UT. The riometer absorption fluctuated similarly to the BARS backscatter power but the fluctuations were more irregular. This can be explained by a broad riometer antenna intercepting a band of latitudes with a latitude dependent temporal and spatial ionospheric structure due to field line resonances at various frequencies (discussed below). As a result it was not possible to determine a one-to-one correspondence between the BARS backscatter bands and riometer absorption enhancements with certainty. Figure 6 shows a series of discrete absorption events (up to a few tenths of a decibel) superposed on a strong background absorption (>1 dB). Associated with the second major equatorward shift of the eastward current system at 1935 UT (Figures 3a and 5b) when the IMF By component sharply turned negative and back to positive again was another coherent train of Pc5 pulsations (event 2). BARS observed a series of poleward progressing backscatter bands (labeled A-O in Figure 5a). Figure 8 shows an example of BARS maps of mean backscatter power and mean line-of-sight velocities for the Red Lake radar. Note that some backscatter bands occurred in pairs with a narrow gap between the two bands of opposite Doppler shifts which indicated the electric field to be directed into an arc that was likely filling the gap (e.g. band E'E). However, most of the bands which reached the zenith at GILL at the same time when the riometer absorption subsided ("equatorward" edge of the absorption band; see Figure 6) were associated with only one polarity of Doppler shift thus suggesting that the backscatter was located near the equatorward edge of an arc. (There were no riometer data from ISLL, a gap in the riometer data from BACK, and no optical data available at auroral latitudes during this daytime event.) BARS spectral mode (Figure 8; bottom panels) showed broad and complex spectra as these "arcs" entered the cusp/cleft region. The spectra are averaged for two adjacent beams and also for all ranges. The latter average is shown in the line plot at the bottom. An aliased (in range and frequency) type-4 peak (-900 m/s) is superposed on a broad component. The range aliasing can be easily resolved because the spectra are clearly associated with the strongest backscatter band D (to get the true range 600 km should be added to the aliased range shown in Figure 8). Also, the frequency aliasing can be resolved because the mean Doppler velocity was highly negative during the standard mode of BARS operation 30 s earlier (Figure 8; top panels) clearly indicating that the peak near +600 m/s must be aliased as shown (Figure 8; bottom left). Such spectra are explained by strong electric fields, electron heating, and/or steep horizontal gradients in the electron density associated with auroral arcs [Prikryl et al., 1995]. The backscatter bands A-H were closely associated with riometer absorption (backscatter trailing the absorption enhancements; see Figure 6). Unlike the complex variations in absorption that included several frequency components at earlier times the low frequency oscillations dominated after 1930 UT (see below) as the cusp/cleft shifted further equatorward. The absorption was most likely due to ionization in the arcs produced by FLRs. Previously, a large BARS database during the times when there were optical data available was examined and it was found that backscatter bands such as those shown in Figure 8 are commonly associated with arcs [Prikryl and Cogger, 1992]. For SuperDARN, at ranges less than 800 km, the limited refraction usually limits observations to E-region irregularities. Similarly to BARS, SuperDARN observed the poleward drifting Pc5 bands although with lower spatial and temporal resolution. There was considerably less SuperDARN E-region backscatter before 2000 UT, when the Kapuskasing radar (Figure 11a) observed only a trace of a couple of Pc5 bands. After 2000 UT, a direct comparison between BARS and SuperDARN was possible for the Nipawin radar beam #1 (Figure 5a) and the Saskatoon SuperDARN beam #12 (Figure 11b). These RTI plots showed a good correspondence between the E-region backscatter bands observed with both radars. Figures 9a and 9b show 16- and 32-point FFT power spectra of the IMP-8 IMF, ground magnetic perturbations and VHF radar backscatter power for event 1 and 2, respectively. The low resolution spectra for event 1 show two main bands at low (<2 mHz) and high (4-6 mHz) frequencies with an increase in spectral power near 3 mHz. The IMF spectra are correlated with those for the ground instruments where the low frequencies dominated at high latitudes (ESKI) while the higher frequency pulsations were more pronounced at lower (subcusp) latitudes (GILL). The FFT spectra of the riometer data (not shown) were similar. The 32-point FFT power spectra for event 2 (Figure 9b) show a low frequency component near ~1 dominating all of the spectra. The IMF spectral power appears to be non-uniformly spread across higher frequencies with a clear peak at 2.5 mHz and a less coherent peak near 2 mHz. However, the spectral resolution is insufficient to further resolve these and other possible spectral peaks. At subcusp latitudes (ISLL) the FFT power is clearly distributed into several discrete and relatively coherent peaks showing up in two or three components, particularly those at frequencies >2 mHz. Near the cusp (GILL) low frequencies (1 and 2 mHz) dominated the spectra. The same frequencies also modulated the intensity of the Nipawin radar backscatter bands near GILL (Figure 9b; bottom panel). The similarity between the spectra for the IMF and ground data is quite clear, particularly for event 1. This was confirmed by using the maximum entropy method (MEM) to compute spectra (not shown). The MEM spectra clearly resolved some of the dominant (e.g., 1- and 2-mHz) frequency components including the broad peak for the Red Lake radar data that is not resolved in the FFT spectra. However, this method resulted in what appeared to be unrealistically narrow peaks while sometimes producing unexpected shifts but, most importantly, it neglected other frequency oscillations with smaller amplitudes that were clearly resolved by the FFT method. Above, we concentrated on the events 1 and 2 for which radar data were useful for comparison with other data sets and we will refer to these events again when discussing SuperDARN and CADI data. While there were notable differences between events 1 and 2, it should be emphasized that these two "events" were not isolated pulsation events. The IMF oscillated and ground pulsations were observed throughout the period shown in Figure 5a. The low resolution (16-point) FFT power spectra were already discussed above (Figure 9a). Concentrating on the IMF data first, when the FFT window was doubled in length more peaks were resolved. However, apart from the resolution, the 16-, 32- and 64-point spectra were all very similar in shape. Also, four consecutive 16-point spectra (not shown) were similar to the one shown in Figure 9a. Figure 9c show the 64-point FFT power spectra for a 130-min long IMF time series. The lowest resolution spectra formed a fitting envelope to the 64- point FFT spectra (an average of four consecutive 16-point power spectra is shown in Figure 9c). The peak near 0.5 mHz in the 64-point FFT is missing in the low resolution 16-point FFT spectra because it was filtered out by a detrending procedure (the 2nd order polynomial is subtracted from time series before FFT). Similarly, the averaged 16-point spectra for other two components (not shown) enveloped the corresponding high resolution spectra in Figure 9c. Thus we conclude that the time series had approximately the same spectral content (multimode oscillations superposed) throughout the 130-min period. For example, the broad looking By FFT spectrum (Figure 9a) is simply a result of a number of unresolved discrete peaks at ~1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 mHz that are resolved in the 64-point spectrum (ignoring some weaker peaks at this point and excluding the 0.5-mHz peak). Similar results were obtained for other events discussed in paper 1 where it was concluded that these multi-mode IMF oscillations are vestiges of dominant solar oscillation modes in solar wind. This possibility is also suggested here and Figure 9c shows the best matching eigenfrequencies for spherical harmonic order l~40 for a typical solar model [Christensen-Dalsgaard et al., 1985]. These multi-mode IMF oscillations caused the pulsations in the magnetosphere and excited field line resonances equatorward of the cusp. The best correlation was between the FFT power spectra between for the ISLL Z- and IMF By-component (cross-correlation coefficient of 0.80). Note that virtually all of the major and many minor peaks in these two spectra coincide. It should be noted that the ground Z component is a good indicator of FLRs (poleward progressing Hall current intensifications associated with FLRs). The correlation between the FFT power spectra for the IMF and ground magnetic data was also fairly good for other observing sites (see Figure 9ab). Poleward of the cusp (RANK and ESKI), low frequency components clearly dominated the spectra but some spectral power at frequencies > 2 mHz was also correlated with the IMF By FFT power. 3.5. Evidence for FLRs In paper 1, we have shown that the latitude dependent FLR structure impressed on the ionospheric flow was extended from the closed field line region in the LLBL footprint to the cusp which is threaded by field lines that are being opened (reconnected with IMF). A series of intense FCEs showed characteristics very similar to what is expected of FLRs. However, the FCE characteristics (the enhanced flows, peak width of the resonance, and the phase) deviated from a clear-cut FLR signature (see paper 1) because the FCEs result from FLRs on the magnetic field lines that were about to be opened while the resonance was acting on them, i.e., the resonance was strongly disturbed (interrupted) by reconnection. Furthermore, it is suggested (see paper 1) that the reconnection is modulated by the Alfvén wave associated with the resonance. The response of the magnetosphere and ionosphere to multi-mode oscillations in the solar wind IMF observed on Dec 2, 1993 showed similar evidence for FLRs. The latitude dependent frequency response which is a typical characteristic of FLRs was already pointed out in section 3.4. FLR signatures were identified in the ground magnetometer and ionospheric signals. It should be noted that this was not possible for all data subsets. For example, there was not enough SuperDARN E-region backscatter during the first pulsation event. BARS Doppler data was not always reliable because of a sidelobe contamination problem (Figure 7a). Also, note that the F-region SuperDARN backscatter which is usually very useful to look for FLRs [see e.g. Ruohoniemi et al., 1991] could not be used during this very disturbed event because most of the F-region backscatter was in the polar cap on the open field lines. However, the E- region backscatter data (both SuperDARN and BARS) showed evidence for FLRs. Figure 12 shows the spectral analysis results for the Saskatoon SuperDARN radar (beam #11) LoS velocity. Three distinct peaks at about 1, 2 and 2.5 mHz can be seen in the spectral power density of the LoS velocity (Figure 12, top panel). The position of these peaks is clearly latitude dependant, i.e. the highest frequency peak appeared at the lowest latitude and vice versa. The latitude profile of the spectral power at 2 mHz (Figure 12, bottom panel) shows a peak with halfpower width of about 1o centered near Gillam. The phase decreased by 180o across the latitudinal width of the power peak. These signal characteristics are fully consistent with discrete low-m field line resonances [e.g. Ruohoniemi et al., 1991; Samson et al., 1991, 1992ab; Ziesolleck and McDiarmid, 1994, 1995; Fenrich et al., 1995]. The phase increase between 66.3o and 66.7o is probably due to a 2* phase wrapping. Away from the power peak, the phase continues to change so that the total phase change between 65o and 69o latitude appears to be considerably larger than 180o. However, the phase estimates at latitudes with low spectral power density must be considered less reliable. We note, though, that field line resonances with a latitudinal phase shift larger than the theoretically predicted 180o [e.g., Chen and Hasegawa, 1974; Southwood, 1974] have been observed previously at auroral latitudes (see for instance Ziesolleck and McDiarmid, 1994; their Figures 7 and 15). It should be noted that the peak at 2.5 mHz was also identified at ISLL (Figure 9b) and RABB (not shown) and this frequency was also found in the IMF signal (Figures 9b and 9c). In general, the observed magnetic FLR signatures were not as clear cut as those for the radar data. This could be because a magnetometer averages over much larger volume than a radar and also because the pulsation region was rather close to the magnetopause where the FLR were disturbed by reconnection. At lower latitudes, the magnetometer array is sparsely populated and FLR signatures could not be studied in detail. The results discussed in this section and section 3.4 are consistent with the theory of FLRs. Because the IMF FFT power was strongly correlated with the FFT power of the ground magnetic components on the closed field lines (the correlation between the time series of the IMF By component and the ground and ionospheric data is further discussed below), we conclude that the resonances were directly driven from the solar wind particularly by the IMF By oscillations. 3.6. The Correlation Between the IMP-8 IMF By and the Ground and Ionospheric Data It is well known that the IMF By component controls the dayside cleft current system [Banks et al., 1984] and plays an important role in the dayside magnetic reconnection [Crooker, 1979; Cowley et al., 1991; Taguchi et al., 1993; Newell et al., 1995]. A number of studies have clearly demonstrated the solar-wind-driven modulation of the dayside ionospheric DPY currents and convection on the open field lines [Clauer et al., 1984; Clauer and Banks, 1986; Greenwald et al., 1990; Clauer et al., 1995; Stauning et al., 1995]. The results presented here and in paper 1 show that the IMF By has a strong influence on the ionosphere at the footprint of the closed field lines near the magnetopause where the FLRs can be directly driven by oscillations in the solar wind IMF. Cross-correlation functions (CCFs) were computed for the time series of the IMF By and the Nipawin radar backscatter power (beam #1) for each range gate with significant backscatter using eleven 30-min windows with the centers of the adjacent windows separated by 15 min (overlapping by 15 min). Apart from two short intervals around 1900 and 2000 UT, the backscatter power associated with the poleward progressing bands was well correlated with the IMF By oscillations (Figure 10). Note that the correlation was poor for the strong backscatter signals between 1830 and 1900 UT at ranges from 400 to 700 km which were associated with bands moving equatorward rather than poleward. Because this backscatter feature is quite distinct from the poleward progressing bands we choose to ignore it in the discussion. The time lags (CCF maxima) with significant correlation (coefficients often significantly >0.5) that are plotted in Figure 10 increased with range/latitude from a few minutes (at the low- latitude edge of the backscatter where the E-region bands started to appear) up to several minutes near the polar cap boundary or cusp (Figure 5b). These radar results are in good agreement with those for the magnetometer data. Time delays obtained from CCFs for IMF By-/ground X-component data sets that were highly correlated are also shown in Figure 10 (see also Figure 3a). The largest values of the cross-correlation coefficient are printed for each window for BARS (first row) and MARIA (second row). The cross-correlation analysis was performed similarly to the radar data except that the IMF By component was smoothed [Stauning et al., 1995] for BACK, FCHU, ESKI and RANK data analysis. However, such smoothing was not applied for GILL and ISLL where the higher frequency pulsations were strong and correlated with the IMF By component. This abundance of many frequency components in the ISLL time series which is shown in Figure 9d (discussed in section 3.4) may explain why the time series (IMF By and ISLL X) were not always well correlated when compared with the CCF results for stations in high latitudes where the low frequencies dominated the geomagnetic disturbances. These results are similar to the observations of poleward progressing By-related ionospheric disturbances [Stauning et al., 1995]. The latter authors closely examined the time delays and found a good agreement with the values they calculated. IMP 8 was located somewhat unfavorably during the event presented in this paper so the theoretical estimation of the time delays would be difficult if possible at all. However, the observed delays are significantly smaller (by ~10 minutes for cusp locations) than those obtained by Stauning et al. [1995]. For BARS data, the minimum time lag of the ionospheric disturbances was 1-2 min near the equatorward edge of the backscatter region. It should be noted that the E-region irregularities are generated only if electric field exceeds some threshold value (~15 mV/m). So in fact, at lower latitudes the BARS/IMP-8 delays would be <1 min or even negative if there was backscatter observed there. At 1830 UT, the ISLL magnetometer delay of -1 min with respect to unaveraged IMP-8 data suggests such possibility of negative delays considering the position of IMP 8 downstream of the Earth. These cross-correlation results (the smallest delays found at lower latitude equatorward of the cusp) combined with the strong correlation in the frequency domain (Figure 9d) between the IMF and the ground magnetic pulsations at ISLL strongly indicate that FLRs were directly driven by the IMF By oscillations. While Stauning et al., [1995] mainly discussed the dayside convection disturbances observed poleward of the cusp, our results show that these disturbances spanned both the regions poleward and equatorward of the cusp. Further evidence that coupling processes on the open and closed field lines are closely interrelated is discussed in paper 1. 3.7. The F-region Backscatter Bands Observed by SuperDARN The F-region density irregularities that caused the HF radar backscatter are expected to be generated along the equatorward border of the patches by the gradient-drift instability [Tsunoda, 1988]. The E-region backscatter/precipitation bands faded away near the cusp latitudes but the remanent F-region ionization and the steep density gradients (indicated by BARS spectra discussed in section 3.4) provided favorable conditions for production of such irregularities in the trailing edge of patches. Poleward progressing E-region backscatter bands trailed the riometer absorption enhancements (Figure 6). The E-region backscatter bands were associated with the equatorward edge of the riometer absorption and showed Doppler spectra indicative of sharp horizontal density gradients (in auroral arcs). The F-region backscatter bands observed by SuperDARN were mapped along and/or connected with the E-region backscatter bands (see, e.g., Figures 13 and 15). In other words, the E- and F-region irregularities were associated with (generated by) the same density ridges (gradients) at the equatorward edge of patches at times and/or locations when the patches were formed near the cusp. These density gradients were convected into the polar cap where they continued to generate the F-region irregularities associated with patches. Unfortunately, there were no ionosonde data available from Cambridge Bay and the backscatter bands did not extend as far as Resolute Bay to further provide stronger evidence about the location of the backscatter with respect to patches. However, some of the backscatter bands were associated with equatorward edge of patches observed by the riometer and CADI in RABB after 2000 UT. Before 1840 UT, the Kapuskasing radar observed 3 major bands that were detached from the cusp every 11-13 minutes (Figure 11a) and there was an indication of intermediate weaker bands. The flow bursts (FCEs) near the cusp (Figures 15a and 7c) were similarly modulated by two frequency components of FLRs (see section 3.8). This was a result of the FLR signature that was imposed on the ionospheric structure at auroral latitudes (Figure 7). Also, when patches were observed by CADI in Resolute Bay ~20 min later (Figure 18; discussed below) some of this complex structure was found impressed on the patches. After 2000 UT, many F-region backscatter bands were observed (mainly with the Saskatoon radar; Figure 11b) and there was a clear one- to-one correspondence between the E- and F-region bands, which was confirmed by comparing the BARS and SuperDARN radar maps. The patches and associated backscatter bands retained their bandlike form while they drifted in the polar cap. Apparent drift velocities of up to 400 m/s for the E-region bands along the BARS Nipawin radar beam #1 were estimated from the slope of the bands in the RTI plots. Because of the tilt of the bands this value is an overestimate of the actual progression speed perpendicular to the bands. In the polar cap, the polar patches/bands moved with convection (~600 m/s as inferred from the translational motion of a series of bands observed with the Saskatoon radar). Just before about 2020 UT the backscatter bands were only slightly tilted with respect to L shells and drifted predominantly poleward. After the IMF By- component turned strongly positive the polar cap convection changed from poleward to north-eastward. The far (west) ends of the bands drifted faster, the bands rotated clockwise, become nearly sun-aligned and eventually drifted eastward. Figure 13 shows two radar maps of backscatter power where a series of bands G-K is identified at two different times as the bands drifted eastward. At these times, the band J was still observed with BARS at lower latitudes. The gap between the E- and F- region HF backscatter widened because the cusp/cleft (where the enhanced ionization would help the refraction that is needed to intercept field-aligned irregularities) was shifted further equatorward (Plate 1 and Figure 5b). Convection maps were obtained by merging the LoS velocities from a pair of SuperDARN radars after 2000 UT (Figure 14). The direction and magnitude of the convection agreed with the bulk motion of backscatter bands (Figure 13) derived by tracking individual bands. The 200-s (two- sweep) average radially smoothed velocity maps (Figure 14) show the initially poleward flow turning eastward. The change of the convection from poleward to eastward at these high latitudes is an expected result of the IMF By-component changing from small values about zero to larger (positive) values after 2020 UT. SuperDARN observations of backscatter associated with patches spanned the gap between the regions of the patch formation in, or near, the cusp and that of the central polar cap where the patches were observed by ionosondes and a polar camera. At close ranges (E-region and near F- region backscatter) the radar (BARS and SuperDARN) observations provided evidence that the structure imposed on the ionosphere by FLRs was propagated into the polar cap. The large spatial coverage of the radars allowed mapping of the patch related irregularities and the spatial extent of patches/bands could be determined. The convection velocities agreed with the motion of the bands (Figure 13), optical patches (Figure 17), and the drift velocities measured by CADIs (briefly discussed in section 3.9). 3.8. Convection Flow Bursts (Flow Channel Events) Similarly to the event described in paper 1 FCEs were observed in the cusp and associated with FLRs. Unfortunately, the radar backscatter was often fragmented (most likely for reasons discussed in paper 1) and only some of the FCEs were identified (Figures 5a and 15). Rodger et al. [1994a] proposed that patches can be detached from the cusp by FCEs. The results presented here confirm that but also provide evidence that the plasma is "pre-structured" on the closed field lines before it enters into the polar cap as a patch. Before 1810 UT, there was not enough HF backscatter and the Kapuskasing radar observed only very weak and inconspicuous flow enhancements that showed a band structure but could not be associated with the BARS backscatter bands at this time. Between 1812 and 1815 UT, the first FCE was observed by the northwestward pointed Kapuskasing radar beams showing LoS velocities up to 1 km/s that spanned E-region (BARS) bands c and d. At ~1820 UT, when the IMF By became strongly positive, westward flows became even more enhanced (LoS speeds exceeding 1 km/s) but were often patchy in appearance and occurred in a band of magnetic latitudes between 68 and 72o of magnetic latitude. Nevertheless, a few radar scans identified individual FCEs which were associated with the E-region bands in the BARS backscatter. Figure 15a shows an FCE near 71o of magnetic latitude associated with an E- region backscatter band f that had already faded away in the BARS FoV by this time. A weaker FCE that has started to form at 69o magnetic latitude was associated with the next E-region backscatter band g which moved poleward to replace the previous band that has faded away. The LoS flow velocity for the stronger FCE exceeded 1.2 km/s. Considering the tilt of the flow channel with respect to the radar beams the actual flow along the band likely exceeded 2 km/s in this case. Moderately enhanced flow bursts were also observed with the BARS Nipawin radar (Figure 7c) near the cusp. It should be noted that the E- region radar measurements often strongly underestimate the actual plasma flows because of the saturation of the Farley-Buneman instability near the ion-acoustic speed [Nielsen and Schlegel, 1983]. Just after 1800 UT, the first flow burst appeared to be associated with a weak backscatter band a (observed with the Red Lake radar) and riometer absorption enhancements progressing poleward (Figure 7). The second flow enhancement spanned bands c and d (also observed with the Kapuskasing radar). The strong flow bursts associated with bands f and h sandwiched a weaker flow burst (g). Similarly to the latter band, the flow bursts associated with bands b and e were weak or missing. The BARS flow bursts were closely associated with riometer absorption enhancements in ESKI as well as the enhanced SuperDARN flows observed immediately poleward or at the poleward edge of the BARS backscatter. While the "narrow" absorption events at BACK (Figure 7b) suggested precipitation associated with the Pc5 bands (auroral arcs), the absorption events at ESKI (Figure 7c) were more smeared in time than those at lower latitudes. They could have been caused by the heated E- and/or F-region plasma similarly to observations of patches near the cusp that were reported by Rosenberg et al., [1993]. The positive bays in the IMF By component (shown unshifted in Figure 7c) lead the Nipawin radar power and enhanced LoS velocity by ~5 min at ~70o (900 km). Most of the By minima were correlated with sharp decreases in the flow (and backscatter power) near 70o magnetic latitude about 5 min later. After 1940 UT, there were several flow bursts (FCEs) observed with SuperDARN radars (mainly the Kapuskasing radar). At ~1940 and 1950 UT, two patchy flow bursts (~1 km/s) were observed in the western part of the Saskatoon radar associated with the large amplitude fluctuation of By and possibly with bands A and B (Figure 5a). The next FCE that started at ~2003 UT showed an evidence of westward motion of the FCE which is consistent with the expected westward and poleward motion of the FTE signature [e.g., Smith et al., 1992]. After a deep negative bay the By component turned positive again and a high flow burst (>1 km/s) was associated with the band C. Figure 15b shows the last of the three consecutive radar scans taken as the flow burst propagated westward with a bulk speed that was comparable with the plasma flow speed. Note that the gap between the E-region bands C and C' which was associated with the riometer absorption enhamcement (auroral precipitation) over GILL and FCHU was located at the poleward edge of the FCE. The next FCE that was associated with the band D, is shown in Figure 15c. Poleward of this FCE one can still recognize a remnant of the previous flow burst that was associated with the patch C. Only less intense flow bursts (~500 m/s) associated with the bands E and F at 2017 and 2022 UT, respectively, were observed at somewhat lower latitudes (between 67 and 68o of magnetic latitude). However, at this time, the F-region backscatter in the western part of the Kapuskasing radar FoV become rather fragmented or completely absent. Two poorly defined bursts of high flow (>1000 m/s) were observed at 2042 UT and 2047 UT which might have been associated with the bands that followed but their identity could not be determined with certainty. Later, between 2113 and 2117 UT a flow burst associated with the patch K (Figure 13b) was observed by the westernmost Saskatoon radar beams. Similarly as for the earlier event, most of the FCEs identified after 1940 UT can be approximately associated with maxima in IMF By (see Figure 5a while noting that the delays between IMF By and the cusp ionosphere were measured to be ~7-8 min rather than 5 min as shown in Figure 10). While there was some uncertainty of the time delay that makes this correlation appear less convincing there was a very good correspondence between the FCEs and the maxima of the ground magnetic X-component near the cusp footprint (Figure 3). The latter were due to Hall (DPY) current enhancements associated with FCEs observed overhead. The modulation of DPY currents by the IMF By-driven FLRs equatorward of the cusp is further discussed in section 4.2. Two dominant frequency components/bands (<2 mHz and 4-6 mHz) were identified in the pulsation data between 1800 and 1830 UT (event 1) and these frequencies modulated the flow bursts. In particular, note that the separations between the strongest flow bursts (Figure 7c) were 10-11 min (between c and f), 7-8 min (e.g., between f and h) and separations of 3-4 minutes are found for less intense bursts. These separations are the periodicities approximately corresponding to frequencies ~1.5, 2 and 4-5 mHz that are resolved in 64-point FFT power spectra of the IMF (Figure 9c). This result supports our previous conclusion that these particular frequency modes were present but unresolved in the 16-point FFT spectrum (Figure 9a; top panel). This presence of many competing FLR modes contributed to some structural complexity of polar patches during event 1. After 1940 UT (event 2), when the ratio of the two dominant frequency components was approximately 1:2, the FCEs (as long as they were observed) were associated with individual E-region bands and there was a one-to-one correspondence between the patches and E-region bands. 3.9. CADI and Optical Observations of Patches Figure 16 shows fixed frequency CADI records (virtual height vs time) obtained in Rabbit Lake (5 MHz), Resolute Bay (4 MHz) and Eureka (4 MHz). We will concentrate on the period after 2000 UT (By>0) and only briefly discuss the earlier period when By was more variable turning negative at times. There was strong absorption before 2000 UT at Rabbit Lake which was located near the equatorward boundary of the radar cusp (section 3.2) at that time. Although more noisy, the riometer data from RABB was similar to that from GILL (only 0.5o south of RABB) showing relatively strong absorption (~1 dB) before 2000 UT. With the absorption being inversely proportional to the square of the frequency this means that at 3 MHz the absorption would have been about 21 dB. In agreement with the inferred absorption, there were virtually no ionosonde echoes before 2000 UT seen by the RABB CADI which had a rather limited dynamic range. At about 2000 UT, when the equatorward boundary of the radar cusp moved near and possibly south of RABB, the absorption decreased and the CADI data on the highest of the fixed frequencies showed a few patches soon after they were formed near the cusp. However, these CADI observations were still somewhat fragmented because of the absorption. Half an hour later the patches were observed drifting northeastward over Resolute Bay and a few more minutes later (almost simultaneously) over Eureka. Between 1800 and 1900 UT the CADI signature in Eureka was weak but the 630-nm emission showed irregular patches (not shown) associated with CADI echoes. After the By IMF become strongly positive no patches were observed by CADIs until ~1930 UT (suggesting that a change in the polar cap convection prevented these patches to reach Resolute Bay and Eureka. However, a couple of well-separated patches that were most likely associated with the two sharp dips in the IMF By component at 1906 and 1916 UT drifted over Resolute Bay at 1942 and 1951 UT. About 5 minutes after the patches passed Resolute Bay weak optical signatures were observed in Eureka in 630 nm (not shown) but the Eureka CADI echoes were too weak at this time. After 2000 UT, many bandlike patches that were observed with SuperDARN (Figure 11b and Plate 1) were also observed with CADIs (Figure 16) and the all-sky camera (Figure 17). For example, between 2100 and 2140 UT, CADIs in Resolute Bay and Eureka observed a series of strong patches (G-K) that were seen with SuperDARN at lower latitudes as bands moving eastward (Figure 13). The transit times of the optical bands (Figure 17) across the zenith in Eureka (indicated by arrows in the top panel of Figure 16) were correlated with patches observed with CADI at Eureka. CADI measured horizontal plasma drift velocities for the patches ranging between 500 and 1000 m/s northeastward to eastward. The average velocity agreed with the mean translational motion observed by SuperDARN (~600 m/s). Note that the latter speed was estimated for the band centers as observed by SuperDARN. The poleward ends of these bands moved faster as they rotated turning eastward with convection. Figure 18 shows the ionograms, taken at 15-minute intervals by the Resolute Bay CADI, over the period 2100-2145 UT. Approximate values of fxF2 are shown for patches and/or troughs separating the patches. The value of foF2 can be obtained by subtracting 0.8 MHz (half of the electron gyrofrequency). At 2100 UT, oblique echoes from the patch G approaching the zenith and a trough between patch F and G that were recorded. At 2115 UT, the center of the patch H was overhead (foF2~8.5 MHz) indicating the maximum electron density of about 9x1011 m-3. This is an increase by a factor of about 4.5 from the trough density estimated in the previous ionogram. The ionogram at 2130 UT showed spread echoes which were due to oblique echoes from edges of the patch J (receding) and the patch K (approaching). Note that a couple of minutes later the poleward end of the bands J and K swept over Eureka and were also observed optically (Figure 17). As mentioned above, the RABB CADI observed patches soon after they formed near the cusp (before 2030 UT). At 2015 UT, a full ionogram (not shown) was taken when the patch E was overhead. It showed almost the same foF2 value (electron density) as that of the patch H over Resolute Bay (Figure 18) suggesting that the patches were fully formed in the cusp. Also, there is a possibility that the electron precipitation associated with FLRs contributed to patches. However, as further discussed in section 4.4, the electron precipitation alone is not sufficient to build up enough of the patch ionization relative to the background. In fact, looking at quiet days (November 30 and December 4) the maximum ionization density at RABB between 2000 and 2100 UT would correspond to fxF2 of 8-9 MHz which is not too different from the 9.4-MHz maximum shown for patch E overhead at Rabbit Lake at 2015 UT. Therefore, a combination of a small enhancement due to auroral precipitation on top of the solar EUV ionization and redistribution of the plasma into enhancements and depletions by means of ionospheric currents could explain the patches. Further evidence for restructuring is that the ionization between patches was much lower than quiet day values thus indicating that it had been depleted (see section 4.4). For example, at 2100 UT the Resolute Bay CADI ionogram showed an F-region peak density corresponding to about 6 MHz at the edge of a patch and 4 MHz in the overhead trough. The peak electron densities of nearly 1012 m-3 (factor ~5 above the background/trough density) are similar to previous measurements [e.g., Weber et al., 1984 and Rodger et al., 1994a]. However, the patches, particularly those observed after 2000 UT, were distinctly bandlike in appearance. 3.10. The Spatial Extent of Bands/Patches At 1750 UT, the riometer absorption enhancements extended from BACK to FSMI and just before 1800 UT even farther to DAWS (>3 hours of local time). In the BARS FoV the absorption enhancements were associated with irregularity bands. The observed F-region patches were more irregular than those observed after 2000 UT and there was no clear one-to-one correspondence between E-region bands and F-region patches (see section 3.7). Also, the optical patches in Eureka were structured and distorted (likely a result of the large amplitude IMF By-component oscillation affecting the polar cap convection). Figures 13 and 15 show several examples when the E- and F-region radar (BARS and SuperDARN) backscatter bands were joined into one structure extended in azimuth and altitude. The CADI observations in Resolute Bay and Eureka indicated that, as the bands turned eastward, they were extended poleward even farther than observed with the SuperDARN radars. Furthermore, the F-region patches were imaged (630- nm emission) from Eureka (Figure 17). Combining all these observations one can conclude that some of the bands/patches were extended over ~3 hours of local time and/or 2500 km in observed length. The widths of the backscatter bands were mostly between 100 and 200 km except for the strongest band H which, at one time, may have been over 300 km wide in the F region (Figure 13a). The widths of the optical and density patches were similar and the separations between neighboring patches were between 200 to 300 km. 4. Discussion 4.1. Dayside Poleward Moving Auroral Forms The dayside poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) are frequently observed near the auroral oval around magnetic local noon (see e.g. Sandholt et al., [1990] and Fasel [1995] and references therein). The arcs appear near the equatorial edge of the auroral oval with a repetition rate ranging from a few to several minutes, drift poleward spanning about two degrees of latitude and then usually brighten and/or disappear. Vorobjev et al. [1975] were first to suggest that these events are the manifestations of the transfer of magnetic field lines from the dayside to the nightside, which are now called FTEs. A statistical study by Fasel [1995] found that the PMAFs have the mean lifetime of 5 min and the mean time between successive PMAFs is 6 minutes. Such PMAF recurring rates, similar to Pc5 periodicities, were also found by Lockwood et al. [1989] and Sandholt et al. [1990] who called the events dayside auroral break up events or simply cusp/cleft auroral activity [Sandholt et al., 1994]. McHarg and Olson [1992] correlated such events with the ULF wave activity and Leontyev et al. [1992] showed magnetometer data for one of their "PMAF" event but did not discuss the associated Pc5 pulsation that can clearly be identified in their Figure 5. Lockwood et al. [1989] found that the mean repetition period of the ionospheric flow and auroral burst events is about 8.5 min when the IMF is continuously and strongly southward. They suggested that transient momentum exchange between the magnetosheath and the ionosphere occurs quasi-periodically with a mean period similar to that of FTE occurrence rate at the magnetopause. While there were no optical data during the day time event presented here, the similarities of the radar and riometer signatures (near cleft/cusp locations, recurrence rates, lifetimes, and drift velocities) with those of PMAFs are rather suggestive of poleward drifting auroral forms. The BARS radar signatures alone (backscatter structure and the Doppler spectra) combined with riometer observations provide a strong evidence for the presence of auroral arcs. Even a more subtle detail of the motions observed in the radar backscatter agrees with the results by Sandholt et al., [1990] and Fasel [1995]. These authors described two phases of PMAF evolution: In the phase I, the PMAF tends to elongate in the east- west dimension and rapidly moves westward (progressing poleward [Fasel, 1995]). During phase II, the PMAF just moves poleward and the optical intensities fades. The BARS radar backscatter exhibited very similar signatures: shortly after the bands appeared some of them showed a westward moving intensification along the band. Later the bands just drifted poleward and faded away. Another feature of PMAFs that was reported in literature [Fasel et al., 1992] is a multiple brightening of a PMAF. The Nipawin radar backscatter power (Figures 5a and 7b) indicated that some bands (e.g., f, g, and h) showed a couple of intensifications as they progressed poleward. A multiple flaring of poleward drifting arcs and possibly even splitting of such arcs due to higher FLR frequencies that were mentioned (section 3.5) but not further discussed could explain the complex riometer signature (Figure 7). The similarities between the radar observations of FLRs/FCEs and the 557.7- nm emissions observed by Fasel et al. [1992] are further discussed in paper 1. 4.2. The Modulation of DPY currents on the closed field lines Stauning et al., [1994 and 1995] reported observations of poleward progressing DPY currents (IMF By-related dayside ionospheric disturbances) in the polar cap region poleward of the cusp where the IMF disturbance is directly coupled to the polar ionosphere by connecting (newly merged) field lines. Their observations are further discussed in paper 1 where it is suggested that the coupling of the IMF oscillations to the closed field lines is also very efficient and the DPY currents are modulated by FLR frequencies (which are similar or the same as those found in the IMF). The event described in the present paper was similar to those observed by Stauning et al., [1995]. The ground magnetometers observed the IMF By-modulated DPY currents near, and poleward of, the cusp (Figure 3). At these latitudes, the correlation between IMF By and the ground X-component was good (Figure 10) and rather obvious from a direct comparison of time series. In contrast, at ISLL the magnetometer measuring the perturbations due to ionospheric (Hall) currents across the closed field lines showed more complex fluctuations. The correlation between the time series of IMF By and the ground X-component was not always very clear (Figures 3 and 10). However, there was moderate to very strong correlation in the frequency domain between the IMF By and the ground X- and Z-components (Figures 9c and 8d). We conclude that the IMF By-driven FLRs on magnetic shells equatorward of the cusp modulated the DPY (Hall) currents on the closed field lines. This is further discussed in paper 1 where it is suggested that there is no fundamental difference between the IMF By-related disturbances poleward and equatorward of the cusp except that the solar wind IMF oscillations are directly transmitted to the ionosphere along the connecting "open" field lines in the polar cap while the same oscillations drive FLRs on the closed field lines that are associated with oscillating FACs feeding the Hall (DPY) currents. These ionospheric disturbances intensify in the cusp where the DPY current modulations coincide with FCEs (Figure 3a) on the field lines that are being merged with IMF in FTEs (modulated by FLRs on the outermost magnetic shells as discussed below and paper 1). Because the low frequency IMF oscillations have the largest amplitudes the DPY currents maximize on the freshly reconnected field lines poleward of the cusp [Stauning et al., 1995]. 4.3. A Link Between Pc5 FLRs and Dayside Magnetic Reconnection The phenomena mentioned above (PMAFs, DPY currents, FCEs, and polar patches) have been linked to the process of magnetic merging (reconnection) at the dayside magnetopause which often appears to be pulsed. In paper 1, it is shown that the magnetic reconnection is modulated into pulses by FLRs. Similarly, the present results suggest such reverse feedback from the resonating magnetic shells near the magnetopause to the reconnection region at the magnetopause (see schematic diagram in paper 1). The cross-correlation analysis of IMP-8 By component vs. the ground/ionospheric data in the time and frequency domains suggest that the FLRs were directly driven from the solar wind. As discussed in paper 1, the solar wind disturbance would propagate to the resonant L shells via the fast compressional mode and then couple to the shear Alfvén mode, thus driving the resonance. While the magnetospheric magnetic field oscillations (due to FLRs) were predominantly in the azimuthal direction they contained a significant radial component as well. The amplitudes of the corresponding magnetic oscillations on the ground that were discussed in section 3.4 exceeded 100 nT in the north-south direction (X component) but reached up to 50 nT in the east-west direction (Y component). The electric field component of a resonant Alfvén wave on the outermost closed magnetic flux tubes (see paper 1) would modulate the magnitude of the electric field along the reconnection line which is believed to be the most important measure of the reconnection rate. The above, and also a less likely possibility of the IMF oscillation directly driving the pulsed reconnection (FTEs) causing compressional mode wave that would excite the FLRs are discussed in paper 1. However, the latter interpretation is not consistent with the correlation results presented here. These results showed satellite-ground delays (Figure 10) suggesting that FLRs were excited first and modulated the reconnection process (FTEs) as suggested above. Also, the IMF FFT power spectra were strongly correlated with the ground magnetic perturbations at subcusp latitudes (ISLL). The FLRs that were excited on the outermost magnetic shells and modulated magnetic reconnection also contributed to polar patches formed by FCEs in the cusp. 4.4. Patch formation The polar patches have been found breaking off from the cusp region shortly after quasiperiodically occurring FCEs [Rodger et al., 1994a] and drifted poleward in trains (series of patches separated by a few hundred kilometers) [Foster, 1993; Rosenberg et al., 1993]. Lockwood et al. [1993] observed the ionospheric signatures of pulsed FTEs and suggested the role of low-energy precipitation in the polar patch formation. Valladares et al. [1994] emphasized the role of increased recombination rate [Banks et al., 1974] associated with enhanced ion temperature in a fast plasma jet that results in a deep electron density depletion breaking off a patch. These observations were supported by numerical simulations [Valladares et al., 1996] showing that patches can be produced by plasma jets associated with poleward progressing twin vortices superposed on a standard background convection pattern. These results showed that the plasma at the base of the tongue of ionization (TOI) can be structured into elongated patches by drawing in low density plasma from earlier local times and increasing the O+ loss rate thus producing a density depletion adjacent to the patch. Because the observations presented in this paper appear to be consistent in many aspects with all the above results we have to reconcile and/or qualify some apparent differences between the above mentioned "mechanisms" of patch formation. We showed that polar patches were associated with Pc5 irregularity bands and the bulk of the ionization forming the patch had its origin in the dayside auroral oval which includes both the solar photoionization and auroral precipitation. One argument that has sometimes been used against the electron precipitation as a source of polar patch densities is that soft precipitation in the cusp cannot produce the required patch densities during a relatively short time interval of several minutes during which a drifting "patch" (that is being formed) is exposed to precipitation. This is one of the reason why models of fragmentation of solar produced plasma (TOI) drawn into polar cap were sought to explain patches [see, e.g., Bowline et al., 1996; and references therein]. Such structuring of the polar ionosphere is a valid hypothesis that is now supported by an extensive modeling work showing that patches can be generated this way. However, as the latter authors have stated, "the origin of patches could be equatorward of the cusp region, in the cusp region, or a combination of both". The time-dependent ionospheric model (TDIM) used by these authors was extended to include particle precipitation on the statistical basis. We suggest that FLR associated precipitation in auroral arcs (PMAFs) drifting into the cusp region combined with the cusp precipitation (at the time or just before a patch is formed in the cusp) can build up significant absolute and/or relative (with respect to the background) densities in addition to the existing solar EUV ionization. This plasma is then restructured into enhancements and depletions by means of ionospheric currents and enhanced recombination in the F region. Also, the arcs are likely to be associated with latitudinally narrow, field-aligned depletions possibly formed by vertical evacuation in the downward FACs adjacent to an arc [Opgenoorth et al., 1990] which could then lead to greater relative densities observed in patches as well as steep density gradients. The density depletions between the patches could then be further enhanced if such arcs drifting across the cusp were associated with magnetic merging at the dayside magnetopause driven by the IMF configuration in the solar wind but modulated by FLRs that created the arcs on the closed field lines near the magnetopause. The elongated twin vortex ionospheric signatures of such events (FTEs) at the foot of a pair of upward and downward FACs [Southwood et al., 1988; Scholer, 1988] would then be associated with a disruption of the flow at the polar cap boundary (FCEs). FCEs are twin vortices whose single radar signature sometimes shows the return flows adjacent to the flow channel (see, e.g., Figure 1 in paper 1). Some indication of the return flow can be seen in Figure 15 in the present paper. These signatures of FTEs are likely to be associated with cusp precipitation [Sandholt et al., 1990]. The electron precipitation in the region of upward FAC on the poleward (By>0) or equatorward (By<0) boundary of a flow channel would further increase the electron densities in a patch that is being formed. Here we refer to a patch being formed or further enhanced in the region of upward FACs associated with the FCE (in the cusp) as opposed to a patch being simply detached from existing TOI by the density depletion associated with the enhanced flow. The plasma density can be depleted by enhanced O+ recombination in the F region [Valladares et al., 1994] and/or by vertical evacuation of electrons in a strong downward FAC [Doe et al., 1995] increasing the relative density in the patch with respect to the electron density trough formed adjacent to it. Electron density depletions were observed associated with regions of enhanced perpendicular electric fields adjacent to auroral arcs [Opgenoorth et al., 1990]. The incoherent scatter radar measurements [Doe et al., 1993] demonstrated that auroral ionospheric cavities (AICs) with depletions of the F-region densities by 40% or more can occur on time scales as short as 4 min. In general agreement with the conclusions by Lockwood et al. [1993] we suggest that patches are generated by FTEs during times of southward IMF. The magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause is pulsed by the IMF By-driven FLRs and patches are a by-product in this process. The FLR driven arcs and/or associated density structure of remanent F-region density enhancements/depletions are convected into the ionospheric cusp where this plasma structure is reformed by cusp precipitation and FCEs producing even more pronounced density enhancements/depletions. This process will eliminate some while it may reinforce other parts of the short period FLR structure that was imposed on the ionosphere prior the entry to the cusp. For example, during the first event presented here (1800-1830 UT) the reconnection associated flows in the cusp was modulated by low frequencies (1-2 mHz) thus reshaping the FLR imposed high frequency (4- 6 mHz) structure into patches that were more irregular. After 1930 UT, the amplitudes of the latter high frequency components weakened and the patches were produced by a (more harmonious) combined action of 1- and 2-mHz FLR modulation of flows and densities near the cusp which resulted in patches that were identified with individual flow bursts and FLR backscatter bands. Valladares et al. [1994] presented data that show further evidence in support of the latter observations. We now discuss this evidence in some detail because it was not discussed in these terms by the latter authors. Some of the density contour maps [Valladares et al. 1994; their Figures 4b and 5b] obtained by the Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar prior the onset time of the fast plasma jet which they associated with enhanced ion temperature and recombination clearly show poleward drifting local density enhancements (~5x1011 m-3) a few hundred kilometers apart in north-south direction of the elevation scans. These density enhancements were most likely produced by FLR associated arcs. Their Figure 9 shows the ground magnetic data which reveal 6- and 12-min pulsations in the Z- component at the SKT and STF stations around 1300 UT while their Figure 2 shows that at least the 6-min periodicity is quite distinct in the IMF data. For the event of 19 Feb 1990 Valladares et al. [1994] concluded that the density structure moved poleward with an average velocity of 700 m/s. Before 1300 UT, as their Figure 15 shows, this velocity was only ~600 m/s and this estimate agrees with the value of 620 m/s [Valladares et al., 1996] for the poleward displacement of the plasma jet related Hall current observed by the ground magnetometers. Assuming this latter value for the poleward drift and the spatial separation of 450 km between two density enhancements in the elevation scan (their Figure 4b) taken before the onset time of the plasma jet one can obtain a time separation of 12 min between the overhead passages of these two density enhancement which agrees well with the ~12-min magnetic pulsation (Z-component) observed on the ground at STF and also SKT (before 1300 UT). About 5.5 min later, the next elevation scan showed that the density structure which was overhead in the previous scan had shifted ~200 km poleward (at ~600 m/s) and another density enhancement was approaching the zenith. This latter structure clearly suggests a freshly formed auroral arc with the density enhancement and a sharp horizontal density gradients still penetrating to the E-region. Similarly, one can argue that the radar also observed 6-min/200-km F- region structure (their Figure 8b) suggesting precipitation into arcs produced by FLRs which appeared to be observed by the ground magnetometers. It should be noted that the fast eastward plasma jet [Valladares et al., 1994] was observed during conditions of the IMF By<0. In contrast, our observations of westward FCEs (positioned equatorward of patches that were formed in the region of upward FACs possibly associated with cusp precipitation) were during times of By>0. Because an FCE (ionospheric signature of an FTE) is an antisunward moving twin vortex the simulations by Valladares et al. [1996] could provide a very useful tool to model the ionospheric response to various IMF conditions favorable to magnetic merging. However, this particular modeling effort so far suggested that there is a preferential local time (restricted to a period of 1000-1200 LT) at which vortices can generate patches. The pulsed magnetopause reconnection events that are discussed in the present paper and paper 1 generated patches well past the magnetic local noon. Also, we have associated the patch formation with poleward progressing DPY currents (Hall currents associated with FCEs). A large statistical data base of DPY current observations was accumulated by Stauning et al. [1994]. The longitudinal and latitudinal extents of the DPY Hall currents that are most intense in the region between the downward and upward field-aligned current sheets are comparable with the observed separations between the patches. The horizontal electric fields associated with the convection enhancements (FCEs) result in the E-region electron heating which can explain the radio wave absorption near the cusp [Stauning et al., 1995]. A gradual fading of DPY currents as they traverse the dayside polar cap could explain the riometer absorption associated with polar patches [Rosenberg et al., 1993]. The absence of DPY events for northward IMF is consistent with the absence of patches during such periods [Rodger et al., 1994a]. If the link between the poleward progressing DPY currents and polar patches is confirmed, this mechanism of patch formation could be identified as a dominant source of patches, considering the abundance of the By-modulated DPY events [Stauning et al., 1994]. We have refered to several possible sources of ionization and/or mechanisms for patch formation. Now we briefly summarize their relative importance. The electron density given by the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 1990 model for an altitude of 250 km above Gillam at 2000 UT near solar mininum (mean sunspot number 60) is 7x1011 m-3 and drops to 4x1011 m-3 at 400 km. With the cusp and auroral oval sunlit the solar EUV ionization is the main source of the large background density on which auroral and cusp ionization is superposed [Roble and Rees, 1977]. Sojka and Schunk [1986] considered the effect of discrete auroral precipitation on the density profile and found large density enhancements (see their Figure 3) within a few minutes of a plasma flux tube entering a region of auroral precipitation. However, their model was for solar maximum conditions and moderate geomagnetic activity and thus not directly applicable to the observations presented here. We have proposed (see above) that patches are produced as a by-product of the FLR modulated reconnection at the dayside magnetopause with the FLR associated precipitation significantly contributing to patches. This is consistent with the incoherent radar measurements [Valladares et al., 1994] showing that the FLR precipitation structure the ionospheric density before it is segmented into patches. The F-region density enhancements over the "background" (trough density between the enhancements) that can be inferred from the elevation scans [see Valladares et al., 1994; their Figures 4, 5 and 7] range up to 50%. Furthermore, the latter authors attributed the excess (35%) F-region densities in another patch being formed (presumably in the cusp) to soft precipitation. The second mechanism we consider is redistribution of ionization by currents. To estimate the electron densities we assumed electric field ±50 mV/m and a standard value for ion mobility of 50 (MKS units) at an altitude of 250 km. From BARS data showing bands associated with FCEs we estimated the wavelength of the electric field variation to be ~150 km (2 cycles in 300 km). Also, we assume that it takes ~15 min for the bands to traverse a 300-km wide cusp. Then the relative plasma "relocation" by currents can be estimated from the charge continuity equation to be ~10%. This is comparable to the auroral precipitation, because it would cause both an enhancement and a depletion of density (i.e., relative enhancement of 20%). Doe et al. [1995] modeled the formation of auroral ionospheric cavities (AICs) showing that FACs are very efficient at modifying the polar ionosphere. They showed that moderate downward FACs (0.2 µA m-2) can create a 40% depletion in time scales of 30 s, while the diffusion and chemistry operate on longer time scales (hundreds of seconds). These authors suggested that "cavities are created by closure of downward magnetospheric field-aligned currents and that AIC-arc pairs are the imprint of an oppositely directed pair of FACs". This mechanism of density depletion appears to be directly applicable to FLRs which are associated with a pair of oscillatory FACs. Similarly, the signature of an FTE footprint (FCE) implies oppositely directed FACs [Southwood et al., 1988]. While the horizontal dimensions of FCEs are about one order of magnitude larger than those of AICs modeled by Doe et al., [1995], the latter authors showed that the narrow and fast growing depletions can grow to larger widths by allowing more time to build them up. Finally, as discussed above, Valladares et al. [1996] modeled the observed depletions in the local density by a factor of 6 [Valladares et al., 1994] and showed that plasma jets (FCEs) associated with poleward progressing twin vortices can carve out such density depletions. For a given simulation, they attributed 38% of this depletion to the O+ recombination loss and 62% to transport of low density plasma from earlier local times. It should be noted that their model applies to a TOI that is already extending into the polar cap. The position (with respect to the day/night terminator) of the ionospheric footprint of the cusp (an important source of moving twin vortices, e.g., FTE signatures) vary throughout the year. However, during the event presented in this paper, the cusp was sunlit and the day/night terminator was well poleward of the cusp. Also, the westward as opposed to eastward flow bursts were observed, thus the latter source of plasma depletion (transport of low density plasma from earlier local times) is not readily applicable for this event. 5. Conclusions Poleward drifting F-region backscatter bands observed with SuperDARN HF radars, and patches observed with CADI ionosondes and an all-sky imager in the polar cap were associated with the Pc5 field line resonances (FLRs) near the dayside polar cap boundary. BARS VHF and SuperDARN HF radars observed FLR signatures - poleward drifting E- region irregularity bands that were associated with alternating Doppler velocities and the riometer absorption enhancements. These FLR signatures were extended to the cusp footprint as enhanced flows (flow channel events, FCEs). The F-region ionosphere was structured into polar patches by FCEs carving out electron depletions while the soft cusp precipitation inferred from the riometer data augmented the density of the patch formed poleward (IMF By>0) of the flow channel. The density patches structured by irregularities (causing the radar backscatter) produced at the equatorward edge of the patches had a large longitudinal extent spanning ~3 hours of local time (~2500 km) but only ~200 km wide. In agreement with the results presented in paper 1, it is suggested that the FCEs are the ionospheric signatures of flux transfer events (FTEs) modulated by FLRs at the dayside magnetopause. It is shown that large amplitude (~100 nT) FLRs that were excited on L shells adjacent to the magnetopause were directly driven by the solar wind IMF By oscillations. These multi-mode IMF oscillations coupled to closed field lines in the magnetosphere driving FLRs and modulating the DPY (Hall) currents which intensified in the cusp footprint (FCEs). The DPY currents progressed further poleward as they continued to be driven by large amplitude and low frequency IMF oscillations. It is suggested that the FLRs quasiperiodically perturbed the magnetopause and modified the magnetic and electric field configurations near the reconnection region thus modulating the reconnection into pulses. Polar patches were a by- product of this process. It is concluded that the solar EUV ionization significantly augmented by the auroral/cusp ionization was reformed into bandlike patches by FCEs redistributing the ionization into enhancements and depletions by means of ionospheric/field aligned currents, while the field lines were being reconnected to the IMF and convected into the polar cap. Also, as previously reported, it is likely that the F-region O+ recombination loss associated with the enhanced flows further depleted the trough densities between patches. Acknowledgements. The CANOPUS program is a project of the Canadian Space Agency. The CADI and polar camera installations and operations were funded by the Canadian Network of Space Research. The Saskatoon-Kapuskasing SuperDARN pair of radars is a collaboration of Canada, France and United States. The Kapuskasing radar is supported by NASA Grant NAG5-1099. The Saskatoon radar is funded as an NSERC CSP. We acknowledge the contributions by R. Lepping (NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center) who made available the IMP-8 IMF data and by F. Rich (Phillips Laboratory, Hanscom Air Force Base) who provided us with DMSP satellite data and helped with their interpretation. 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Radar cusp can be identified by large widths (particularly between 1900 and 2000 UT) while the region of small widths (<100 m/s) just equatorward of it can be associated with low latitude boundary layer (LLBL). The spectral widths in the patches drifting antisunward well inside the polar cap are also significantly reduced. Figure 1. The locations and fields of view of the SuperDARN Kapuskasing-Saskatoon and BARS Nipawin-Red Lake radars projected onto a map that is also showing some of the CANOPUS and CADI sites. The polar all-sky imager was located in Eureka. Figure 2. The IMP-8 interplanetary magnetic field. Figure 3. (a) The X-component ground magnetic perturbations for the CANOPUS North-South magnetometer array. The bottom trace is the smoothed (solid) and unsmoothed (broken) IMP-8 IMF By component. Poleward progressing disturbances (DPY currents) are indicated. Thick upward arrows indicate corresponding phases of long-period variations of IMF By component and ground magnetic perturbation (X component). Thin downward arrows indicate times of flow bursts (FCEs) observed with SuperDARN and BARS. (b) The Z-component ground magnetic perturbations for the CANOPUS North-South magnetometer array. The horizontal bars indicate two field line resonance pulsation periods discussed in the text. Figure 4. The latitude profiles of magnetic perturbation used to estimate the position of the poleward edge of the eastward DPY (Hall) current system (indicated by an arrow). Figure 5. (a) Range-versus-time plot of the Nipawin radar backscatter power. The slanting arrows indicate poleward progressing Pc5 FLR bands. The vertical downward arrows indicate observations of flow channel events (FCEs). The IMP-8 IMF By component shifted by 5 min is shown. (b) An approximate position of the poleward edge of the eastward DPY (Hall) currents is mapped along the Nipawin radar beam #1 (leftmost beam). Figure 6. The riometer absorption (increasing downward relative to the undisturbed background indicated by zero) at Gillam. The arrows indicate the times of the overhead passage of the BARS backscatter bands over Gillam. Figure 7. (a) The Red Lake radar backscatter power. Poleward drifting backscatter bands a-h are clearly resolved at small ranges while the strongest radar backscatter is side-lobe contaminated. (b) FCHU and BACK riometer absorption (detrended) superposed on the RTI plot of the Nipawin radar backscatter power (enlarged portion of Figure 5a). The corresponding ranges of FCHU and BACK are shown by horizontal arrows and dotted lines. (c) ESKI riometer absorption (detrended) and IMP-8 IMF By are superposed on the Doppler velocity plot for the Nipawin radar velocities showing flow bursts near the cusp associated with riometer absorption and flow channel events observed with SuperDARN in the cusp. Figure 8. BARS Red Lake radar maps of the mean backscatter power and line-of-sight velocities for the Red Lake (top panels). Location of GILL and FCHU CANOPUS sites are shown and the individual bands are labeled. Broken lines represent likely positions of auroral arcs indicated by riometer absorption observed when the structures moved overhead in GILL. BARS spectra (bottom panels; add 600 km to the aliased range to obtain the true slant range) near the cusp (band D). Both the frequency and range aliasing can be resolved by examining the mean power and Doppler obtained 30 s earlier (top panels). Figure 9ab. Normalized 16- and 32-point FFT power spectra of IMP-8 IMF, ground magnetometer and BARS backscatter data for event 1 (a) and event 2 (b). BARS backscatter power at range gates near BACK (left panel) and GILL (right panel) is used. Figure 9cd. The 64-point FFT power spectra of the IMP-8 IMF (c) and the ground magnetic components at ISLL (d). The low resolution FFT (an average of four 16-point FFTs of By time series) envelopes the corresponding high resolution spectrum. Figure 10. Time delays between the IMF By component and the ionospheric/ground signals obtained from CCFs computed for 30-min windows stepped by 15 min are plotted. The vertical lines represent the zero delays and/or the start time for the corresponding window. The delays for the BARS power (open symbols) and CANOPUS magnetometer X components (solid symbols) are plotted for two levels of the correlation coefficient. The largest values of the cross-correlation coefficient for BARS (first row) and MARIA (second row) are printed at the top for each window. The first set of points (squares) is for the interval of 1800-1830 UT, the second set of points (triangles) is for the interval of 1815-1845 UT, etc. A generic scale for time lags is shown (bottom-right). Also, the minimum and average values of BARS delays are printed. Figure 11. SuperDARN RTI plots for Kapuskasing (a) and Saskatoon (b) radars before and after 2000 UT, respectively. The E-region backscatter bands and corresponding F-region patches are labeled. Figure 12. Contour plots of 32-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) power spectra (top panel) of the line-of-sight velocity time series at several range gates for beam #11 of Saskatoon SuperDARN radar. Also, latitude profiles of the spectral power and phase at 2 mHz are shown (bottom panel). Figure 13. The Saskatoon SuperDARN radar maps of backscatter power showing the location of patches (G-K) at (a) 2108 UT and (b) 2114 UT. The positions of the BARS E-region backscatter bands are shown superposed in the BARS field of view. Figure 14. Polar cap convection observed by the Saskatoon-Kapuskasing pair of radars. Figure 15. The Kapuskasing SuperDARN radar maps of line-of-sight velocities. (a) Flow channel events (FCEs) is associated with the BARS E-region backscatter bands f and g. Symbols in the BARS field of view indicate the position of the latter band. (b,c) Two other FCEs are associated with the E-region backscatter bands C and D. Figure 16. The fixed frequency ionograms (virtual height vs time) obtained in Rabbit Lake, Resolute Bay and Eureka. The arrows in the bottom two panels show polar patches drifting over Rabbit Lake and Resolute Bay identified with SuperDARN backscatter bands. The arrows in the top panel indicate times when optical (630-nm) patches passed overhead in Eureka (Figure 17). Figure 17. The 630-nm emission images from the polar camera in Eureka showing patches/bands associated with CADI and SuperDARN observations. Figure 18. The Resolute Bay CADI ionograms associated with polar cap patches and troughs between patches.