Dr. Tamas I. Gombosi Senior Editor Journal of Geophysical Research 2133 Space Research Building The University of Michigan Ann Arbour, MI 48106-2143 U.S.A. re.: Revision of the manuscript # 95.0431. 18 July, 1996 Dear Dr. Gombosi, After the first unsuccessful revision of the manuscript # 95.0431 we concluded that the best we can do is to split the manuscript into two parts. In the original manuscript, we addressed two major issues - patches and solar wind-magnetosphere coupling. As a result, the manuscript was not well focussed. We believe that the splitting of the manuscript into two complementary parts resulted in a significant improvement. Naturally, this presupposes that one part can not be published without the other. We would like to emphasize that although we added some new material and data to further substantiate our conclusions these two complementary parts together address the same problems and reach the same (although more refined and hopefully more convincing) general conclusions as those stated in the original manuscript. The revision is further explained in our reply to the referee's report. In both parts of the manuscript we responded to the referee's comments. With the above said, we would like to express our hope that these two parts will not be treated as two brand new manuscripts but as a revision that evolved from the original manuscript. Enclosed please find four copies of the revised manuscript (part A is entitled "Solar-wind-driven Pc5 field line resonances and pulsed magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause", and part B is entitled "Observations of polar patches generated by solar-wind-driven Pc5 field line resonances and pulsed magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause", by P. Prikryl et al. that we now resubmit for publication in Journal of Geophysical Research. The new short titles are as follows: part A: "Prikryl et al.: Solar-wind-driven FLRs and magnetic reconnection" part B: "Prikryl et al.: Polar patches, Pc5 FLRs and magnetic reconnection" Yours sincerely, P. Prikryl