5.1 Available Facilities There are five major sites which will be useful and available to provide fabrication, testing and calibration instrumentation and expertise. First, within the Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies (ISAS) there is a fully equiped and staffed optics laboratory. Testing of the wavelength calibration of the optical spectrograph can be undertaken here. Second, the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics includes a machining shop which has undertaken diverse and physics related projects in the past with considerable expertise. Third, since the mission is to be flown and operate in temperatures down to -60 C thermal testing of the various components will be done. The mechanical engineering department at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) has facilities which can achieve temperatures of this magnitude. Fourth, the Civil Engineering Dept. at the U of S has a vibrational testing facility which will be available for use in simulating the launch conditions which will have to be survived by the payload at take-off. 5.1.1 ISAS Optics Laboratory The ISAS optics lab. is fully equipped and staffed by experienced personnel. One of the instruments in particular which is seen as being of great benefit to the NiteOwl project is the monochromator. This instrument should allow verification of the specifications of the CCD detector as well as characterization of the respose of the entire optical system to various wavelengths of light. With some additional mounting it is envisaged that the response of the spectrograph to various angles of incidence may be investigated and characterized. 5.1.2 Physics and Engineering Physics Shop 5.1.3 Mechanical Engineering Thermal Facility The thermal chamber at the U of S is more than large enough to accomidate the entire payload for the NiteOwl mission. The chamber is able to achieve temperatures of -xx C. Testing of both the electronics and the CCD detector at low temperatures is considered essential to determining the reliablility of the instrument as a whole. 5.1.4 Civil Engineering Vibration Facility 5.1.5 Available SCI-TEC Facilities