Strategies: =========== Be positive! Decide on a career direction I can commit to, and get busy pursuing it! Develop a clear idea of what I want to do, what it will do for me, and how committed I am to doing it. Develop a "searching and fearless" catalogue of my strengths, knowledge, experience, qualities, and values. In the process, identify weaknesses and develop strategies to strengthen myself. Thoroughly check out the local situation, industrial and educational, for _permanent_ employment opportunities. Offload routine activities (tape cataloguing, data extraction and processing, event characterization, auxiliary data gathering, trajectory calculation, even special event representation) onto summer student(s). Buy another PC, running Windows 95 and Linux, for my use and learning; leave Polarbear for data processing. Tactics: ======== Buy and read "What Color is Your Parachute?" Learn to use WP Presentation. Make a list of all possible high-tech or other companies I might fit with. Get business cards made up. Look into preparing my own Web page, and where I might locate it.