Academic requirements: Satisfactory completion of 3rd year Honours Physics or Engineering Physics. Needed skills: Programming, Web navigation, WFW3.11. Good experimental background a plus. Summer student tasks: 0. Finish routine processing and archiving of Polar Camera data from the current winter (and previous winters). Learn how to assess cloud, identify and characterize emission patterns, and determine whether data are worth archiving. This activity can go on at a low duty cycle in parallel with other activities. 1. Learn IDL by means of IDL Training Manuals (2 weeks) 2. Implement AACGM coordinate interface to IDL and develop routines to access AACGM calculation from existing software, e.g., VIDEO.PRO (1+ week). 3. Modify SHOWRAY.PRO or SEQ.PRO to display a time sequence of processed images from both cameras, using the *.RAY files stored on D: or on a CD. 4. Determine times/locations of DMSP and other satellite overflights of Eureka during the past winter, with particular focus on Dec. 5-6/96 and Jan. 10-11/97. 5. Locate promising cases for single-point auroral stereoscopy, develop tools to extract needed data, and apply tools to selected cases. 6. Carry forward OH study, examining OH temperatures and full correlation analysis results. 7. Finish LINEARIZ.PRO (rest of week above). 8. Investigate possibility of using scattered moonlight for Rayleigh scattering assessment. 9. Improve dark-subtraction procedure by improving hot-spot suppression and avoiding median smoothing before subtracting dark frame. 10. Develop code to investigate DMSP ion-drift data from Marc Hairston; expand search if warranted.