; ;+ ; NAME: ; WHERE_ARRAY ; ; PURPOSE: ; Return the indices where vector B exists in vector A. ; Basically a WHERE(B EQ A) where B and A are 1 dimensional arrays. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Array ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = WHERE_ARRAY(A,B) ; ; INPUTS: ; A vector that might contains elements of vector B ; B vector that we would like to know which of its ; elements exist in A ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; iA_in_B return instead the indices of A that are in ; (exist) in B ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Index into B of elements found in vector A. If no ; matches are found -1 is returned. If the function is called ; with incorrect arguments, a warning is displayed, and -2 is ; returned (see SIDE EFFECTS for more info) ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; If the function is called incorrectly, a message is displayed ; to the screen, and the !ERR_STRING is set to the warning ; message. No error code is set, because the program returns ; -2 already ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; This should be used with only Vectors. Matrices other then ; vectors will result in -2 being returned. Also, A and B must ; be defined, and must not be strings! ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; EXAMPLE: ; IDL> A=[2,1,3,5,3,8,2,5] ; IDL> B=[3,4,2,8,7,8] ; IDL> result = where_array(a,b) ; IDL> print,result ; 0 0 2 2 3 5 ; SEE ALSO: ; where ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Dan Carr at RSI (command line version) 2/6/94 ; Stephen Strebel 3/6/94 ; made into a function, but really DAN did all ; the thinking on this one! ; Stephen Strebel 6/6/94 ; Changed method, because died with Strings (etc) ; Used ideas from Dave Landers. Fast TOO! ; Strebel 30/7/94 ; fixed checking structure check ;- FUNCTION where_array,A,B,IA_IN_B=iA_in_B ; Check for: correct number of parameters ; that A and B have each only 1 dimension ; that A and B are defined if (n_params() ne 2 or (size(A))(0) ne 1 or (size(B))(0) ne 1 $ or n_elements(A) eq 0 or n_elements(B) eq 0) then begin message,'Inproper parameters',/Continue message,'Usage: result = where_array(A,B,[IA_IN_B=ia_in_b]',/Continue return,-2 endif ;parameters exist, let's make sure they are not structures if ((size(A))((size(A))(0)+1) eq 8 or $ (size(B))((size(B))(0)+1) eq 8) then begin message,'Inproper parametrs',/Continue message,'Parameters cannot be of type Structure',/Continue return,-2 endif ; build two matrices to compare Na = n_elements(a) Nb = n_elements(b) l = lindgen(Na,Nb) AA = A(l mod Na) BB = B(l / Na) ;compare the two matrices we just created I = where(AA eq BB) Ia = i mod Na Ib = i / na ; normally (without keyword, return index of B that ; exist in A if keyword_set(iA_in_B) then index = Ia $ else index = Ib ;make sure a valid value was found if Ia(0) eq -1 or Ib(0) eq -1 then index = -1 return,index END