; From David.Steele@usask.ca Mon Mar 24 15:11:54 1997 ; Path: tribune.usask.ca!rover.ucs.ualberta.ca!scanner.worldgate.com!data.ramona.vix.com!sonysjc!su-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!cpk-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.bbnplanet.com!newsfeed.nacamar.de!nntp.uio.no!rigil.uio.no!steinhh ; From: steinhh@rigil.uio.no (Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan) ; Newsgroups: comp.lang.idl-pvwave ; Subject: Re: RSI and the 24. Tagname... ; Date: 24 Mar 1997 11:19:21 GMT ; Organization: Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo ; Lines: 104 ; Message-ID: <5h5nvp$8k2$1@ratatosk.uio.no> ; References: <5h0mtl$96n@jungle.deceiver.org> ; Reply-To: steinhh@rigil.uio.no (Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan) ; NNTP-Posting-Host: rigil.uio.no ; X-Newsreader: mxrn 6.18-16 ; ; In article , gurman@ari.net (Joseph B. Gurman) writes: ; |> ; ; [.....] ; ; |> Under 5.0b5, about which I guess it's Ok to speak in public because ; |> it;s a _public_ pre-release, I get: ; |> ; |> . ; |> . ; |> . ; |> Execute was OK with 37 Tagnames... ; |> Execute was OK with 38 Tagnames... ; |> ; |> & END ; |> ^ ; |> % Program code area full. ; |> Execute failed with 39Tagnames!!! ; |> ; |> under OpenVMS 7.1, and somewhat more spectacularly with 32 tagnames under ; |> DU4.0B. ; |> ; |> Interestingly, on a PowerMacintosh running MacOS 7.6, I get: ; |> ; |> Execute failed with 51Tagnames!!! ; |> ; |> but I don't think I can tell you what version I'm running there, because ; |> 5.0B5 isn't the pre-release for MacOS ;-) ; |> ; |> So if nothing relating to structures is "improved" before the final ; |> release of 5.0, getting a PowerMac may be your only choice. ; |> ; ; This is indeed a weird bug - by making a few modifications this runs all the ; way to 128 tag names (the stated limit in IDL 4.0.1c) on Digital UNIX. It seems ; that the nature of the right hand side of the tag declarations ; are important (not the length of the tag name, however..). ; ; Stein Vidar ; ; pro fail ; preparations ii = 19 b = bytarr(ii) i = intarr(ii) l = lonarr(ii) f = fltarr(ii) d = dblarr(ii) s = strarr(ii) c = complexarr(ii) x = dcomplexarr(ii) tyyp=["b","i","l","f","d","s","c","x"] trun=0 ; RSI claims it works up to 128 in IDL 4.01 ; on IDL 5.0 the limit should be higher I heard for try=1,600 do begin str= "" ; for the try build strings... for te=1,try do begin ; commata in the middle if te gt 1 then str=str+"," ; build tagname str=str+"TN_"+strcompress(string(te),/remove_all) ; change tyype every time! str=str+":"+string(tyyp(trun)) trun=trun+1 if trun eq n_elements(tyyp) then trun=0 endfor ; clear target target=byte(0) ; build execute-string estring='target={'+str+'}' ; the big momment: Will it work???? if execute(estring) then begin print,' Execute was OK with ',te,'Tagnames... length=',strlen(estring) endif else begin goto,failing endelse endfor print,'Programm will never come to this point! ' stop failing: print, ' Execute failed with ',te,'Tagnames!!! ' end