UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platform
DCS Course: HTML Level 1
HTML Level 1
This course explains how to use the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to
develop World Wide Web "home pages" and provide information for people on
campus, and around the world.
Class Content:
In this course you will learn:
- What is expected of an information provider on campus.
The different ways to become an information provider.
How to use the Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) to build simple
documents that can be viewed on the World Wide Web.
Style hints for creating useful HTML documents that are usable with any
WWW viewer.
Things you should know so your documents integrate well with the Campus
Wide Information System.
This course will NOT discuss the following topics because of time
constraints., These may be taught in an advanced class in the future:
- How to include graphics in WWW documents.
- How to include "Clickable Image Maps" in your documents.
- How to create fill-in forms.
Course Type:
- Lecture and hands-on workshop, and Computer Aided Instruction module.
Course Length:
Students should be familiar with using the World Wide Web. Attending the
"Internet Tour" course would be useful.
Students should be familiar with the Unix operating system, and
especially the "pico" editor. The "Introduction to Unix" course would be
Students should be familiar with the "lynx" WWW browser.
Students should be familiar with a graphic WWW browser, like Netscape or
Students should have their own account on the "Duke" computer.
Student Preparation:
Additional Resources