The Economist The on-line home for a selection of articles from the current issue of The Economist, all the articles from The Economist Review (a monthly books and multimedia supplement to The Economist) and several of our surveys. Later this year, this site will start to offer the complete contents of The Economist each week.
Science News Online The 75 year old weekly is putting a generous number of full-text articles on the web each week. They've archived them back to 1994. Additional features include: Science News of the Year - topics range from the discovery of the oldest known rock art in the world and the detection of several planets outside the solar system to the sequencing of various genomes and the development of new drugs to combat AIDS; Timeline - articles from 70 years back; Food for Thought - facts about food; Mathland - weekly commentary by Ivars Peterson; and Mystery Box
Combined Health Information
Database CHID is a database produced by health-related agencies of the United States Federal Government. This database provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources. The value of this database is that it lists a wealth of health promotion and education materials and program descriptions that are not indexed elsewhere. New records are added quarterly and current listings are checked regularly to help ensure that all entries are up to date and still available from their original sources. Some older records are retained for archival purposes.
Springer Gives acces to online versions of all 180 journals published by Springer. For now, only abstracts are available. Next week, full-text will be available. Access is free for 1997 only.
Institute of Physics Gives acces to online versions of all 33 journals published by the Institute. Access granted to computers in the domain only.
IBM Patent Server IBM lets you access over 26 years of U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) patent descriptions as well as the last seventeen years of images. The first entries date back to January 5, 1971. You can search, retrieve and study over two million patents. There are What's New? and FAQ pages, as well as information on the interesting history and background of this site.
Elsevier Science General information from Elsevier Science. Also includes the Elsevier Science Tables of Contents service. "ESToC is a service which currently provides you with access to the tables of contents of more than 1,000 Elsevier Science primary and review journals, covering a very wide spectrum of scientific disciplines. Abstracts, although searchable, will not appear on screen. The tables of contents go back to the first journal issues published in January 1995 and are updated on a weekly basis. The tables of contents appear in ESToC approximately six weeks after despatch of the journal issues. This way, we try to ensure that ESToC updates coincide with the physical availability of the journal issues."
March 11, 1997
The American
Institute of Physics has granted the University of Saskatchewan a
license to access the full text versions of it journals.
Note: this service is ONLY available for machines in the
Applied Physics Letters Available Now! JETP Letters Available Now! Review of Scientific Instruments Available Now! The Journal of Chemical Physics Available Now! Chaos Available Now! Journal of Applied Physics Available Now! Journal of Mathematical Physics Available Now! Physics of Plasmas Available Now! Physics of Fluids April 1997 Physics of Particles and Nuclei May 1997 Physics of the Solid State May 1997 Journal of Optical Technology June 1997 Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics July 1997 Low Temperature Physics August 1997 Semiconductors August 1997 Technical Physics September 1997 Technical Physics Letters September 1997 |
Electronic Journal Navigator The University of Saskatchewan has been registered as a guest user for three months, starting 6 March, 1997. Username: Bfeb1497Sask Password: Oak (Both case-sensitive) As a guest, we will be able to access the abstracts and tables of contents for all journals on the system, and the full text of the following journals:
Search ERIC (Educational
Resources Information Center) This is a web version of the ERIC database, at Syracuse University, New York.
Project MUSE In one of the first ventures of its kind, the Johns Hopkins University Press and the Milton S. Eisenhower Library have joined forces to launch Project Muse, an initiative enabling worldwide networked access to the full text of the Press's 40 scholarly journals. The University of Saskatchewan does not presently subscribe, but there are a number of "sample" journals accessible. A full subscription would cost around US$2,500.
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
Online Free 2 week Trial. "Grolier Interactive introduces the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Online, an affordable solution that turns your Internet connection into a powerful information resource. The foundation of your digital library, it gives you encyclopedic depth and breadth with access to the best of the Internet." |