Room 65 Place Riel 1 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A3 (306) 966-6960
The Book Exchange, located in Lower Saskatchewan Hall, is a great place to buy and sell used text books. Used texts are sold on a consignment basis - you set the price! Call 966-6901 or 966-6960 for hours of operation and information.
The Campus Club Resource Centre is located in Lower Saskatchewan Hall and houses the Book Exchange. Campus Clubs ratified by the Student's Union may apply for group liability insurance, rent the Students' Union cargo and passenger van, and apply for financial assistance. Call 966-6901 or 966-6960 for further details.
U of S Law students provide practical legal advice to students with legal questions or problems. Common enquiries include landlord-tenant law, criminal law, traffic offenses, family law, and consumer and commercial affairs. This service operates from mid-September to late March and is free for students. Call 966-6960 for appointments.
The Students' Union operates a 66 space Childcare Centre in the Williams Building, just off campus at 221 Cumberland Avenue. Open only to children of U of S undergraduate students, the Centre provides high quality care for children from infancy to six years of age. Parks, a playground, hot meals, and an optional music program are all available. Call 343-7722 for information.
The Students' Union hosts many programming events during the year ranging from music to comedy to lectures to awareness days and weeks. Be on the look-out for upcoming events in the "What's Hot" area of the web pages, in the Sheaf, and on posters and banners across campus.
The Students' Union Help Centre -- located in Room 27, Lower Place Riel (in the Arts Tunnel next to the Games Room) -- is a volunteer organization which provides information, referrals, and support to U of S students. The Centre is staffed and its services are free.
Services include a Student Affairs Officer who assists with problems related to faculty, administration, academic and financial dilemmas, grading, examinations, appeals, and landlord problems.
The Housing Centre operates in the summer months to assist students in their search for accommodation. The Housing Centre provides a free phone to contact potential landlords, copies of the Students' Union Housing Registry, access to the StarPhoenix classified section, free city maps, and information on renting and leasing.
The Help Centre also provides student loan forms, university calendars, and pamphlets and information on many areas of student concern. Call 966-6981, 966-6982, or just drop in.
The Students' Union provides and maintains a fleet of copicard and coin-operated photocopiers across campus. This is a not-for-profit venure of the Students' Union to ensure students have access to low-cost copying services on campus. Copicards are available at the Students' Union Print Shop and at the Copy Centre in the Main Library. For information on the service or to report problems, call 966-6973.
Home of the Students' Union Exam File (a file containing old exams from courses taught at the U of S that you can photocopy) and the most convenient location on campus to purchase copicards, the Print Shop is located in Room 51, Lower Place Riel. The Print Shop provides printing services to students at great rates, as well as photocopying and typesetting services. The Print Shop is also Saskatoon's most experienced student resume shop with well over 600 computer disks jammed full of archived resumes. For essays, photocopying, business cards, pamphlets, newsletters and more, stop by the Print Shop today!! Call 966-6976 for information.
The Print Shop has their own cool web site. Check it out!
The Students' Union maintains a number of paper recycling bins across campus. Do your part and recycle your paper. But, please, sort it first. Keep the white paper separate, and don't put garbage in the bins.
The Registries Wall is next to the Print Shop in Lower Place Riel. Check the wall out in your quest to find tutors, typists, babysitters, housing, and rides (there is a local car pool registry and a cross-Canada ride board!).
There are a lot of businesses in Saskatoon who offer special discounts to U of S students!! You can find a list in your Survival Calendar or come by the Students' Union office.
The Women's Centre is located in Room 115 in the Memorial Union Building. At the Centre you will find a library of resource materials, support, referral service, physicians list, a parents emergency contact program, and much more. The Centre acts as a liaison between different campus and community groups involved in the promotion of gender equality. Everyone is welcome -- drop in or call 966-6980.
WUSC provides a forum for students, faculty, and off-campus resource people to discuss international issues. In recent years, the focus has been on development education. As a service of the Students' Union, WUSC is committed to sponsoring speakers, discussions, and conferences with an international focus. Since 1980, WUSC together with the Students' Union, the University, and faculty has sponsored 18 refugee students. Drop by the WUSC office, Room 300, Kirk Hall for more information.
This page is maintained by the Communications and Programs Office of the University of Saskatchewan Students' Union. If you have questions or comments, contact
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