January 24, 1997
[Some topics under "CANOPUS Information" are incomplete. Please contact Webmaster for any missing or additional information]

HOT STUFF !!! ...

"MAGNETIC BUBBLE" from space!!

See the unparalled coverage of a Coronal Mass Ejection using ISTP, including CANOPUS, data.

This is the Canadian Space Agency's CANOPUS Project Main Directory

Where to go from here ...

[See also the University of Calgary's CANOPUS Page ]
What's new
A few Search Engines
CANOPUS Information Pages
CANOPUS-related Projects
Real time magnetometer data from the auroral zone !!!
CANOPUS and Other Key Parameter Data
Ordering CANOPUS Data
CSA's Space Science Group
STR Newsletters (July '96 now available).
CSA Space Science Documents, Lists, AOs, etc.
Other newsletters, documents, and science related links
Other CSA Projects/Pages
Other Space Agencies
Meetings Calendar
Images, animations, data, ...
Canadian Government links (labs, etc.)
Cool Canadian Site of the Day
Personal Home Pages

VMS Help

The very top

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