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UofS: Physics & Engineering Physics Faculty

University of Saskatchewan logo Physics and Engineering

Faculty Members

Asai, J. Adjunct Professor Nuclear Physics
Baillie, A.D. Adjunct Professor Medical Physics
Bergstrom, J.C. Professor Nuclear Physics
Caplan, H.S. Professor Nuclear Physics
Davis, G.R. Associate Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Gattinger, R.L. Adjunct Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Hirose, A. Professor Plasma Physics
Hussey, G. Assistant Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Katz, L. Professor Emeritus Nuclear Physics
Kendall, E. Adjunct Professor Biophysics
Kennedy, J.E. Professor Emeritus Medical Physics
Koehler, J.A. Professor Emeritus Space and Atmspheric Studies
Kolb, N.R. Assistant Professor Nuclear Physics
Koustov, A.V. Assistant Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Llewellyn, E.J. Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Manson, A.H. Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
McDade, I.C. Adjunct Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
McEwen, D.J. Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Montalbetti, R. Professor Emeritus Nuclear Physics
Norum, W.E. Adjunct Professor Nuclear Physics
Paulson, K.V. Professor Cybernetics and Geophysics
Pywell, R.E. Associate Professor Nuclear Physics
Rangacharyulu, C. Professor Subatomic Physics
Shin, Y.M. Professor Subatomic Physics
Skarsgard, H.M. Professor Emeritus Plasma Physics
Skopik, D.M. Professor Nuclear Physics
Smolyakov, A.I. Assistant Professor Plasma Physics
Sofko, G.J. Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Steele, D. Adjunct Professor Space and Atmospheric Studies
Steele, T.G. Associate Professor Subatomic Physics Theory
Tomusiak, E.L. Professor Nuclear Physics Theory
Xiao, C. Assistant Professor Plasma Physics

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Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
College of Arts and Science, University of Saskatchewan
116 Science Place, Saskatoon SK S7N 5E2 Canada Phone (306) 966-6393 Facsimile (306) 966-6400
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Please send any comments or problems to webmaster@physics.usask.ca

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