UCalgary Space Remote Sensing Open Data Platform

Institute for Space Research - ISIS-II Data Processing

ISIS-II Data Processing

Image processing during ISIS-II operations were done on a Digital PDP-8i computer. The PDP-8i had 8k of RAM and was booted by loading octal codes manually in binary using toggle switches on the front panel, then loading of the operating system and processing software was done using a paper tape reader. This tape was 1 inch wide and was punched with holes. Below is a picture of the data processing hardware.

Byron Block - ISR Photo Archives

ISIS II Ground Station Instruments at the University of Calgary

1.  DEI discriminator
        -for demultiplexing or separating the individual data TM channels from the main TM

2.  IRIG B - Time Code Translator and analogue tape seach and control unit.
        -for addition to, or retrieval from, data of Timing information.

3.  EMR tuneable discriminator - See #1

4.  HP 7-track AM/FM analogue type recorder - for data storage.

5.  PI 9-track on-line digital tape drives
        -for storage of digital data from the computer.

6.  NASA-36 time code reader - See #2.

7.  HP x-y on-line plotter
        -for graphical data output from the computer.

8.  Time code reader - See #2.

9.  DEI discriminator - See #1.

10.  On-line paper tape reader/punch
        -for computer data input/output.

11.  Computer interface including A/D and D/A converters.

12.  On-line DEC tape units - used mostly for computer software (program) storage/retrieval.

13.  On-line CRT Display - displays digital data stored in computer memory.

14.  Terminette - for manual interaction with the computer and to receive computer typed
           output (aka console terminal).

15.  Computer display interface.

16.  Basic PDP8/I computer - with 16K of 12bit RAM with EAE (extended arithmetic elements).

17.  Gould precision CRT display from which data was photographed.

18.  On-line versatec line-printer/plotter.

19.  On-line accoustical graf-pen unit for digitizing analogue graphical data.

The team that originally worked on the ISIS-II data, computer system and hardware were as follows
1.) Brian Wray    - Senior Electronics technician.
2.) Brian Leckie  - Electronics technician.
3.) Mavis Naylor  - Secretary and computer operator,wife of Dr. David Naylor. 
4.) Debbie Leyden - Secretary and computer operator.
5.) Byron Block   - Computer operator/programmer and darkroom technician.
6.) Numerous Graduate students ( Dr. M. Moshupi, Dr. Syed Ismail,
    Dr. Iann Robertson and others. Send e-mail if we have missed you 8-}).
The computer room was the site of many firsts:
1.) The first PDP-8i computer used in U of C research.
2.) The first place in Calgary using the Versatec printer/plotter.
3.) The first PDP-8i to use vacu-column tape drives in Calgary.The
    drives visible in the photograph were Pertec brand-name drives,
    and were replaced by the vacu-column drives. (Possibly made by
    a division of Xerox.)
4.) The first PDP-8i computer to drive a photo & image display system.

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Last Updated Jan. 27/97 - Greg Enno
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